Teachers’ Meetings Sample Clauses
Teachers’ Meetings. 1. Regular Staff Meetings: Regular staff meetings shall be limited to one (1) per month (during the months school is in session) and will last no longer than sixty (60) minutes. Building administrators will release the annual schedule of staff meetings at the beginning of each school year. Individual teachers can choose to attend additional meetings if desired. Additional emergency staff meetings may be called, but teachers are not required to attend. Staff meetings shall not start before the contracted Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) times unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Association Building Representative in advance.
Teachers’ Meetings. (Including parent conferences, administration-teacher conferences, and IEPC meetings) Teachers shall be required to attend teachers' meetings as scheduled. After school meetings shall not last longer than 45 minutes in length, but teachers shall be required to remain at the meeting until all items on the agenda are completed. IEPC meetings and other morning meetings shall not start before contractual time unless agreed upon.
Teachers’ Meetings. 1. There will be no more than two (2) mandatory building/district faculty meetings per month called by the Administration during District Common Time except in an emergency situation.
2. Each Department Chairperson is urged to schedule at least one (1) departmental meeting each month which all department staff members shall attend. Department meeting minutes are to be distributed in a timely fashion.
3. Inasmuch as the Union schedules its regular meetings on Wednesdays, the Administration agrees not to call any Teachers' meetings on Wednesdays without previously consulting with the Union.
4. Any deviation from the meeting schedule herein presented may be made by mutual agreement.
Teachers’ Meetings. Teachers should reserve Wednesday afternoon for building meetings or for development, coordination and implementations of the school improvement plan. Meetings will be scheduled as necessary by the building principal. Unless the principal and Union agree otherwise in advance, the length of the Wednesday meeting period shall be limited to one
(1) hour. (During the PLC period, teachers shall work on the implementation of the school improvement plan in professional learning teams organized by the building administration, which could include but is not limited to the following: working in pairs, grade level and context level teams, or even alone as appropriate to review district and state data, preparing lesson plans for a team and to do other implementation, development and coordination work needed to realize the school’s local improvement plan.) Principals will determine the frequency of Wednesday teachers’ meetings in accordance with this Article. Both parties recognize the value of utilizing an occasional city-wide meeting. When such meetings are necessary, attempts will be made to televise them, preferably on a Wednesday. Two (2) Professional Development days (the equivalent of twelve (12) hours) shall be scheduled in lieu of twelve (12) one hour Wednesday staff meetings.
Teachers’ Meetings. A. The period immediately after school on Wednesdays shall be reserved for regular building, inter-school departmental, and staff meetings. Whenever possible, at least twenty- four (24) hours in advance notice will be given.
B. Principals shall schedule committee and departmental meetings at their discretion but shall avoid the last workday of any week. Except in case of emergency, a notice will be given at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. Departments shall be defined as follows: Individual elementary grade levels Ability groups in elementary math and reading Elementary art Elementary physical education Elementary music Secondary (7-12) subject areas
C. Teachers shall attend all regularly scheduled building, inter-school departmental, and staff meetings. Attendance at said meetings shall become voluntary after one
(1) hour. Each teacher shall be scheduled to attend no more than two (2) meetings per week. In cases where a teacher may be scheduled to attend more than two (2) of said meetings in any week, the teacher shall contact his/her principal to determine which meeting shall be with voluntary attendance.
Teachers’ Meetings. All teachers are expected to attend all teachers' meetings called by the administration. Absence from such meetings shall be regarded as unprofessional conduct. If it becomes necessary for a teacher to be absent from a scheduled meeting, he/she shall notify the administrator responsible for calling of the meeting, prior to the meeting.
Teachers’ Meetings. 1. Inasmuch as the Union schedules its meetings for the Wednesday following the formal monthly Board meeting, the administration agrees not to call any teachers' meetings on those days.
2. Any deviation from meeting schedule herein presented may be made by mutual agreement.
3. Whenever possible, important information will be disseminated by use of bulletins in lieu of calling meetings.
4. There shall be no more than two (2) general employees’ meetings per month at the building or district level under the direction of the superintendent, building administrator or their representatives. Said meeting(s) shall be mandatory for all employees and shall not extend more than (1) hour past the employee’s normal workday. However, if agreeable to the majority of the employees involved, said meeting may be held one (1) hour or less before the beginning of the employee’s normal workday. An employee may be excused from said meeting only by the person in charge of the meeting.
