Shared Leave Administration Sample Clauses
Shared Leave Administration. A. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value will be in accordance with applicable Office of Financial Management policies, regulations, and procedures. The leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all other leave balances. All paid leave accrued must be used prior to using shared leave when the employee qualifies for shared leave under Subsection 15.2 A. Accrued vacation leave and paid military leave allowed under RCW 38.40.060 must be used prior to using shared leave for employees qualified under Subsection 15.2.B. All paid leave, except sick leave, must be used prior to using shared leave when the employee qualifies for shared leave under Subsections 15.2.C and 15.2.D. However, for shared leave qualified under parental leave and/or pregnancy disability leave, the employee is required to deplete their personal holiday and all compensatory time. The employee is also required to deplete vacation leave and sick leave that is over forty (40) hours in each category.
B. An employee on leave transferred under these rules will continue to be classified as a state employee and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation leave or sick leave.
C. All salary and wage payments made to employees while on leave transferred under these rules will be made by the agency/institution employing the person receiving the leave.
D. Where Colleges have approved the transfer of leave by an employee of one (1) agency/institution to an employee of another agency/institution, the agencies/institutions involved will arrange for the transfer of funds and credit for the appropriate value of leave in accordance with Office of Financial Management policies, regulations, and procedures.
E. Leave transferred under this Section will not be used in any calculation to determine an agency’s/institution’s allocation of full-time equivalent staff positions.
F. Any shared leave not used by the recipient will be returned to the donor(s). Before returning unused leave:
1. The College will obtain a statement from the receiving employee’s doctor verifying whether the employee’s injury or illness is resolved; or
2. The employee must be released to regular employment; has not received additional medical treatment for their current condition or any other qualifying condition for at least six (6) months; and their doctor has declined, in writing, the employee’s...
Shared Leave Administration.
A. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value will be in accordance with applicable Office of Financial Management policies, regulations, and procedures. The leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all other leave balances.
1. An employee receiving industrial insurance replacement benefits may not receive greater than twenty-five percent (25%) of their base salary from the receipt of shared leave.
2. Shared leave may be used intermittently or on nonconsecutive days so long as the leave has not been returned under Subsection 13.5(F) of this Article.
B. An employee on leave transferred under these rules will continue to be classified as a state employee and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation leave or sick leave.
C. All salary and wage payments made to employees while on leave transferred under these rules will be made by the state agency, higher education institution, school district or educational service district employing the person receiving the leave.
D. Where Employers have approved the transfer of leave by an employee of one (1) state agency, higher education institution, school district or educational service district to an employee of another state agency, higher education institution, school district or educational service district, the state agencies, higher education institutions, school districts or educational service districts involved will arrange for the transfer of funds and credit for the appropriate value of leave in accordance with Office of Financial Management policies, regulations, and procedures.
E. Leave transferred under this Section will not be used in any calculation to determine a state agency’s, higher education institution’s, school district’s or educational service district’s allocation of full-time equivalent staff positions.
X. Xxxxxx leave no longer needed or will not be needed at a future time in connection with the original injury or illness or for any other qualifying condition by the recipient, as determined by the Employer, will be returned to the donor(s). Unused leave may not be returned until one of the following occurs:
1. The Employer receives a statement from the employee’s doctor verifying whether the employee’s injury or illness is resolved; or
2. The employee is released to full time employment, has not received additional medical treatment for their cur...
Shared Leave Administration. A. The receiving employee shall be paid their regular rate of pay; therefore, one (1) hour of shared leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the recipient’s salary. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value shall be in accordance with Office of Financial Management policies, regulations and procedures. The dollar value of the leave is converted from the donor to the recipient. The leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all other leave balances.
B. Any shared leave that is no longer needed or will not be needed at a future time in connection with the original injury or illness or for any other qualifying condition by the recipient, as determined by the Agency Head or designee shall be returned to the donor(s).
C. Unused leave in connection with an illness or injury may not be returned until one of the following occurs:
1. The Employer obtains a statement from the receiving employee’s doctor verifying the illness or injury is resolved; or
2. The employee is released to full-time employment; has not received additional medical treatment for their current condition or any other qualifying condition for at least six (6) months; and the employee’s doctor has declined, in writing, the employee’s request for a statement indicating the employee’s condition has been resolved.
D. The shared leave remaining will be divided among the donors on a prorated basis based on the original donated value and returned at its original donor value and reinstated to each donor’s appropriate leave balance. The return shall be prorated back based on the donor’s original donation.
E. If an employee later has a need to use shared leave due to the same condition listed in their previously approved request, the Agency Head or designee must approve a new shared leave request for the employee.
