LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. (A) A Labour/Management Liaison Committee shall consist of not more than seven (7) representatives of the Union, and not more than seven (7) representatives of the Employer, of which one (1) shall be a representative from the Educational Officers Committee and one (1) representative from the Board of School Trustees. Both parties shall inform the other in writing of their members on the committee. The committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties to this Agreement in the interest of maximum services to the public.
(B) Functions of the Committee The Committee shall concern itself with matters of the following general nature:
1. Formulating and implementing a program designed to ensure equal employment opportunity for all employees.
2. Reviewing all aspects of employment for evidence of differential treatment of employees and to recommend the necessary measures for eliminating such practices.
3. Considering constructive criticisms of all activities so that better relations shall exist between the Employer and the employee.
4. Increasing operating efficiency by promoting cooperation in effecting economic moves.
5. Improving service to the public.
6. Promoting safety and sanitary practices and the observance of safety rules.
7. Reviewing suggestions from employees, and Management questions or working conditions and service (but not grievances concerned with service).
8. Correcting conditions making for grievances and misunderstanding.
9. Promoting education and training of the staff.
(C) Chairperson of the Meetings An Employer and Union representative shall be designated as Joint Chairperson, and shall alternate in presiding over monthly meetings.
(D) Jurisdiction of the Committee The Committee shall not have jurisdiction over wages, or any other matter of collective bargaining, including the administration of this Agreement. The Committee shall not supersede the activities of any other Committee of the Union or the Employer, and does not have the power to bind either the Union or its members or the Employer to any decisions or conclusions reached in their discussions. The Committee shall have the power to make recommendations to the Union and the Employer with respect to its discussions and conclusions. The Employer agrees to provide the Committee with access to such personnel data and other documents as may be requested by it.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. The Board and the Occasional Teacher Local Bargaining Unit agree to meet once in each term of each school year or when the need arises, to discuss any concerns related to this Collective Agreement.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. Minutes shall be kept of each meeting and signed by the Joint Chairpersons as promptly as possible. The Employer shall take the minutes. Items from the previous agenda and minutes shall be dealt with before any new business will be considered.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. 20.01 During the term of the Collective Agreement the parties agree to establish a Labour Management Liaison Committee consisting of three (3) representatives of the Union and three (3) representatives of the Employer. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party and concern itself with matters, which are not the subject of the grievance procedure and negotiations.
20.02 A Job Description Committee consisting of three (3) representatives (including one representative from the Part-time Unit) of the Union and three (3) representatives of the Employer shall meet at the request of either party and concern itself with developing job descriptions. In addition, the Job Description Committee shall concern itself with developing new job descriptions when the duties in any classification are substantially changed or when a new classification is established during the term of the Collective Agreement and maintaining pay equity.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. (A) Composition of Committee A Labour/Management Liaison Committee shall consist of not more than seven (7) representatives of the Union, and not more than seven (7) representatives of the Employer, of which one (1) shall be a representative from the Educational Officers Committee and one (1) representative from the Board of Education. Both parties shall inform the other in writing of their members on the committee. The committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties to this Agreement in the interest of maximum services to the public.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. 11.1 Establishment of Committee
(a) A Labour Management Liaison Committee shall be established consisting of representatives of the Union and representatives of the Board.
(b) The Committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties in the interests of improved service to the public, and job security for the employees.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. 11.1 Establishment of Committee 11.2 Function of the Liaison Committee 11.3 Labour Management Liaison Committee 11.4 Jurisdiction of the Liaison Committee 13.1 Composition of Board of Arbitration 13.2 Failure to Appoint 13.3 Decisions of the Board 13.4 Single Arbitrator 13.5 Amending of Time Limits 13.6 Expenses of the Board 14.1 Notification 14.2 Warning 14.3 Suspension 14.4 Limitation 14.5 Failure to Grieve 14.6 Crossing of Picket Lines
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. 6.01 The Parties agree to participate in a Labour/Management Liaison Committee to discuss matters that are of concern to either Party which relate to the Bargaining Unit and Bargaining Unit members. It is understood that matters for discussion will not normally include, except with the mutual consent of the Parties, items that are being negotiated by the official Negotiating Committees or that are the subject matter of an active grievance. Matters for discussion could include, but are not limited to, concerns related to the Agreement, to the workplace environment and/or to changes in education policy which are being contemplated by the Employer.
6.02 The Committee will consist of up to three (3) Members of the Local and up to three (3) members of the Employer. While both Parties retain the right to name their representatives to the Committee, it is agreed and understood that the regular participants at meetings would normally be the President and Vice-Presidents (on behalf of the Local) and the members of the Executive Council and/or members of the Human Resources Services department (on behalf of the Employer) based on agenda items submitted. With the approval of both Parties, additional representatives may attend a meeting.
6.03 The Committee shall meet on a regular basis, normally every two (2) months, or at the call of either Party upon fifteen (15) school days' notice or as otherwise agreed.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. The Board and the OTBU agree to meet once in each term of each school year or when the need arises, to discuss any concerns related to this Collective Agreement.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE. The Employer the Labour Management Liaison Committee which shall consist of five representatives of the Union: the President, at least one Vice-President, Chief Xxxxxxx, one representative from the Regular Part-Time staff, and one appointed representative, and five representatives of the Employer consisting of the Chief Executive Officer, Head of Public Service, Head of Technical Support Services, Personnel Officer and one representative selected by Management. The Committee shall concern itself with the following general matters: Considering constructive criticisms of all activities so that better relations shall exist between the Employer and the employees. Improving and extending services to the public. Reviewing suggestions from employees, questions of working conditions, and service (but not grievances concerned with service).