SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. The parties recognize that children having physical, mental and emotional problems, as determined through testing and interview procedures for Special Education, may require specialized classroom experiences and that their presence in regular classrooms may interfere with the normal instructional program and place extraordinary and unfair demands upon the teacher and class. Such assignments will be made when economically and educationally feasible and with the concurrence of the teacher involved. Special attention will be given to reducing class size where special students are placed in a regular classroom.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. The parties recognize that children having special physical, mental, and emotional needs may require specialized classroom experience and that their presence in regular classrooms may interfere with the normal instructional programs and place extraordinary and unfair demands upon the teacher. Teachers believing that such students are assigned to their classrooms may request the student’s transfer and shall present arguments for such request to the Individual Education Planning Team. Special attention will be given to reducing class size where special needs students are placed in the regular classroom of a newly-employed, inexperienced teacher without prior approval of the Association.
B. Application of this Section shall apply to special education students as defined in IDEA legislation.
1. Mainstreaming is defined as the placement of an identified special education student referenced above in Section A into a general education program for any part of the regular school day. When a general education classroom teacher is assigned a special education student as set forth above, the teacher shall not be expected to perform routine, scheduled maintenance of an apparatus used by the student to sustain his/her bodily functions nor render routine scheduled care or maintenance of bodily functions (i.e. tracheotomy, custodial care, etc.) related to the student's special needs. The teacher shall be informed and instructed as to emergency measures which may be necessary on occasion due to the student's special needs.
2. On a case by case basis, the District will determine what training if any will be necessary for the general education teacher who has a special needs student in his/her classroom as set forth in Section B.
3. In assigning a student with special needs as defined in Section B to a general education classroom when more than one classroom placement is available within the building to facilitate the implementation of the student's I.E.P., the Board agrees to consider the severity of the student's condition, the number of other students with special needs assigned to the class and the overall class sizes within the applicable classrooms.
4. The parties acknowledge that the policy of least restrictive environment is legally mandated. It is also recognized that the extent to which any individual student with special needs should participate in general education programs and services involves considerations of the student's unique needs as determined by an ...
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. Whenever it appears that a particular pupil requires the attention of special counselors, social workers, law enforcement personnel, physicians or other professional persons, the administration will take reasonable steps to aid the teacher in his/her responsibilities with respect to such pupil.
B. When a teacher has one or more pupils in class who constitute serious behavior problems, the teacher shall seek the assistance of the principal and such specialized service personnel as needed to help the pupil in his adjustment to school and society.
C. When a general education teacher is assigned a student from a special education program for severely impaired students (OHI, SMI, SCI, MOCI) the teacher shall not be expected to perform routine, scheduled maintenance of a medical appliance or apparatus used by the student to sustain his/her bodily functions nor render routine, scheduled care or maintenance of exceptional bodily functions related to the student's impaired condition. The teacher shall be informed as to emergency measures which may be necessary on occasion due to the student's impaired condition. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to implement the student's individualized education plan for attending to the educational needs of the student while in the teacher's class.
D. The IEP (Individualized Education Planning) process will include input from appropriate teachers. It shall be the responsibility of the administration and the Special Education Department Chairperson and/or the special education teacher or specialist on whose caseload the student has been, or likely will be assigned, to notify and work with the affected teachers. This notification will occur as soon as possible. Input shall be defined as attendance at the IEPC meeting or written and/or verbal communications pertaining to the student in question.
E. In the event the school district seeks a Special Education waiver from the Michigan Department of Education, the district will notify the Association within ten (10) working days.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. The parties recognize that students with disabilities, as determined through testing and interview procedures for Special Education, may require specialized classroom experiences and that their presence in regular classrooms may interfere with the normal instructional program and place extraordinary and unfair demands upon the teacher and class. Such assignments will be made when economically and educationally feasible and with the concurrence of the teacher involved. Special attention will be given to reducing class size where special students are placed in a regular classroom.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. The parties recognize that children with qualified disabilities may require specialized classroom experiences in accordance with the requirements of Federal and State law for providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in a Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Special attention will be given to reducing class size where students are placed in the regular classroom.
B. The parties, accordingly, will cooperate to increase the psychological testing program and to correlate their activities with the regular classroom activities of the teachers so as to better meet the needs of special education students.
C. The parties acknowledge that the policy of least restrictive environment is legally mandated. It is also recognized that the extent to which any individual student with a disability should participate in regular education programs and services involves considerations of that student's unique needs as determined by an Individualized Educational Program Team (IEP Team). Although the special education student's participation and right to participate in regular education programs and services cannot be affected by this Agreement, the District will consider how the special education student's placement will affect teachers when determining that student's placement.
D. The District shall determine the need for a teacher who will be providing instructional or other services to a special education student to participate in the IEP Team meeting which may initially place (or continue the placement of) the student in a regular education classroom. The District shall provide release time if the District directs or authorizes a teacher to attend an IEP Team meeting which is scheduled during a time the teacher is assigned to teach a class.
E. If any teacher has a reasonable basis to believe that a student's current Individualized Education Program (IEP) is not meeting the student's unique needs as required by law, the teacher will advise his/her principal in writing.
