Promotion Criteria. To be considered for promotion, a faculty member shall be tenured or holding a tenure earning appointment and be able to demonstrate excellence in at least one of the three areas of: l) teaching; 2) research, scholarship, and/or creative endeavor; 3) community, professional, and/or University service with accomplishment in the remaining two. Faculty are not expected to achieve excellence in each of the three areas, but they should be able to demonstrate professional accomplishments in all three. Faculty members shall select a primary basis for promotion from among teaching; research, and/or creative endeavor; and community, professional, and/or University service. It should be emphasized that the following criteria are broad and conceptual in nature and define a number of areas in which contributions to teaching, scholarship, and service may be made.
Promotion Criteria a) The focus of a promotion decision to Senior Teaching Professor is on career accomplishments. To become a Senior Teaching Professor at the University, the candidate must combine i. an established record of excellent Teaching
Promotion Criteria. Academic Standards Principles
1. Judgments on permanent appointment, continuation and promotion are made by committees of academic peers through a process designed to enable fair and consistent application of standards and shall reflect expectations appropriate to the particular terms of employment of the individual.
2. Normally there are three broad areas of contribution which are considered in assessments for appointment, continuation, promotion, or academic performance reviews:
(i) Contributions to teaching (experience and achievement in teaching);
(ii) Contributions to research and/or scholarship and/or artistic activity or professional activity.
(iii) Contributions to the University in institutional planning, governance, leadership and operations and/or to the discipline and/or the community. In the case of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, contributions to clinical practice will form a fourth broad area, where relevant.
3. The criteria for performance in relation to the areas of contribution in clause 2 of Schedule 1 shall:
(i) be consistent with the qualitative and quantitative norms that apply for their discipline in peer universities, and be applied using evaluative judgment of peers in the relevant academic discipline;
(ii) reflect the diversity of academic roles, responsibilities and contributions within their academic unit and to the University;
(iii) reflect the University's statutory obligations under the Education Act 1989 in relation to research-informed teaching, academic freedom and the critic and conscience of society;
(iv) address the University's equity and Treaty of Waitangi obligations;
(v) recognise the public good responsibilities of academics, relevant to their discipline; and
(vi) not include individual performance in the PBRF
4. To be appointed to or continued in an academic grade, the staff member must, on objective evidence, demonstrate achievement or ability of a kind appropriate to the grade to which they are seeking appointment or continuation.
5. Promotion of academic staff is designed to recognise and reward sustained performance. To be promoted, staff members must, on objective evidence, be able to perform at an advanced level at their current grade and demonstrate achievement or ability of a kind appropriate to the grade to which they are seeking promotion. Newly appointed staff whose case for promotion rests in part on teaching must have been employed and their performance evaluated for at least four teachin...
Promotion Criteria. All ranks within the Department of Fire, with the exception of the Director of Fire, Deputy Director of Fire and Assistant Chief positions shall be classified. All promotional candidates to be tested will come from classified positions within the Dayton Fire Department. Such promotional vacancies shall be filled from an eligible list established by fair and objective promotional examinations. Promotions shall occur in the following order: Firefighter to Lieutenant, Lieutenant to Captain, and Captain to District Chief, Firefighter with Paramedic certification or Paramedic to Senior Paramedic. To be eligible for the Lieutenant's or Senior Paramedic's promotional examination, the candidate must have at least five (5) years of accredited service in the Dayton Fire Department in the next lower rank that is eligible for promotion to either position. An applicant must have at least two (2) years of service in the next lower eligible rank and meet all other promotional criteria on the examination posting date for each successive rank. Promotional eligible lists shall be for two (2) years from the certification date of the eligible list. A new certified eligible list will be available within three (3) months of the expiration of the old eligible list unless an extension is mutually agreed upon by Civil Service and the Union. The Union agrees to continue the existing extension for the posting of a certified eligible list for promotion into the rank of Senior Paramedic. This extension shall continue for a period of six (6) months from the date that Management notifies the Union of a scheduled promotional exam for the Senior Paramedic rank. Management will maintain a standing list of study materials from which promotional examinations will be drawn. There shall be no new commercially available texts added to this list within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to any examination posting date. Management will post the final list of publications and parts of publications for study not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to an examination posting date. This final list of study material may contain material from no more than six (6) commercially available textbooks, in addition to material from internally produced publications of Management. The physical posting of the exam announcement will be not less than thirty (30) calendar days before the first date of the beginning of the examination. Civil Service will allow for a review and protest process. Duri...
