Professional Enrichment Sample Clauses
Professional Enrichment. The College and the AAUP agree that they have a mutual interest in having faculty members participate in personal and professional development activities, including, but not limited to, attending classes or pursuing advanced degrees, attending professional conferences, participating in both internal and external training opportunities, or undertaking continuing education for purposes of maintaining accreditation or licensure. Faculty members recognize that their primary commitment is to their students, their academic divisions, and the College as a whole. In the scheduling of classes and other assignments, the administration shall endeavor to accommodate such faculty development activities to the extent that is reasonably possible.
Professional Enrichment. Employees represented by ASSOCIATION are eligible to participate in the City’s Professional Enrichment Program. To qualify as a reimbursable expense, the employee must demonstrate a link to their current job or career path. Requests for professional enrichment reimbursement must be approved by the employee’s supervisor, prior to any expenses being incurred, under the following terms: • Relevant training needs/requests are identified in performance goals • Training to improve current skills or help in career advancement • Employee shall, upon request, report out/follow-up after training The annual Professional Enrichment Fund allotment for ASSOCIATION employees is $71,950. An employee is eligible to receive up to $2,000 per fiscal year for professional enrichment. Funds may be used at any time during the fiscal year. Fiscal year reimbursements under the City's "Professional Enrichment" will be closed the second Thursday in June. Employees may request reimbursement for professional enrichment expenses in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 132, or any other applicable state and federal law. Employees must receive approval from their Appointing Authority and the City Manager’s designee before funds may be claimed for reimbursement. Reimbursements are on a first come, first serve basis until the funds have been exhausted. ASSOCIATION and City may, by mutual agreement, use up to one-half of these funds for agreed upon classroom training, organization development, or team building.
Professional Enrichment. The Executive shall be granted up to ten (10) days during each twelve-month period of employment under this Agreement for the purpose of professional enrichment. Such shall include attendance as a guest and speaker at seminars and symposiums, and providing consulting and advice to private entities not in competition with the Company. The Executive shall provide the Company reasonable notice prior to the Executive’s utilization of a professional enrichment day. Executive shall be responsible for any expenses related to his professional enrichment activities, excluding professional enrichment activities with respect to Company related training or education. The Executive shall not be entitled to receive any compensation in lieu of such days, whether or not used during the applicable period. The Executive shall not be entitled to carryover any professional enrichment days from year to year. Upon the Board’s reasonable request, Executive shall provide the Board proof of any attendance at professional enrichment activities or functions.
Professional Enrichment. 1. The Board and the Association take seriously the need for professional enrichment programs. With this in mind, in-services shall be planned by and funded by the Board with the program topic(s) announced early enough to permit professionals to prepare for meaningful participation. All participants in the program shall be given the opportunity to evaluate the educational merits of the program(s). The result of the evaluation shall be considered in future planning.
2. There may be four (4) start-of-school delay days during the course of each school year for purposes of in-service teacher collaboration in the district. One day's activities would be planned by the building administrators, one by the district continuous improvement committee, one by teachers, and one by a grade/department level group of employees. For purposes of this provision, teacher collaboration activity topics may include but are not limited to the following:
a. schedules for team teaching;
b. develop intervention goals and procedures;
c. analyze proficiency data to use for the improvement of student proficiency scores;
d. develop integrated units to meet proficiency outcomes;
e. brainstorm ways to improve instruction;
f. mentoring (team teaching);
g. continuous improvement subcommittees;
h. scheduling;
i. update/coordinate special education meetings;
j. any other activity deemed appropriate.
3. A Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) for district employees shall be established in accordance with Article XVII. The annual stipend for the bargaining unit members serving on the LPDC shall be five hundred twenty-five dollars ($525.00).
