POSITION SHARING. Position-sharing shall refer to an option available to pairs of teachers to share one full- time position.
1. Position-sharing opportunities shall be granted pursuant to the teachers’ seniority, i.e., the total years of seniority in the partnership.
2. The total number of position-sharing teachers shall not exceed ten (10) teachers, i.e., five (5) pairs per year. In no event will there be more than one (1) position sharing arrangement at any grade level in any K-3 elementary building. At the 4- 5 elementary building there will be no more than three (3) position sharing arrangements with no more than one (1) per grade level/specials/special education unless the administrator determines the master schedule can accommodate an exception.
3. Initial applications for position-sharing teachers must be submitted not later than February 1st. Teachers who wish to reapply for the following year must submit their applications by March 1st. Each teacher shall assume the responsibility for finding his/her position-sharing partner but may request assistance from the Director of Human Resources’ Office in finding a position-sharing partner. No teacher shall be required to position-share.
4. On or before April 1st the position sharing teams must submit for approval to the building principal a Position Sharing Plan (“Plan”) which must address the following elements:
a. A full description of the teaching techniques, methods, and grading practices to be employed by the team;
b. How the team will communicate with one another to ensure information learned during school meetings or during the work day is timely shared;
c. How the position sharing teachers will handle parent or third-party communications and ensure both teachers are fully up to date on all issues and concerns regarding their students;
d. How the teachers will effectively communicate during the course of the work day, work week and school year to ensure seamless communication between the teachers; and
e. How the teachers will divide up instruction and planning time.
5. Each teacher shall acquire one-year seniority for each year of position-sharing work providing each teacher works a minimum of 120 days per year or is scheduled to work two and one-half (2 ½) days per week. For example, a Kindergarten teacher with a fifty percent (50%) contract would be required to perform two and one-half (2 ½) days of instruction per week.
6. Position-sharing teachers shall receive a pro-rata share of all salary and benefits as co...
POSITION SHARING. (a) The Board shall provide a “Position Sharing” program in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in this Article.
(b) For the purpose of this Article, “Position Sharing” shall mean two bargaining unit Members sharing a position.
POSITION SHARING. 54.01 Position sharing denotes an arrangement whereby two (2) teachers share the duties and responsibilities of one (1) teaching position.
54.02 Any full-time tenured teacher in the employ of the School Board may apply to participate in a position sharing arrangement for a period of one (1) year.
54.03 Written application must be made to the School Board on or before April 1 of the school year prior to the school year in which the position sharing is to occur.
54.04 Teachers whose applications for position sharing are approved by the School Board shall return to their full-time position at the expiry of the school year for which the sharing arrangement has been established unless:
(i) the parties involved agreed that it continue, or
(ii) the full-time teacher retires, is declared redundant, or has his/her contract terminated in accordance with Article 48.
54.05 Teachers who have been declared redundant, and who are unable to be reassigned in accordance with Article 47, shall have preference, subject to capability, to shared positions made possible by approved applications of full-time tenured teachers.
POSITION SHARING. 13.10.1 Position Sharing is defined as two certified and qualified Unit II employees sharing a full-time position on a half time basis.
13.10.2 Each position sharing arrangement shall be established only by mutual agreement of the two job sharers and approval of appropriate immediate supervisor(s). Each arrangement shall be for one year and not considered renewable without the agreement of the two job sharers and approval of the appropriate immediate supervisor(s).
13.10.3 The schedules of the job sharers will be developed by the job sharers and the immediate supervisor.
13.10.4 The Employer shall not be required to provide additional desk space, post office boxes, etc. for the job sharers.
13.10.5 Both job sharers shall attend all required meetings and appropriate parent conferences regardless of their respective daily schedules.
13.10.6 The agreement to share a job does not preclude a Unit II employee from employment as a substitute teacher in the District. When working as a substitute, the Unit II employee will be paid at the regular daily rate for a substitute teacher.
13.10.7 Any full time opening created by Unit II employees moving to a job-sharing situation shall be considered a vacancy.
13.10.8 Full insurance coverage will be available to position sharers. The cost to the Employer for both position sharers coverage will not exceed the cost of a single-family package.
13.10.9 Sick leave and personal days will accumulate at one-half rate.
13.10.10 Each job sharer shall be classified as a part time Federation member.
13.10.11 Seniority will accrue according to Article 10.1.3.
13.10.12 In terms of any business between the Federation and Employer, "workdays" for the job sharers will mean district workdays.
13.10.13 In the event that one of the job sharers leaves during the school year, the resulting half-time opening shall not be considered a vacancy but shall be filled on a temporary basis until the end of the school year, at which time the situation shall be reevaluated. (This section does not apply to those positions covered by the Michigan Teacher Tenure Act.)
