LAY-OFF PROCEDURES a) Lay-off method for non-regular type 2 faculty members is by least total FTE service as defined in Article 1.05(i).
b) If a non-regular type 2 faculty member has been identified for lay-off and remaining faculty in the program/discipline do not have the necessary qualifications, experience and abilities to instruct the remaining courses or to perform the remaining services in the discipline or program, or the remaining non-regular type 2 faculty are not on the qualified faculty list for the remaining courses as set out in 3(c), the determination of the non-regular type 2 faculty member to be laid off shall recommence with the non-regular type 2 faculty member with the next to least FTE service as per Article
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Civil Service procedures relative to the layoff of employees are incorporated herein by reference.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Employees who receive notice of lay-off, shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority, within their Division and classification, provided the remaining employees have the requisite qualifications and the demonstrated ability to do the job.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Should the District institute a layoff of full-time faculty, the statutory guarantees contained in the Education Code as applicable to Community College Districts are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Should the District institute a layoff of full-time faculty, the statutory guarantees contained in the California Education Code as applicable to Community College Districts are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply. All faculty in the South Orange County Community College District are in one Faculty Service Area (F.S.A.). 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. In the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their seniority by job classification, provided that:
a) An employee about to be laid off may bump an employee with less seniority in the bargaining unit, if the employee possesses the position qualifications and meets the normal requirements of the work to be done within 5 days of work. Bumping rights shall follow bargaining unit seniority.
b) An employee who elects to use his/her seniority in (a) shall receive the rate of pay for the position in the classification that they secure.
c) An employee who is ultimately laid off will not continue to accrue seniority from the date of layoff.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Employees w ho receive notice of lay-off, shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority, within their Division and classification, provided the remaining employees have the requisite qualifications and the demonstrated ability to do the job.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. In the event of a lay-off as defined in this Agreement, the Employer shall identify the position/classification to be eliminated or reduced, and advise the affected employee(s) of their options pursuant to this provision, and subsequently affected employees shall also be advised of options.
Option 1: The affected employee can transfer into any position/classification held by an employee with less seniority provided they have the skill, ability, and competence to perform the necessary work. It is understood that any employee who chooses this option shall not be allowed to receive a promotion of going from part-time to full- time status.
Option 2: The employee can accept lay-off subject to recall rights for a period of twenty-four (24) months as provided for in the Collective Agreement. As a result of the lay-off procedure, there shall be no loss in rate of pay where an employee moves into a position in the same band from which they were laid off. Where an employee moves into a higher rated position, they shall be placed on the grid scale for that position, that which is closest to but not less than their current rate and shall begin to move through the grid from the day of transfer. Where an employee transfers or is rehired following a lay-off to a lower rated position, the employee shall be red-circled and remain at their current rate or rate being paid at time of lay-off for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months at which time, they will revert to the proper wage band for the position they are transferring to after returning from layoff. Placement in the proper wage band shall be a position on the grid that produces the minimum reduction from the current rate or rate being paid at the time of layoff. Upon receipt of a notice of lay-off and advice of options, an employee shall be afforded five (5) working days in which to advise the Employer of their decision.
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. Teachers under consideration in the discipline categories must be teaching in that category and certified in that discipline category.
A. Teachers laid off under normal circumstances shall be notified in writing no later than May 15, but in no event later than the last day of school of the school year preceding the school year in which the reduction is to be effected.
B. Teachers laid off under this Article will be recalled in the reverse order of their lay-off within their discipline during the period of two years from the effective date of their lay-off if they so indicate in writing to the Superintendent.
C. A Teacher laid-off and on recall will be given priority for an open position within another discipline providing that Teacher is certified in the area and has taught said discipline within the past ten years. Said employee shall be required to take two (2) three (3) credit courses in the discipline area in which they will be teaching within the first calendar year of their assignment to the discipline.
D. Teachers laid off under this Article shall be given priority on the substitute list during said recall period if they so indicate in writing.
E. Teachers on leave pursuant to this lay-off policy may continue group health and life insurance coverage during said recall period as provided above. Failure to forward full premium payments to the Town Treasurer shall terminate this option.
F. Teachers serving a recall period shall be notified by the Superintendent by registered mail to the last known address of the employee concerning any open positions in the system which they may be qualified to fill. Failure to accept an offer of employment for any such position will terminate this requirement.
G. Teachers rehired after the lay-off under this paragraph shall be at the salary of the next step on the appropriate degree column of the in-force salary schedule from the step at the time of lay-off. They would retain their seniority status and fringe benefits accumulated as of the date of lay-off.
X. Xx avail himself/herself of recall rights, a laid-off Teacher shall respond in person or by registered mail, within ten (10) days from the date that the Superintendent's office mailed the notification to the Teacher, that they are willing to accept the recall. If they fail to accept within ten (10) days, they shall be dropped from the recall role.
I. A teacher who has been laid off shall be responsible for informing the Superintendent's office and the office of t...
LAY-OFF PROCEDURES. In the event of a lay-off as defined in this Agreement, the Employer shall identify the position/classification to be eliminated or reduced, and advise the affected employee(s) of their options pursuant to this provision, and subsequently affected employees shall also be advised of options.
Option 1: The affected employee can transfer into any position/classification held by an employee with less seniority provided they have the skill, ability, and competence to perform the necessary work.
Option 2: The employee can accept lay-off subject to recall rights for a period of thirty-six (36) months as provided for in the Collective Agreement.