Main report Sample Clauses
Main report. 4.1 The SLA is the legal agreement between the Council and CCP and has been updated to reflect changes in the legal landscape since 2018.
4.2 The SLA contains, in a number of schedules (sch), the strategic goals (sch. 1), a set of agreed services (sch. 2), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (sch. 3), and reporting requirements (sch. 4). These are included in Appendix 1 for approval from Committee.
4.3 Progress against these is reported to the Council on a quarterly basis and annually to Committee.
4.4 The strategic goals have been updated to reflect the Council’s current business plan and economy strategy.
4.5 These include establishing that, in addition to the core service priorities around employment support, enabling a just transition to a net zero economy through supporting the creation of green jobs and training in green skills is key to the services. CCP have created training via their Vocational Training Framework, which is aimed at green jobs and are in continuous contact with employers to understand what up- and reskilling requirements will be required to support the just transition.
4.6 The services remain largely unchanged, and there is still a focus on CCP supporting the Council and the Local Employability Partnership in developing and delivering Edinburgh’s Strategic Skills Pipeline and the Edinburgh Guarantee, as well as providing performance management services for those employability services contracted by the Council.
4.7 Following feedback from elected members on the SLA Update report for 2022/23, some of the KPIs have been increased. These are:
Main report. 4.1 The specifications for both Frameworks are similar, so a decision has been taken to combine them, taking the opportunity to mitigate the same risks and to improve other aspects of the tender (including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Community Benefits), whilst ensuring the tender remains accessible to micro- enterprises. This means that the approach to assessing and evaluating quality has been reviewed.
4.2 The current Frameworks are managed by the Travel Hub and naturally align in terms of customers, Council priorities, legislative requirements and risk, and the wider supply market.
4.3 The approach to create a single Framework is also intended to support the need for the new Framework to be in place by the end of summer 2024, to align with the new school session and to ensure that the statutory provision is allocated.
4.4 The scope of the new Passenger Transport Framework will allow greater market engagement and should increase available capacity, resulting in efficiency savings and the potential to minimise cost increases by both increasing competition and managing demand for these services, such as by promotion of and support to uptake the free bus pass scheme.
4.5 The new Passenger Transport Framework also takes into consideration changes in usage levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Ukraine conflict, the potential to challenge demand and deliver savings via promotion of the free bus pass scheme, and also places appropriate emphasis on environmental factors (such as the introduction of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and the Edinburgh 2030 Climate Strategy as well as carbon measures) detailed in the specifications.
4.6 However, incorporating the current Frameworks into one strategic approach and procurement resource issues has resulted in unavoidable delays to the procurement timeline.
4.7 Commercial and Procurement Services (CPS) published a Contract Notice on 26 March 2024 with returns due on 29 April 2024. This seeks tenders for the following Lots:
4.7.1 Lot 1 - Vehicle and Driver – Unescorted;
4.7.2 Lot 2 - Vehicle, Regular Driver and Regular Passenger Assistant including option for Out of Authority Routes;
4.7.3 Lot 3 – Unescorted Passenger Transport; and
4.7.4 Lot 4 - Coach Excursions and Associated Services Vehicle and Regular Driver – Unescorted (including option for Out of Authority Routes).
4.8 A cost/quality ratio of 60% Quality : 40% Price has been applied to each Lot to ensure that high quality suppliers are appointed, as well a...
Main report. 4.1 In August 2021, the Council published a Prior Information Notice on Public Contracts Scotland with a view to alerting the market to this requirement.
4.2 On 15 December 2021, the Council published an open tender in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) 2015 Regulations. A cost quality ratio of 40% price, 60% quality was applied.
4.3 The quality analysis was based on weighted award criteria questions, which were scored using a 0 to 10 matrix. Tender submissions were evaluated by officers the Council’s Housing service, placing an emphasis on quality, as well as price.
4.4 The tender results, combining the quality scores and the price evaluation to derive an overall score for each bidder out of a maximum of 100%, are:
Main report. 4.1 The framework agreement encompasses the provision of Plant vehicles with operators utilised to assist ERS with completing their statutory duties where additional vehicles and operators are required. The framework also includes for on- call gritters in cases of extreme weather.
4.2 The framework contains 7 lots: Lot 1 - Road Planers Lot 2 - Road Sweepers Lot 3 - Road Lorries Lot 4 - Xxxxxxx Vehicles Lot 5 - Hi-Ab Cranes Lot 6 - Lowloaders Lot 7 - Road Finishers
4.3 The Lotting structure was agreed to align with the service redesign with regard to ongoing and future works and ensuring continuity of supply, therefore Lot 1 and Lot 3 are awarded to 3 suppliers, and is awarded per item. Lot 2, Lot 5, Lot 6 and Lot 7 are awarded to 5 suppliers and Lot 4 a single supplier due to the nature of on-call payments.
