Interview Procedures Sample Clauses

Interview Procedures. The Human Resources division will provide to principals and directors a list of the teachers who have applied to the vacancy list. Transfer interview teams are led by administrative personnel. Teachers may serve on interview teams however, they do not make transfer recommendations. Except in cases of emergency, interviewees will receive notice of appointments a minimum of two (2) days prior to a scheduled interview. Interviews are understood to mean a meeting in person. Phone or virtual interviews may be used if requested by the interviewee or in the event of severe scheduling constraints. If necessary, and upon the employee’s request, administrative leave will be granted if they are seeking to interview for another position within FCPS. Best practices for position interviews include an overview of position expectations, questions that seek insight into candidate skillset, candidate commitment to the school’s mission and vision and the opportunity for candidate questions. Interviewed teachers will remain under consideration for subsequent vacancies in the same position during the current fiscal year. Interview results are shared with candidates as soon as possible once a vacancy has been resolved. When a teacher accepts a self-initiated transfer, they are no longer eligible to participate in the open transfer process.
Interview Procedures. The Appointments Committee shall interview short-listed candidates, and invite all Members in the Department and the Xxxx/Director and the Xxxxxxx & Vice-President Academic, and President to meet the short-listed applicants when they visit the campus to be interviewed and to make presentations.
Interview Procedures. The Human Resources division will provide to principals and directors a list of the teachers who have applied to the vacancy list. Transfer interview teams are led by administrative personnel. Teachers may serve on interview teams however, they do not make transfer recommendations. Except in cases of emergency, interviewees will receive notice of appointments a minimum of two (2) days prior to a scheduled interview. Interviews may be conducted in person or virtually. If necessary, and upon the employee’s request, administrative leave will be granted if they are seeking to interview for another position within FCPS. Best practices for position interviews include an overview of position expectations, questions that seek insight into candidate skillset, candidate commitment to the school’s mission and vision and the opportunity for candidate questions. Interviewed teachers will remain under consideration for subsequent vacancies in the same position during the current fiscal year. Interview results are shared with candidates as soon as possible once a vacancy has been resolved. When a teacher accepts a self-initiated transfer, they are no longer eligible to participate in the open transfer process.
Interview Procedures a. Human Resources will provide to principals and directors a list of the teachers who have applied to the vacancy list. b. Transfer interview teams are led by administrative personnel. Teachers may serve on interview teams; however, they do not make transfer recommendations. c. Except in cases of emergency, interviewees will receive notice of appointments a minimum of two (2) days prior to a scheduled interview. Interviews may be conducted in person or virtually. d. If necessary, and upon the employee’s request, administrative leave will be granted if they are seeking to interview for another position within FCPS. e. Best practices for position interviews include an overview of position expectations, questions that seek insight into candidate skill set, candidate commitment to the school’s mission and vision, and the opportunity for candidate questions. f. Interviewed teachers will remain under consideration for subsequent vacancies in the same building during the current year’s internal transfer process. g. Interview results are shared with candidates as soon as possible once a vacancy has been resolved. h. When a teacher accepts a self-initiated transfer, they are no longer eligible to participate in the open transfer process.
Interview Procedures a. In the case of a vacant position for which there is at least one unit member candidate and no eligibility list, an interview team shall rate candidates. The voting membership of the interview team shall include an equal number of management and Union appointees. The Local One appointee cannot be the same person who is vacating the position in question. The team shall be chaired by a representative of the Personnel Office. By majority vote, the team shall certify the three (3) most qualified candidates and management shall fill the position from those three (3). The team shall certify persons based on the following criteria, where available; test results, attendance, seniority, performance evaluations, letters of recommendation, oral interview, work experience, and qualifications for position. b. Following all interviews, the full panel shall tabulate its results and determine the top three (3) candidates. c. The top three (3) candidates shall receive an interview with the hiring supervisor.
Interview Procedures a) In all cases wherein the employee is interviewed, the person responsible for the interview shall: 1. Inform the employee that he/she has a right to be represented by counsel or any representative during the interview. 2. An employee under investigation may, upon request, receive a copy of the following prior to the officer's interrogations: (a) any citizen complaint and/or department complaint which forms the basis for the internal affairs investigation; (b) any statements prepared by the subject employee (such as written reports to superior officers) or summaries or MAV video/audio recordings or verbatim transcriptions of any statements of the subject employee prepared by another person which the subject officer knowingly gave and which relates to the matter under investigation, such as pre-investigation interviews. 3. Conduct the interview at a reasonable time and date to allow for the employee procurement of representation. 4. Identify to the employee all persons present or participating in the interview. 5. Conduct the interview for a reasonable length of time. 6. Not expose the employee to offensive language, threats of transfer, disciplinary action, or loss of employment. 7. Cause a recorded record to be made of the interview, which shall be available to the employee on request. b) In the event the employee is being investigated for a criminal offense, prior to the interview, the employee shall be advised of his/her rights per Department Admonition policy for criminal offenses. If it is not determined that a criminal offense might exist until after the interview has commenced, then the interview shall cease while the employee is admonished. c) Employees, when ordered by a superior, must answer questions directly and narrowly related to the allegations under investigation. 1. Unless mandated by a court order, these statements will not be used, and are not admissible, in a criminal trial.
