SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYThe parties agree that upon implementation of this Agreement the Township shall provide officers with a short-term disability benefit which shall provide sixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3%) percent of his/her salary. Officers may use up to two hours per day of banked time to supplement short-term disability. Effective April 1, 2010, the short- term waiting period shall be five (5) business days. The Township agrees to maintain and provide at no cost to the officer hospital, medical, life, dental, and optical insurance at the same benefit level being provided to the collective bargaining group. This coverage shall be maintained during the waiting period as well as through the short-term disability benefit period. The officer shall cease to accrue paid time off or vacation time while on short-term disability. The Township shall also provide long-term disability benefits in accord with the benefits of the Insurance Policy and Summary Plan Description in the Human Resources Department, except as modified by this collective bargaining agreement. The benefits of the above plan shall not be diminished without the mutual agreement of both parties. A copy of the long-term benefits are contained in the policy and description recited above and has been given to the Union secretary and is available for examination in the Human Resources Department. The Township shall have the right to self insure the short-term and long-term disability benefit as long as the benefits provided are in accordance with the summary plan descriptions described above. An individual officer’s personal insurance shall not be an offset to the benefits described in this section. If an officer is absent from work because of injury or sickness, he/she shall have the option of first using banked sick days, paid time off days, vacation days and compensatory days before applying for the benefits under the short term disability program. Once the said officer applies and qualifies for short term disability benefits, he/she shall not have the right to draw on banked sick days, paid time off days, vacation days or compensatory days for any injury or illness arising out of the same cause for which the disability benefit originated. However, at the conclusion of the short term disability period (180 days from when the officer was absent from work due to the injury or illness) and before the commencement of the long term disability, the officer again shall have the option of using banked sick days, paid time...
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYBenefits will become effective on the first of the month following the date of ratification.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITY. The Township shall provide officers with short term disability benefit which shall provide sixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3%) percent of his or her salary. Effective upon ratification of this agreement, the short-term waiting period shall be seven (7) calendar days. The Township agrees to maintain and provide at no cost to the officer hospital, medical, life, dental, and optical insurance at the same benefit level being provided to the collective bargaining group. This coverage shall be maintained during the waiting period as well as through the short-term disability benefit period. The Township shall also provide long-term disability benefits in accord with the benefits of the Insurance Policy and Summary Plan Description in the Human Resources Office, except as modified by this collective bargaining agreement. The benefits of the above plan shall not be diminished without the mutual agreement of both parties. A copy of the long-term benefits is contained in the policy and description recited above and shall be included with the signature copy of the contract. Updates shall be given to the Local Association Secretary. Complete copy shall be available for examination in the Human Resources Office.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITY. (SEE SCHEDULE “D”) 20.01 Reporting Sick (a) Employees taking ill or suffering an accident during working hours, will notify the Director of Care or designate, or a person designated by the Director of Care or designate, before the employee leaves her or his duties to report to Health Services. (b) When the illness or accident takes place at a time other than the employee’s normal hours, the employee will notify the Director of Care or designate at least one (1) hour prior to the day tour and where practical or possible, at least four (4) hours for all other tours.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITY. The City will provide short term and long-term disability coverage for employees at the same level provided to all employees by City policy.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYThe Employer will provide STD starting the first (1st) day of injury and eighth (8th) day of illness for up to a maximum of 13 weeks of disability, payable at sixty six and two thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the employee’s base rate of pay (no overtime, no premium, etc.). Long Term Disability (LTD) pays a benefit equal to sixty percent (60%) of base compensation beginning after the ninetieth (90th) day of disability. Benefits may be payable for disability up to age 65. Health care coverage will continue for employees on STD/LTD, workers’ compensation and unpaid time for a maximum of twelve (12) months only. STD/LTD must be supplemented by the employee’s accrued time off (i.e., banked sick leave and paid time off). There will be no accrual of paid time off and holiday pay during periods of STD/LTD. The use of STD/LTD is subject to Employer required medical verification.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYShort term disability (STD) benefits will be offered as an option to purchase to full-time employees who meet the applicable eligibility and participation requirements set forth in the underlying STD plan documents. The Employer shall provide long term disability (LTD) benefits to full-time employees who meet the applicable eligibility and participation requirements set forth in the underlying LTD plan documents at the employer’s entire expense. Health care coverage will continue for employees on STD/LTD for up to one year from date leave commenced. STD/LTD must be supplemented by the employee’s accrued time off (i.e., banked sick leave, paid time off). There will be no accrual of paid time off, sick leave and holiday pay during periods of STD/LTD. The use of STD/LTD is subject to Employer required medical verification.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYThe Employer and the Union recognize that the current Short Term Disability plan requires reevaluation. A Committee will be established to research options for Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability plans that can more adequately meet the needs of all Union members. This committee shall be composed of three Union representatives and three Employer representatives. Either the Employer representatives or the Union representatives may invite others to provide information and expertise, but such third parties will not participate in the deliberations of the Committee. The parties shall not examine any options which will require the Employer to breach any of its existing contractual obligations to any insurer. Any potential monetary impact to the Employer of a new Short Term Disability and/or Long Term Disability plan will be deferred to the next round of bargaining. The parties agree to hold the first meeting of this committee within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the Consent Award of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx is issued.
SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITYThe Employer provides this through the Local 191 Health and Welfare Trust.