F. On a case-by-case basis, the District will determine what training and other support should be provided to a teacher who will be providing instructional or other services to a special education student.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. 5. 100 The parties recognize that children having physical, mental and emotional problems may require specialized classroom experiences and that their presence in regular classrooms may place extraordinary demands upon the teacher. Students with such a history who have been evaluated by the Special Services Department will be evenly distributed as far as possible among teachers of the affected grade or department in each building. A teacher requesting the transfer of a student whom he/she believes has physical, mental or emotional problems, previously unidentified, will first refer the student to the Special Services Department for evaluation. In the event the request for transfer is denied, the teacher shall have the right to have a conference with the principal, counselor, and/or appropriate Special Services personnel. Special attention will be given to reducing class size where such students are placed in a regular classroom.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. The parties recognize that there will be provided special education programs and services in accordance with Public Act 451 of 1976, as amended. The Individualized Educational Planning Team (IEPT) will determine the placement and service of all students with special needs in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, Federal Legislation, and the rights of the individual.
B. A teacher may refer any child to the building special services team who will then in turn normally process the referral through special services personnel or other appropriate staff. Consultation, testing or other evaluations will be considered, and completed, as deemed appropriate and as soon thereafter as the availability of needed personnel permits. Placement of the student will occur after a parent or guardian has consented in writing to the placement agreed upon. The special services personnel responsible for the evaluations will advise teachers of the progress of their referrals. The teacher may be present at the presentation of the case, the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team, and the Individualized Educational Planning Team meeting. The teacher will participate in the goal setting of identified and certified students and will receive possible advice and assistance from other professional personnel. Where a teacher feels the need for further discussion of a particular student beyond the discussions previously mentioned, he/she may contact the Superintendent, or designee, and arrange for a conference.
C. These discussions and student plans cannot supplant or interfere with the regular IEPT's decisions and must follow procedures outlined in laws and rules concerning the treatment of confidential information and the rules concerning student and parent rights as outlined in Board policy, State laws, and Federal legislation and regulations. However, this Article is not subject to arbitration.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. The parties recognize that there will be provided special education programs and services in accordance with Public Act 451 of 1976, as amended. The Individualized Educational Planning Team (IEPT) will determine the placement and service of all students with special needs in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, Federal Legislation, and the rights of the individual.
B. A teacher may refer any child to the building special services team who will then in turn normally process the referral through special services personnel or other appropriate staff. Consultation, testing or other evaluations will be considered, and completed, as deemed appropriate and as soon thereafter as the availability of needed personnel permits. Placement of the student will occur after a parent or guardian has consented in writing to the placement recommended by IEP team. The special services personnel responsible for the evaluations will advise teachers of the progress of their referrals. . The teacher will participate in the goal setting of identified and certified students and will receive possible advice and assistance from other professional personnel. Where a teacher feels the need for further discussion of a particular student beyond the discussions previously mentioned, he/she may contact the Superintendent, or designee, and arrange for a conference.
C. These discussions and student plans cannot supplant or interfere with the regular IEPT's decisions and must follow procedures outlined in laws and rules concerning the treatment of confidential information and the rules concerning student and parent rights as outlined in Board policy, State laws, and Federal legislation and regulations. However, this Article is not subject to arbitration.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. The parties recognize that children having special physical, mental and emotional problems may require specialized classroom experience and that their presence in regular classrooms may interfere with the normal instructional program and place extraordinary and unfair demands upon the teacher. Special attention will be given to reducing class size where special students are placed in a regular classroom. Any teacher shall have the right to advise the administration that one of that teacher's students should be tested if that student's educational needs are not being met. If any teacher advises the administration that an IEPT program is not meeting the needs of that student as required by law, and if the administration then determines to convene an IEPT to review that program, the teacher so advising shall be invited to attend the IEPT. To the extent reasonably possible, handicapped students shall be assigned in equitable numbers across general education grade levels. No teacher shall be required to perform medical, hygiene or other non-instructional health care needs of students including, by way of illustration, suctioning, catheterization, diapering or additional medical needs of students.
B. Referral forms for a student suspected of having a physical, emotional, or learning impairment that interferes with that students’ progress in the general education setting will be available to all teachers from their building administrator. An Evaluation Review will be conducted by the building administrator following the referring teacher’s documentation of the student’s suspected impairment.
C. It will be the responsibility of the administration to arrange for appropriate testing by an approved agency if the Evaluation Review so warrants. An IEPT will be convened following the approved agency’s findings in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan through IDEA. The referring teacher shall be informed and invited to the IEPT.
D. The Board shall assure that the Association is notified and allowed to participate in any planning process involving the ISD in implementing the least restrictive environment concept in the Xxxxxxxx Township Public Schools. Such participation shall neither expressly nor by implication be deemed to be a waiver of the Association's right to bargain any working condition in accordance with its responsibilities pursuant to the Public Employment Relations Act, as amended.
SPECIAL STUDENT PROGRAM. A. Students suspected of being handicapped shall be referred through the principal and Special Education Office for an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses. A child is eligible or no longer eligible for special class placement and/or services only as determined by an Educational Planning and Placement Committee. (As mandated by state rule, this committee is composed of the classroom teachers, principal, parents, diagnostician, and any other school personnel deemed appropriate.) The Superintendent has requested the Director of Special Education or designee to chair those meetings.
B. The Educational Planning and Placement Committee, as mandated by federal law, will determine the least restrictive environment in which the handicapped child’s educational needs are to be met. In compliance with that law, special education, general education, and related services for that child will be specified. Administrative procedures ensure that, where appropriate, parties involved in the delivery of services to the handicapped child are consulted prior to the initiation of those services. In accordance with state regulations, the child’s participation in each service area will be measured with full-time equivalency units for purposes of child accounting and special education funding.