Interview Procedures a. Interviews will take place as soon as the filing deadline has passed and a candidate has requested a contribution. The Communications and Public Affairs Director will set an interview date, time and location with the COARPAC Trustees All candidates in the race will be invited for a specific interview time. If they candidate cannot make the interview, they may send a representative. b. The COARPAC Candidate Questionnaires will be distributed to the candidates prior to the interview and should be returned by the candidate before the interview. c. The Communications and Public Affairs Director will confirm arrangements with the candidate by letter. The letter will include a list of topics to be covered in the interview. d. Members at large per Part II ((a) (b) will be invited to attend the meeting. e. Prior to the first appointment, the interview team should meet to review the COARPAC policies, determine who will chair the interview, and who will ask which questions. (Note: All members of the interview team should be encouraged to ask at least one question.) f. Duly constituted interview teams; local staff; the candidate, and if the candidate requests, one member of the candidate's staff, should be the sole occupants in the interview room. It is recommended that no other audience be present. g. Allow approximately 30-45 minutes per interview and additional time (10 minutes) between interviews for initial evaluations. h. Be courteous, not argumentative, during the interview. This is an open dialogue designed to enable candidates and REALTORS• to learn from and about each other. i. Generally, open-ended questions should be used. However, the same questions should be asked of all candidates running for office. The interview questions should not be shared with the candidates prior to the interview. (Note: A recommended questionnaire will be prepared and distributed by the Government Affairs Director and the Communications and Public Affairs Director to interview team members). j. Conclude the interview within the prescribed 30-45 minutes k. Xxxx recorded interviews shall not be permitted. Deliberations of the interview team are to be kept confidential. After all interviews are concluded, the interview team should meet to determine its contributions and timing of contributions, if any. When making candidate contribution decisions, the interview team shall consider: 1) Criteria in Appendix E 2) Voting record 3) Advice of staff (and/or hired lobbyist) 4) Knowledg...
Interview Procedures. After the participant provided verbal informed consent, the interview began with participants identifying what health condition(s), if any, they identified with from a list provided (Xxxxxxx et al., 2021). The list included health conditions such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, deafness, seizures, mobility impairments, among others. Participants could also indicate a health condition that was not listed and describe those conditions. Participants were given a blank timeline and asked to write any important dates or events on the timeline. The interview guide then consisted of a broad range of topics, including health conditions, alcohol and substance use, IPV, SV, and evaluation questions related to the parent-study intervention. Regarding IPV, interviewers first asked broadly about any relationship the participant has had, and if they could note it on the timeline. The interviewer then asked the participant to walk them through their experiences within each relationship and finished by asking if any of those significant others knew about the health condition, and if it played a role in the relationship, or was used against them in any way. Important relationships and events were noted on the life history timeline. Interviews were audio-recorded, lasting approximately 1 to 2 hours. Recordings were professionally transcribed, quality checked, and identifying information (e.g. names, locations, dates) weas removed. The research team uploaded the transcripts to Dedoose 9.0 qualitative analysis program for coding, data visualization, and analysis.
Interview Procedures. The Appointments Committee shall interview short-listed candidates, and invite all Members in the Department and the and the Xxxxxxx Vice-president Academic, and President to meet the short-listed applicants when they visit the campus to be interviewed and to make presentations. Appointment Recommendations The Appointments Committee shall submit in writing the recommendation with supporting reasons to the The President (or designate) shall grant or deny the appointment. If the President (or designate) denies the recommendation of the Appointments Committee, the President (or designate) shall provide written reasons to the Committee and the Committee shall either consider other applicants or re-advertise the competition. Letters of appointment The successful candidate shall receive a letter of appointment in duplicate from the President or designate specifying the terms of employment, including: Department or academic unit in which the appointment is made; Location of appointment; Type of appointment; Rank, if applicable; Salary Step Date on which the appointment commences; Date on which the appointment terminates, if applicable; Length of probationary period, if applicable; Date of eligibility for Renewal or Tenure, if applicable; A general statement of the regular duties and responsibilities pertaining to the position to which appointment is made, including a job description where applicable; A Statement that the appointment is subject to the terms of this Agreement. A copy of the Salary Placement form shall be sent to the Member and the Faculty Association. A copy of this Agreement shall be included with the letter of appointment. The successful Candidate accepts the offer of appointment by signing and returning one copy of the letter of appointment to the Director of Human Resources. A copy of the letter of appointment signed by the member shall be sent to the Faculty Association.
Interview Procedures. Street interviews were conducted in Haitian Creole with 34 participants at distribution post sites in each of 3 zones. In Tabarre, street interviews were conducted at both the high- and low-distributing post sites. In Carrefour, interviews were conducted at high-distributing posts only. The remoteness of Carrefour’s low-distributing zone, combined with significant civil unrest, prevented the interviewer from traveling to the selected site. After consent was obtained, passers-by were asked about their knowledge of LF, if they had ever taken the medication during prior MDAs, the reasons for their decision, and any general thoughts or observations about the program. The interviews were approximately 4-6 minutes in length. The physical surroundings of each distribution post were documented through video or photographs and the GPS location was marked. Interviews were audio recorded, and all audio recordings were uploaded to a secure, password-protected location accessible only by the HELP team. In keeping with grounded theory methods, interviews were semi-structured, allowing participants to express their perspectives and experiences in their own words and framing, rather than restricting them to a rigid questionnaire designed from the interviewer’s perspective. The interviewer was encouraged to be conversational, adapting the interview as new ideas were brought up by participants, though an interview guide was provided that described potential questions and themes to be explored based on the HELP conceptual framework [11]. Data were analyzed by the HELP team between interviews, and any new insights were further explored in successive interviews.