Promotion Criteria a) The focus of a promotion decision to Professor is on career accomplishments. To become a Professor at UOIT the candidate must either:
i. combine an established record of excellent Research with an established record of continuing high quality Teaching and satisfactory Service or;
ii. combine an established record of continuing high quality Research with an established record of excellent Teaching and satisfactory Service.
b) In assessing Research and Teaching, the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall take into account the amount of Service.
Promotion Criteria. (1) The criteria for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor are the same as the criteria for tenure and are contained in Article 19
Promotion Criteria. 11.5.1 Whenever a Unit Member has expressed interest in a promotional bargaining unit position by way of submitting an application and supplemental materials via the EDJOIN system, said Unit Member will be eligible for consideration based on the following:
a. Possession of the minimum qualifications required on the job description for the specific position to which the promotion is sought;
b. All requested application materials have been submitted by the deadline established in the job posting.
c. Previous two (2) written evaluations for Unit Members rated as “Making Satisfactory Progress Towards Standard” or above.
d. Employee attendance history is not in a dock status that reflects a pattern of abuse, as set forth in Article 9, Subsection 9.4.5, for the past two (2) consecutive fiscal years. Approved Leaves of Absences will not disqualify promotional applicants; and
e. Employee has not been subject to final disciplinary action or served with dismissal charges within thirty (30) working days of application deadline.
11.5.2 When a Unit Member has applied for a promotion and was not selected to fill the vacancy, the Unit Member may request to meet with a Human Resources designee to review the Unit Member’s qualifications, potential methods of skills improvement and to discuss the reason(s) the Unit Member was not selected for the promotion. The designee shall not disclose confidential information by individual panel members or of other candidates.
Promotion Criteria. 11.5.1 Whenever a Unit Member has expressed interest in a promotional bargaining unit position by way of submitting an application and supplemental materials via the EDJOIN system, said Unit Member will be eligible for consideration based on the following:
a. Possession of the minimum qualifications required on the job description for the specific position to which the promotion is sought;
b. All requested application materials have been submitted by the deadline established in the job posting.
c. Previous two (2) years’ written evaluations for permanent employees or up to three (3) written evaluations for probationary employees are rated as “Making Satisfactory Progress Towards Standard” or above.
i. If a Bargaining Unit Member receives one (1) “Needs Improvement to Meet Standard” in a performance area, but demonstrates satisfactory performance after successful completion of an improvement plan, which includes a subsequent evaluation with all ratings at “Making Satisfactory Progress Towards Standard” or above, the Unit Member may be eligible for promotional opportunities after one (1) year from the initial “Needs Improvement to Meet Standard” rating.
d. Employee attendance history is not in a dock status that reflects a pattern of abuse, as set forth in Article 9, Subsection 9.4.5, for the past two (2) consecutive fiscal years. Approved Leaves of Absences will not disqualify promotional applicants; and
e. Employee has not been subject to final disciplinary action or served with dismissal charges within thirty (30) working days of application deadline.
11.5.2 When a Unit Member has applied for a promotion and was not selected to fill the vacancy, the Unit Member may request to meet with a Human Resources designee to review the Unit Member’s qualifications, potential methods of skills improvement and to discuss the reason(s) the Unit Member was not selected for the promotion. The designee shall not disclose confidential information by individual panel members or of other candidates.
Promotion Criteria. 11.5.1 Whenever a Unit Member has expressed interest in a promotional bargaining unit position by way of submitting an employment application and supplemental materials via the EDJOIN system, said Unit Member will be eligible for consideration and afforded the opportunity to interview based on the following:
a. Possession of the minimum qualifications required on the job description for the specific position to which the promotion is sought;
b. All requested application materials have been submitted by the deadline established in the job posting.
c. Previous two (2) written evaluations for Unit Members rated as “Making Satisfactory Progress Towards Standard” or above.
d. Employee attendance history is not in a dock status that reflects a pattern of abuse, as set forth in Article 9, Subsection 9.4.5, for the past two (2) consecutive fiscal years. Approved Leaves of Absences will not disqualify promotional applicants; and
e. Employee has not been subject to final disciplinary action or served with dismissal charges within thirty (30) working days of application deadline.
11.5.2 When a Unit Member has applied for a promotion and was not selected to fill the vacancy, the Unit Member may request to meet with a Human Resources designee to review the Unit Member’s qualifications, potential methods of skills improvement and to discuss the reason(s) the Unit Member was not selected for the promotion. The designee shall not disclose confidential information by individual panel members or of other candidates.
Promotion Criteria a) The focus of a promotion decision to Master Lecturer is on career accomplishments. To become a Master Lecturer at UOIT, the candidate must combine i. an established record of excellent Teaching