Professional Enrichment. Employees represented by Local 2180 are eligible to participate in the City’ s Professional Enrichment Program. To qualify as a reimbursable expense, the employee must demonstrate a nexus to their current job or career path. The supervisor and employee will endeavor to identify training needs/requests in the employee’s performance goals. However, identification in the employee’s performance goals shall not be a pre-requisite for approval of Professional Enrichment. Requests for professional enrichment must be approved by their immediate supervisor, designated training officer, Fire Chief or his designee (designated Deputy Chief), and HR director or their designee, prior to any expense being incurred, and under the following terms: • The training is to improve current skills or help in career advancement; and • The Employee is to report out/follow-up after the training, as requested by their Supervisor. Prior to the training, the employee and supervisor shall meet and discuss if and how the employee will report out/follow-up. If the employee and supervisor do not agree on how to report out, their Battalion Chief shall decide and such decision shall be final. Types of reporting out/follow-up may include, but are not limited to, writing a “white paper” on the subject or subjects taught, presenting a presentation to their crew; or discussing the course with their supervisor. The Professional Enrichment Fund allotment for Local 2180 is $59,000 each fiscal year. Employees are eligible to receive up to $1,000 per fiscal year for Professional Enrichment. Funds may be used at any time during the fiscal year. Fiscal year reimbursement under the City’ s Professional Enrichment Plan will be closed the second Thursday in June. Employees may request professional enrichment expenses in accordance with state and federal law. Reimbursements are on a first come, first serve basis until the annual allotment of funds has been exhausted. On April 1 of each fiscal year employees may receive up to an additional $1,000 (total $2,000) in professional enrichment less any amounts already received during the fiscal year if any funds are available. The aforementioned increase shall not be used to reimburse employees for professional enrichment that exceeded the $1,000 limit set forth above prior to April 1 of said fiscal year. Eligible Professional Enrichment shall be determined by mutual agreement and placed on an authorized list. If there is any disagreement, the final decision shal...
Professional Enrichment. This Article left blank.
Professional Enrichment. Supervisors who are members of work-related professional organizations or subscribe to periodicals related to their field may request that the costs attached to these be reimbursed by the Department. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied.
Professional Enrichment. Employees represented by SEIU\CVEA are eligible to participate in the City’s Professional Enrichment Program. To qualify as a reimbursable expense, the employee must demonstrate a link to their current job or career path. Requests for professional enrichment reimbursement must be approved by the employee’s supervisor, prior to any expenses being incurred, under the following terms: • Relevant training needs/requests are identified in performance goals • Training to improve current skills or help in career advancement • Employee shall, upon request, report out/follow-up after training The annual Professional Enrichment Fund allotment for SEIU\CVEA employees is $71,950. An employee is eligible to receive up to $1,000 per fiscal year for professional enrichment. Funds may be used at any time during the fiscal year. Fiscal year reimbursements under the City's "Professional Enrichment" will be closed the second Thursday in June. Employees may request reimbursement for professional enrichment expenses in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 132, or any other applicable state and federal law. Employees who do not exhaust the eligible annual allotment shall be eligible to carry over eligibility up to $2,000 over a maximum of two (2) consecutive fiscal years. Employees must receive approval from their Appointing Authority and the City Manager’s designee before funds may be claimed for reimbursement. Reimbursements are on a first come, first serve basis until the funds have been exhausted. SEIU\CVEA and City may, by mutual agreement, use up to one-half of these funds for agreed upon classroom training, organization development, or team building.
Professional Enrichment. Upon application and approval by the Superintendent or designee, in-service days for professional leave will be provided to members of the bargaining unit to attend workshops and/or seminars directly related to their specific job classifications. Professional Development for clerical/office staff requirements: minimum requirements five points per school year in an area related to job description. Completed documentation of proof of attendance shall be submitted to building principal and forwarded to Central Office for records keeping (PENDING FUNDING). 1 HOUR = 1 POINT
Professional Enrichment a. A tenured teacher in the Jamestown School System may be granted upon request for reasons of professional study, travel, or research a leave up to one
(1) year without salary, benefits, or increment. Such leave may be extended up to (1) year without salary, benefits, or increment, provided the School Committee decides that such an extension would be in the best interests of the School Department.
b. A tenured teacher may be granted a leave of absence without salary, benefits, or increment for reasons of teaching in an accredited college or university or for international school experience up to a one (1) year period. This leave may be extended by the School Committee for one additional year if it concludes that such an extension would be in the best interests of the School Department.