Section Union Recognition Sample Clauses
Section Union Recognition. The Company does hereby recognise the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees employed by the Company within the Union's jurisdiction in Ontario save and except supervisors, those above the rank of supervisor, sales staff, office staff, security guards and office janitors.
Section Union Recognition. The Company recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for such of its employees as appears in the Order of Certification issued by the On- tario Labour Board on December namely: “All employees of Auto at Metro- politan Toronto, save and except foremen, persons above the rank of foremen, and office and sales staff.” The term “employee” as used herein, shall mean any person represented by the Union, as defined in this Section. Section Company Recognition Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company shall retain the customary rights of man- agement which shall include, among others, the right to select, assign and direct the working forces, the right to determine job content, the responsibility to establish job qualifications and the right adopt and enforce reason- able rules and regulations for efficient operation, pro- vided that the Union rights set forth in this Agreement, including the use of the grievance procedure and arbi- tration, shall not be abridged, curtailed or modified by this clause. The Company shall also have the right to discipline or discharge employees forjust cause subject to the application of the established grievance pro- cedure except that the Company shall have the right to release or discharge, without cause, an employee who has not completed his probationary period. There shall be no discrimination, interference, or restraint by the Company or any of its agents against any employee because of membership or activity on behalf of the Union subject to other provisions of this Agreement. Section Membership and Check-off It is agreed that all present employees of the Com- pany shall remain members of the Union as a condition of continued employment. Any employee hired sub- sequent to the date of this Agreement shall become a member of the Union within thirty-five daysworked. Upon receipt of a signed authorization by an em- ployee covered by this Agreement, the Company agrees to deduct from such employee’s earnings his mem- bership dues, including initiation or reinstatement fee, and monthly dues as a member of the Union. The form of such individual authorization shall be provided by the Union. The Union will notify the Company from time to time of the amount of initiation fees, and the sum of monthly Union dues. The Company shall forward to the designated offi- cer of the Union all sums collected, together with of those employees whom initiation fees andlor dues have been deducted, not later ...
Section Union Recognition. The Company does hereby recognize the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees employed by the Company within the Union's jurisdiction in Ontario save and except supervisors, those above the rank of supervisors, office staff, stockroom security guards and office janitors. Stockroom presently in the bargaining unit will remain in the bargaining unit. The effective date of this Agreement shall be March and the terms shall be from this date to March The Section Headings shall be used for the purpose of reference only and may not be used as an aid to the interpretation of this Agreement.
Section Union Recognition. The Company recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for such of its employees as appear in the Order of Certification issued by the Ontario Labour Relations Board on December namely: “All employees of Exhaust Products at Metropolitan Toronto, save and except fore- man, persons above the rank of foremen, and office and sales staff”. The term “employee” as used herein, shall mean any person represented by the Union, as defined in this Section. SECTION COMPANY RECOGNITION Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the company shall retain the Customary Rights of Management which shall include, among others, the right to select, assign and direct the working forces, the right to determine job content, the responsibility to establish job qualifications and the right to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for efficient operation, provided that the Union rights set forth in this Agreement, including the use of the grievance pro- cedure and arbitration, shall NOT be abridged, curtailed or modified by this change. The Company shall also have the right to discipline or discharge employees for just cause subject to the appreciation of the established grievance procedure except that the Company shall have the right to release or discharge, at the discretion of management, an employee who has not completed their probationary period. There shall be no discrimination, interference, or restraint by the Company or any of its agents against any employee because of membership or activity on behalf of the Union subject to other provisions of the Agreement.
Section Union Recognition. The Company does hereby recognize the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent for certain employees employed by the Company at all Company terminals within the jurisdiction of Local The term shall mean all Dock Supervisors, Personnel, Co- Maintenance Dispatch Call Takers, Clerks, Clerks, and Helpers, Dispatch Supervisors, persons above the rank of shift and supervisor, office sales staff and covered agreements. It is further the effective date of this shall
Section Union Recognition. The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent for all office employees of Express Lines working in Woodstock, Ontario, supervisors, persons above the rank of dispatchers, sales staff and employees covered by a subsisting collective agreement.
Section Union Recognition. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all its employees employed at its warehouses and retail stores in Ontario, and in Draught Equipment Service (Windsor Operation only) save and ex- cept office staff, and persons of a supervisory capacity such as Xxxxxxx or Manager, those above the rank of Xxxxxxx or Manager, having the authority to employ or discharge or discipline employees. The Employer hereby consents and agrees to recog- nize a negotiating committee of employees selected by the Union which may be assisted by representatives of the Un- ion’s choice and to deal with the said committee for the purpose of negotiating a new or amended Collective Agree- ment at the proper time or to deal with any matter properly the subject of negotiations which the parties may mutually agree to discuss during the term of the Agreement.
Section Union Recognition. The Company does hereby recognize the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for employees employed by the Company at its Concord terminal, Road and Street, Concord, Ontario. Should the Company move the said terminal within a one-hundred (100) mile radius of the present location, the status of the Union and its membershipwould remain unchanged.
Section Union Recognition. The Company recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for such of its employees appear in the Order of Certification issued by the On Labour Relations Board on December namely: “All employees of at Toronto, save and except foremen, persons above rank of foremen, and office and sales staff.” The term “employee” as used herein, shall mean any person rep- resented by the Union, as defined in this Section. SECTION COMPANY RECOGNITION Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company shall retain the customary rights of man- agement which shall include, among others, the right to select, assign and direct the working forces, the right to determine job content, the responsibility to establish job qualifications and the right to adopt and enforce reason- able rules and regulations for efficient operation, pro- vided that the Union rights set forth in this Agreement, including the use of the grievance procedure and arbi- tration, shall not be abridged, curtailed or modified this clause. The Company shall also have the right discipline or discharge employees for just cause subject to the application of the established grievance pro- cedure except that the Company shall have the right to release or discharge, without cause, an employee who has not completed his probationary period. There shall be no discrimination, interference, or restraint by the Company or any of its agents against any employee because of membership or activity on behalf of the Union subject to other provisions of this Agreement.
Section Union Recognition. The Company the Union (Shopmen’s Local as the exclusive representative and agent of all the Company’s employees (save and except those employees specifically excluded in Section hereof) for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment. The Company agrees that no fabrication of miscellaneous or structural steel will be subcontracted to any company that is not signatory to a Union Agreement representing a qualified bargaining unit, unless a shortage of manpower exists.