POSITION SHARING. The Board shall provide a “Position Sharing” program in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in this Article.
POSITION SHARING. Section 1. Teachers may volunteer and the School District may, in its sole discretion, agree that two or more Teachers may share a position.
Section 2. Teachers sharing a position shall be entitled to the leave benefits of Article VIII on a pro rata basis.
Section 3. Salaries for Teachers sharing positions shall be prorated to reflect the fraction of the position shared. Increments and lane changes for Teachers sharing a position shall be administered as if such Teachers were teaching full time and shall be appropriately prorated for time worked.
Section 4. Teachers who volunteer and are accepted for position sharing shall accrue seniority under Article XVIII if the teaching assignment is the equivalent of a half time position.
Section 5. Teachers who formerly taught full time and are eligible for protection under the reduction in staff article (Article XVIII) shall be entitled to revert to full time status in any future school year, (unless, pursuant to Article XVIII, this would result in the layoff of a more senior qualified Teacher), by giving written notice of this intention to the Personnel Director by February 1st prior to the school year of the intended return.
POSITION SHARING. A. Position sharing is a procedure whereby two (2) employees other than substitutes share a position. Employees desiring to share a position must submit such request to the superintendent, or designee, no later than May 1 of each school year. The District shall determine, by May 15, whether or not to honor the request. It is the intent of the parties to conscientiously work towards solving problems of position sharing. Reasons for denial will be given upon request.
X. Xxxxx to entry into the position share, employees and supervisors will develop, in writing, an agreement on such issues as prep time, conferencing, and reporting responsibilities, early release days, attendance at required meetings, coverage of class during one teacher’s absence and arrangements which shall insure intra-team communication necessary to support the total program.
C. If the position sharing dissolves because one (1) of the employees moves to a full-time position, or resigns, goes on a leave of absence, etc., the District may, at its discretion, either transfer the remaining employee or assign the remaining employee into the position on a full- time basis.
D. The two (2) employees will work with the building principal/program supervisor to establish the working relationship between the parties involved within the following parameters:
1. Only two (2) employees may share a position.
2. Each employee will be issued a standard contract with a salary proportionately based on their salary schedule position for the amount of time to be shared (i.e., half-time = half salary).
3. Each employee will receive their proportional fringe benefit amount.
4. The employees may substitute for each other at the normal substitute pay rate, or by changing the work hour pattern with the principal/supervisor’s approval.
5. Seniority will accrue according to the length of the employee’s contract (i.e., half-time = one-half year seniority).
6. Employees will advance on the salary schedule the same as any other part-time employee.
7. Employees may establish their work schedule with approval of their principal/supervisor.
8. Requests to move back into a full-time job will be made under the Assignment and Transfer procedure contained in this Agreement.
9. Employees wishing to continue sharing a position should so inform the District by May 1.
POSITION SHARING. The Board may allow Teachers to be employed in a position sharing agreement. For any benefits provided under Article 24 of this agreement to Teachers who are involved in this position sharing plan, the Board will pay fifty percent (50%) of the premium for each Teacher. The best interests of education will be considered in the administration of this Article. The final approval of position sharing situations shall be at the sole discretion of the Board.
POSITION SHARING. 13.1 There is a requirement to position share, of eight (8) weeks on site and eight (8) weeks off site, one FMT position and one EMT position at LSS-C and LSS-F. The mandatory position share will not interfere with the Company’s mandate to have an FMT (Diesel Mechanic) and an FMT (Electrician) on an eight (8) and four (4) rotation.
POSITION SHARING. 13.8.1 Position sharing is defined as two assistants or qualified Unit members sharing in a full-time position on a half-time basis or during the mandatory summer program, dividing the summer assignment into two equal consecutive segments. Each position sharing arrangement shall be established only by mutual agreement of the two job sharers and approval of appropriate immediate supervisor(s). Each arrangement shall be for one year and not considered renewable without the agreement of the two job sharers and approval of the appropriate immediate supervisor.
13.8.2 The schedules of the job sharers will be developed by the job sharers and their immediate supervisor.
13.8.3 The Board shall not be required to provide additional desk space, post office boxes, etc. for the job sharers.
13.8.4 Both job sharers shall attend all required meetings or the individual may request an exemption from his/her supervisor and shall make arrangements to get the information presented at the meeting. The agreement to share a job does not preclude a Unit member from employment as a substitute assistant in the District. When working as a substitute, the Unit member will be paid at the regular daily rate for a substitute assistant.
13.8.5 Any full-time opening created by Unit I members moving to a job-sharing situation shall be considered an opening.