SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. The primary purpose of a sabbatical leave is to encourage and promote the professional growth of the faculty and to enhance their scholarly and teaching effectiveness. Such leaves contribute to the accomplishment of these ends by enabling the faculty to undertake specific, planned activities involving study, research, scholarship, and creative work of mutual benefit to the faculty member and the University.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. 11.13.1 Sabbatical leave may be granted in order that an employee may engage in professional study or travel. The District can deny Sabbatical requests based on the criteria listed in section 11.13.5.
1. It is understood that such leave is not granted as a reward for work already performed, but rather as an opportunity to prepare for improved services in the unit member's subject area or assignment within the Oxnard Union High School District.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. 17.01 Sabbatical leaves of absence may be granted to any teacher. The granting of such leave is subject to the approval of the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, when in their considered judgment the professional competence of the staff member and the general welfare of the District will benefit.
17.02 The rules and regulations of the Rochester Sabbatical Leave Program are authorized and will be interpreted in accordance with the following Michigan Statutory Provisions and any amendments thereto:
A. After a teacher has been employed at least seven (7) years by the Board and at the end of each additional period of seven (7) or more years of employment, the Board may grant said teacher a sabbatical leave for professional improvement not to exceed two (2) semesters at any time. During said sabbatical leave, the teacher will be considered to be an employee of the Board, will have a contract, and will be compensated as provided herein.
B. Teachers on sabbatical leave will be allowed credit toward retirement for time spent on such leave in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS).
17.03 Any teacher who will meet the qualifications will be eligible to apply for sabbatical leave for the subsequent year. A teacher may apply for sabbatical leave subject to the following conditions and requirements:
A. Applicant must have completed seven (7) years of satisfactory service as an employee of the Board.
B. Subsequent sabbatical leaves may be authorized after eligibility has been re-established by service on an additional seven (7) years of satisfactory service as an employee.
C. A maximum of five (5) semesters per year, not to exceed three (3) teachers, may be granted sabbatical leave each year. Insofar as possible, a proportionate division of leaves will be granted to various groups of teachers.
D. A sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of not less than one (1) full term or semester; not more than two (2) consecutive semesters or three (3) consecutive terms.
E. As a condition of receiving final approval of a sabbatical leave, a teacher will file with the Secretary of the Board a written agreement stipulating that he/she will remain in the service of the Board for a period of two (2) years after the expiration of said leave. (See the following sections for conditions governing default of this Agreement.)
F. A minimum of seven (7) years must elapse between sabbatical lea...
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. The Board has a Sabbatical Leave policy, a copy of which is available at the Board's Central Administrative Office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ARTICLE, the Association agrees that the granting or not granting of sabbatical leave is at the discretion of the Board and is not subject to the grievance procedure.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. A. The Board, in seeking to enhance the general welfare and competency of the professional staff, and to stimulate enrichment of the education environment, shall grant sabbatical leave to full-time professional employees, not to exceed one (1) in any one (1) academic year, in accordance with the following provisions.
1. Eligible professional staff members shall have served a minimum of seven (7) consecutive years in the Clearview District immediately prior to the year of requested leave.
2. Such leave shall be restricted to post baccalaureate study within the scope of the candidate's area of certification or teaching assignment, and shall be granted for a period of not less than one half ( ½ ) academic year, five (5) months, nor more than one (1) full contractual year.
3. Reimbursement shall be at the rate of one half ( ½ ) of the salary for which the employee would be eligible during the term of leave, as determined by his/her appropriate placement on the prevailing salary schedule. The year of sabbatical leave shall be included for purposes of determination.
4. Requests for sabbatical leave shall be submitted to the Superintendent by January 10th of the year prior to the requested sabbatical. Such a request shall include a detailed outline of the applicants proposed program for the sabbatical period. In the event the number of applications shall exceed the number of leaves which may be awarded in a given year, a recommendation shall be made, by the Superintendent, based on which proposals would seem to be potentially most beneficial to the educational program of the district. An applicant shall be notified of the disposition of this request within two (2) months following submission.
5. A recipient, during leave, shall be eligible for such "fringe benefits" as any other full-time employee, excepting that they shall not be eligible for xxxx- bursement for tuition under the "Professional Improvement Policy" if tuition is otherwise paid for, such as by a fellowship or grant.
6. Recipients shall agree to return to duties within the district for a period of not less than two (2) full contractual years following such leave. In default of such agreement, the recipient shall reimburse the Board the full amount if he/she returns for less than one (1) year, or one half ( ½ ) the awarded amount if for more than one (1), but less than two (2) years.
7. Recipients, following such leave, shall be assigned to a position and duties essentially comparable to those engage...
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. Sabbatical leaves of absence may be granted to any teacher. The granting of such leave is subject to the approval of the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, when in their considered judgment the professional competence of the staff member and the general welfare of the District will benefit.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. It shall be the policy of the School Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant sabbatical or professional development leaves in conformity with the School Laws of Pennsylvania. The authority for this policy and the accompanying Rules and Regulations is derived from Sections 1166-1171 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended. All references to sabbatical leave in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise indicates, shall also refer to leaves for professional development as established by Act 66 of 1996.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. Any person employed in the Brandywine Area School District who has completed ten (10) years of satisfactory service as a professional employee or member of the supervisory, instructional or administrative staff, or as a commissioned officer, of any board of school directors or any part of the public school system of the Commonwealth, shall be entitled to a leave of absence for professional development or restoration of health, or, at the discretion of Brandywine Heights Area Board of School Directors, for other purposes. At least five (5) consecutive years of satisfactory service shall have been in the Brandywine Heights Area School District, unless the Board of School Directors in its discretion allows a shorter time.
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. 8 Severability...................................................................................................................... 11
SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY. The sabbatical leave policy shall be as set forth in Appendix C attached.