5. If more than two (2) mandatory meetings of employees are held per month (including, but not limited to, any combination of the following: general building, district level, curriculum, training, educational process and/or procedures, etc.) beyond the normal workday, the employees shall be compensated at the rate of $40.00 per hour and prorated accordingly for said meeting attendance. However, a general building or district level meeting or other meeting of employees for curriculum, training, educational process and/or procedures, etc. held during or part of the employee’s normal work day shall be mandatory and without the above compensation. In addition, teachers will attend five (5) professional development sessions annually. These sessions will be scheduled for Wednesday afternoons, if possible, and shall be ninety (90) minutes in length. The first 60 minutes shall be part of the regular work day with students released. The final thirty (30) minutes shall be after the regular work day. Teachers will be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour for the final thirty (30) minute period.
6. In the event of an emergency the administration may schedule an additional general employees’ meeting during a month at which attendance shall be mandatory. Before scheduling the meeting, the administration shall make a reasonable effort to inform the union president or his/her designee.
7. The building administrator is urged to schedule meetings when dictated by sound educational principles, and all employees in said...
Teachers’ Meetings. 15.14.1 The Administration may require Teacher attendance at two (2) events beyond the seven and one-half (7.5) hour workday per school year. These meetings shall not exceed two (2) hours. Administration will notify the Educator at least seven (7) calendar days in advance.
15.14.2 Twice per month, Teachers may be required to attend a meeting called by the Principal or Designee that may extend beyond the normal workday provided it does not extend beyond forty-five (45) minutes after the end of the Teachers’ official workday. Administration will notify the Educator at least seven (7) calendar days in advance.
15.14.3 On Fridays and on days preceding holidays, the workday shall not exceed seven and one-half (7.5) hours, except in emergencies.
15.14.4 Non-attendance at meetings/events: Attendance by the Teacher at Administration approved College-Study courses shall be sufficient excuse for non-attendance of a post-pupil day meeting/event if attendance schedules are in conflict.
15.14.5 The period of time between the official beginning of the workday and the beginning of the students’ day and/or the period of time between the end of the student day and the end of workday not specifically designated as the Teacher’s planning period, may be used for administrative matters or curriculum planning.
Teachers’ Meetings. 16 Except in the case of an emergency, meetings and workshops may be held as 17 needed within the teacher workday. The teacher workday may be extended 18 within reason to accommodate staff meetings or workshops. At no time shall 19 such an extension require a teacher to arrive earlier than 7:30 a.m. or remain later 20 than 4:00 p.m. 22 Various committee meetings will be set up throughout the year. Illustrations of, 23 but not limited to, are Discipline Committee, School Improvement Committee and 24 Athletic Committee. Efforts will be made by the administrators to schedule these 25 meetings at an agreeable time for all concerned. Committee meetings and school 26 improvement work will be kept at a minimum and the length of meeting time will 27 be reasonable.
Teachers’ Meetings. Teachers should plan to reserve Wednesday afternoon for building meetings or for development, coordination and implementations of the school improvement plan. Meetings will be scheduled as necessary by the building principal. Unless the principal and Union agree otherwise in advance, the length of the Wednesday meeting period should be limited to one (1) hour. During the school improvement period, teachers may work in pairs, groups, teams or even alone as appropriate to prepare lesson plans and to do other implementation, development and coordination work needed to realize the school’s local improvement plan. Principals will determine the frequency of Wednesday teachers’ meetings in accordance with this Article. Both parties recognize the value of utilizing an occasional city-wide meeting. When such meetings are necessary, attempts will be made to televise them, preferably on a Wednesday. No more than six (6) meetings per year may be used for inservice/workshop activities without remuneration. Such meetings are not to be consecutive. The length of the inservice/workshop meetings shall follow the guidelines above. Specific techniques for teachers to use in providing improved instructions and assistance to students will be the priority for meetings devoted to inservice/workshop activities.
(1) teacher meeting per month shall be used for all teachers to participate in IEP development and implementation meetings.