F. All donated leave must be given voluntarily. No employee shall be coerced, threatened, intimidated, or financially induced into donating leave for purposes of this program.
G. Agencies shall maintain records which contain sufficient information to provide for legislative review.
H. An employee who uses leave that is transferred under this Section will not be required to repay the value of the leave they used.
I. See the leave depletion provision in Subsection 13.2 C.
J. Donated leave may be transferred from employees within the same agency, or with the approval of the heads or designees of both of the state agencies, higher education institut...
Shared Leave Administration. 1. Employees using shared leave will be considered in active pay status and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using annual leave or sick leave.
2. The receiving employee will be paid his/her regular rate of pay; therefore, the value of one (1) hour of donated shared leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the recipient’s salary.
3. The University will respect an employee’s right to privacy. However, upon approval for shared leave, and if the employee so requests, the University will inform the University community of the employee’s eligibility for shared leave.
4. Human Resource Services will notify the requesting employee in writing of the decision to approve or xxxx shared leave including the process for appeal. If an employee disagrees with the decision, that employee may appeal the decision to the Chief Human Resource Officer.
Shared Leave Administration. The receiving employee will be paid their regular rate of pay; therefore, one (1) hour of shared leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the recipient's salary. The calculation of the recipient's leave value will be in accordance with Office of Financial Management policies, regulations, and procedures. The dollar value of the leave is converted from the donor to the recipient. The leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all other leave balances. Any shared leave not used by the recipient during each incident/occurrence as determined by the Employer will be returned to the donor(s). Before returning unused leave, agency heads or designees will obtain a statement from the receiving employee’s doctor verifying the injury or illness is resolved. The shared leave remaining will be divided among the donors on a prorated basis based on the original donated value and returned at its original donor value and reinstated to each donor's appropriate leave balance. The return will be prorated back based on the donor's original donation. An employee who uses leave that is transferred under this Section will not be required to repay the value of the leave that they used. While an employee is on shared leave, the employee shall continue to be classified as a state employee and shall receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation or sick leave. The Shared Leave Program is subject to the grievance procedure of Article 37 up through Step 2 only.
Shared Leave Administration. Subsection 13.5 applies in its entirety.
Shared Leave Administration. A. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value will be in accordance with applicable Office of Financial Management (OFM) policies, regulations, and procedures. The leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all other leave balances. Employees under the qualifications listed in 13.2 A may retain and reserve up to forty (40) hours each of vacation leave and sick leave.
B. An employee on leave transferred under these rules will continue to be classified as a state employee and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued vacation leave or sick leave.
C. All salary and wage payments made to employees while on leave transferred under these rules will be made by the agency/institution employing the person receiving the leave.
Shared Leave Administration. Subsection 13.5 applies in its entirety. 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649
Shared Leave Administration. 1533 A. The calculation of the recipient’s leave value will be in accordance with applicable 1534 Office of Financial Management (OFM) policies, regulations, and procedures. The 1535 leave received will be coded as shared leave and be maintained separately from all 1536 other leave balances. Employees under the qualifications listed in 13.2 A may retain 1537 and reserve up to forty (40) hours each of vacation leave and sick leave. 1538 1539 B. An employee on leave transferred under these rules will continue to be classified 1540 as a state employee and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, 1541 and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued 1542 vacation leave or sick leave. 1543 C. All salary and wage payments made to employees while on leave transferred under 1544 these rules will be made by the agency/institution employing the person receiving 1545 the leave. 1546 D. Where Employers have approved the transfer of leave by an employee of one (1) 1547 agency/institution to an employee of another agency/institution, the 1548 agencies/institutions involved will arrange for the transfer of funds and credit for 1549 the appropriate value of leave in accordance with Office of Financial Management 1550 (OFM) policies, regulations, and procedures.
Shared Leave Administration. A. Employees using Shared Leave will be considered in active pay status and will receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the Employee would normally receive if using Annual Leave or Sick Leave.
B. The receiving employee will be paid their regular rate of pay; therefore, the value of one (1) hour of donated Shared Leave may cover more or less than one (1) hour of the recipient’s salary.
C. Human Resource Services will notify the requesting employee in writing of the decision to approve or deny Shared Leave including the process for appeal. If an employee disagrees with the decision, that employee may appeal the decision to the Chief Human Resource Officer.
D. The University will respect an employee’s right to privacy. However, upon approval for Shared Leave, and if the Employee so requests, the University will inform the University community by electronic announcement of the Employee’s eligibility for Shared Leave.