Training Positions Sample Clauses
Training Positions. The parties agree to enter into separate agreement with regard to training positions. Where no agreement approved by the parties exists, the wage section of the agreement applies in full during training.
Training Positions. The Company may fill a vacancy as a training position if there are no qualified bidders and there is not an IBEW apprenticeship program for the position. The Company may post a vacancy as a regular and a training position simultaneously. Individual applicants shall be considered in the following order:
1) regular employees covered by the Agreement;
2) employees not covered by the Agreement;
3) non-employee applicants. Non-employee applicants, if selected, will be classified as temporary employees.
A. Training positions will be governed by the following:
1) Non-Journeyman: The openings will be posted as “training positions.” The training period for non-Journeyman position shall consist of two steps. The first step shall be eighty percent (80%) of the position’s current entry level rate of pay for the first six (6) months and ninety percent (90%) for the second six (6) months to comprise the one (1) year training period.
2) Journeyman: The entry level position into these families are as follows: Service Delivery Specialist IV, Network Engineer Family, Systems Engineer Family, Materials Management Specialist II, Fleet Services Technician Family, and Facility Maintenance Family (except Electrician). These classifications may be given an opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to bid into Journeyman positions in these job classification families. The training wage rate will be seventy percent (70%) of the entry level step for the appropriate job classification for the first six (6) months of the assignment; eighty percent (80%) of the entry level step for the second six (6) months; and then ninety percent (90%) for the last six (6) months or until the assignment ends, whichever comes first. The training period will be for up to one and one-half (1 1/2) years unless the Company and Union mutually agree to an extension.
3) The receiving xxxxxxx and supervisor for any training position are responsible for developing the training plan and objectives that set forth a reasonable timeframe, in which the trainee will be expected to be proficient in the new job. This training plan will be reviewed with the employee by the xxxxxxx and supervisor on a monthly basis to ensure the employee knows what is expected, that training is on target and the trainee is successfully meeting the training objectives and gaining the desired proficiencies. If the trainee is not satisfactorily meeting the training objective and gaining the desired proficiencies within...
Training Positions. The Hospital may offer and post training positions in the following specialty areas: Kidney Dialysis, IV Therapy, Oncology, Hospice CCU, OR, ED, or FBC. The Employer and the Association may mutually agree in writing to add to the list of specialty positions during the life of the Agreement. Such training positions are anticipated to provide opportunities for nurses to expand their scope of practice and to receive detailed training in specialty areas. In return, the Hospital gains competent nurses with desirable skills. In order to enable nurses to gain a better understanding of the position for which they may be trained, the Hospital may offer applicants for a training position the opportunity to “shadow” nurses in the specialty area for one full shift during the week following closing of the job posting. Because such training programs require a significant financial investment by the Hospital, notwithstanding any other contrary provision of this Agreement, a nurse who has been offered the opportunity to “shadow” and who accepts a training position may be required by the Hospital to sign an agreement waiving the nurse’s right to bid on other positions outside the specialty area for a period of three (3) months for each month the nurse spends in training (6 months training =18 months waiver). Such waiver agreement shall be effective after 30 calendar days from the date the nurse begins the training assignment and applies only to the nurse’s ability to bid on positions that would prohibit the nurse from meeting the obligations of the nurse’s specialty unit position. For example, a nurse awarded a .6 FTE training position in the OR could bid on a .4 FTE position in another department. A nurse who is terminated from a training position shall have no restriction on bidding on other open positions outside the specialty area. A nurse may be released from the requirements of the waiver with the agreement of the manager of the specialty unit to which the nurse is being trained.
Training Positions. 13.01 A vacant permanent position may be temporarily designated as a training position for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
13.02 The above vacant permanent positions shall first be offered to qualified internal applicants before any externals are considered.
13.03 A training position will be classified one (1) rank lower than the permanent position from which it derives. Sufficient duties or responsibilities will be deleted from the permanent position to warrant the lower classification, which will be reflected in a job description.
13.04 The period of training and the probationary period, if any, should coincide so that the appointment for an indefinite term is accompanied by the restoration of the deleted duties and reclassification of the position to its original rank.
13.05 For purposes of salary, the change from a training position to a permanent position will be considered to be a promotion for the incumbent.
Training Positions. Any training job will be posted and filled in accordance with Paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5. The wage rate for the trainee will be established by Management and the Recommending Committee. The Trainee will receive this rate during the training period. Wages will be adjusted to the rate applicable only after the Trainee is assigned to and classified in the position. The Trainee will return to his former position after the training period is declared over if no openings exist in the position in which he had received training. The posting of jobs for training will in no way alter or change the present method of posting job openings; however, it is agreed that employees that have been selected for and received training will be given preference over other employees for a twelve (12) month period in the filling of vacancies in positions for which they have been trained. If at any time during the training period, the Company and the Local Union Committee meet and agree that an employee in training is not capable of filling the position, either by lack of ability or through lack of interest shown, or at employee's option, he shall be returned to his former crew and job classification and steps to obtain another trainee will be taken up with the Union Committee.
Training Positions. The Company and the Union agree upon a systematic method to determining training positions through a training posting system. All training postings will be forwarded in writing to the Local Union. Training postings will be crew specific and will set out the needs of the position and any prerequisites needed. Training postings will be specifically identified as training opportunities and will be posted on the existing job vacancy boards. In determining who will be awarded the training opportunity the following criteria will be considered:
1. Applicant has the necessary prerequisites.
2. Seniority of the applicant.
3. Consideration of competency in current position, which includes the applicant’s safety record. The Local Union will be advised of the identity of the successful applicant. In the event that an applicant who would otherwise be awarded the training opportunity is not successful due to his safety record, the Company will meet with the applicant and a union representative to explain its decision. Any documents relied on in making the decision will be provided to the applicant and the Union. If the Union feels that the decision was unreasonable, it may grieve it. After ratification, once an employee has applied for and completed training on a position, the employee will be required to fill a subsequent vacancy in that position provided there are no other successful applicants for the job posting. If there are multiple individuals trained, the vacancy will be offered in order of seniority, and if there are no volunteers, the junior trained employee will be put in the position.
Training Positions. 20 When no external or internal qualified candidate for a posted position is found 21 within six (6) months after the date of the posting, the Hospital will, if reasonably 22 feasible, post a training position listing the necessary education and/or
Training Positions. 10 When no external or internal qualified candidate for a posted position is found within six 11 (6) months after the date of the posting, the Hospital will, if reasonably feasible, post a 12 training position listing the necessary education and/or experience. For purposes of this 13 section, the determination of reasonable feasibility will include an assessment as to 14 whether there are sufficient resources to provide such training. The Hospital will offer 15 the training position to the senior nurse who applies for the training position, provided 16 that he or she has the necessary prerequisite education and/or experience. This 17 provision does not limit the ability of the Hospital to post training positions at any time.
Training Positions. The Employer may post a training position under two separate circumstances. First, the Employer may post the position strictly as a training position, without requiring that candidates be qualified for the position. In the alternative, the Employer may post the position as either a training position or a position available to qualified applicants, in which case trainee applicants will be considered only if there is no suitable qualified candidate. Existing applicable job classifications may be utilized with qualifications modified to support the trainee selection process. In the absence of an existing classification, a new trainee job classification will be created. The supervisor shall develop a training plan and objectives that set forth a reasonable timeframe by which the trainee must be fully proficient in the new job.
Training Positions. In certain technical fields, it is often very difficult to recruit experienced personnel. The Personnel Officer may, from time to time, designate certain positions as training positions. Individuals will be hired on the basis of their aptitude for their given job and trained over a period of time to become proficient in that job. It is recommended that such positions pay salaries one increment below the minimum of the established salary grade. Upon completion of the training period, the employee should be paid the minimum of the salary of the grade. This provision shall not apply to 911 employees.