4.4 Each Lot contains comprehensive information on how suppliers will deal with breakdowns, repairs and replacements along with robust KPIs to reduce impacts upon ongoing Council operations.
4.5 Commercial and Procurement Services (CPS), in conjunction with ERS undertook a full OJEU tender exercise. On 17 January 2019, the Council published a Contract Notice under an Open Procedure, as set out in the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, with a deadline of 19 February 2019.
4.6 The procurement procedure allowed the Council to identify suitable tenders in terms of compliance with the procurement regulations and the service specific criteria. To identify suppliers offering Best Value the tender evaluation included an emphasis on quality as well as price, and submissions were assessed on the most economically advantageous tender. The cost: quality ratio was set to reflect the need for a quality service at the most economical price. All lots were weighted 40% quality and 60% price. An overall minimum quality threshold of 30% (12 out of 40) was applied. The scores and ranking of recommended suppliers are detailed at appendix two.
4.7 A total of 30 suppliers registered interest in the Contract Notice, with tenders received from 15 suppliers.
4.8 Lot 1 received 7 submissions, Lot 2 received 7, Lot 3 received 6, Lot 4 received 3, Lot 5 received 4, Lot 6 received 8 and Lot 7 received 4 submissions. One supplier tendering for Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 6 and Lot 7 went in to liquidation, whilst a further supplier on Lot 3 was deemed as non-compliant, another supplier failed the quality on Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4. Therefore, based upon the quality: cos...
Main report. 3.1 To facilitate the delivery of BEMS upgrades to schools during the 2017 school summer holidays, this report seeks delegated authority to appoint suppliers to a framework agreement. This will allow the Council to progress the tender process in advance of the next Finance and Resources Committee cycle.
3.2 In consultation with Commercial and Procurement Services, it is intended that a contract notice will be placed for the BEMS Framework Agreement on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal during March 2017.
3.3 A cost/quality ratio of 60/40 will be applied in the evaluation. This is in recognition of the need to deliver both value for money and a quality service. Key quality factors for consideration will include the ability of tenderers to effectively project manage works and deliver BEMS installations to a high standard and in line with the Council’s BEMS specification.
3.4 Organisations noting interest in tendering will be able to download the tender documentation which will be attached to the notice.
3.5 Tenders will be evaluated individually by an evaluation panel consisting of a minimum of three members. On completion of the individual qualitative evaluation, a moderation meeting will be held by the Commercial and Procurement Services Lead, and attended by the members of the evaluation panel. Individual scores will be reviewed and debated and a consensus score will be reached for each Tender. The consensus score and justification for the decision will be recorded.
3.6 The Council will apply a two stage evaluation process to all tenders received:
3.6.1 Stage 1 (Selection Criteria & Exclusion grounds) - The aim of the stage 1 evaluation is to allow the Council to identify suitable Tenderers in terms of compliance with the procurement regulations and the minimum contract specific standards set.
3.7 Only Tenderers who demonstrate suitability in those terms will be taken forward and evaluated in accordance with stage 2.
3.7.1 Stage 2 (Award Criteria) - The aim of the stage 2 evaluation is to select the tenders which represent the best overall value for money. This evaluation will include an emphasis on quality as well as price.
3.8 The quality analysis will be based on the answers provided in response to the weighted Award Criteria Questions and will be scored as per the published scoring matrix. The 40% quality ratio will be applied to the weighted quality score.
3.9 Following completion of the quality analysis, Tenders will be subject to a cost analysis....
Main report. 3.1 The DfC has written to the council requesting that a revised version of the SLA be endorsed by the council.
3.2 The SLA includes the changes made to the Affordable Warmth Scheme (AWS) for 2016-2017 previously brought to members including: Reduction in funding for the councils
3.3 The funding has been reduced from £153,000 in 2015/16 to a new annual figure of £92,000. Quarter 1 of 2016/17 will be at the same rate as quarter 1 of 2015/16 (i.e. £38,250) to allow transition and subsequently £23,000 per quarter for the remainder of the year. Council’s will receive a total of £107,250 for 2016/17. Reduction in the targets 3.4 The target for completed surveys has also been reduced from 1000 per year to 552 (46 per month). Confirming ratio of targeted referrals and self-referrals.
Main report. 4.1 Definition
Main report. 2.1 The Council’s Commercial Procurement Unit, in conjunction with Services for Communities undertook a full OJEU tender exercise by placing an OJEU Contract Notice on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal on 10 May 2013 under Part A, Category 16 - Sewage and refuse disposal services; sanitation and similar services. Organisations noting interest were able to download the tender documentation attached to the contract notice.
2.2 Tenderers were invited to bid to be appointed to the Framework Agreement to service one or both of the following two Lots: