Union Access to Employees Sample Clauses
Union Access to Employees. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any representative of the Union for the purpose of business connected with the Union, upon advance notice, in which case such permission shall not be unreasonably denied.
Union Access to Employees. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to any authorized representative of the Union during working hours for the purpose of adjusting disputes or other Union business, upon reasonable advance notice to the Manager representative in charge, provided that such visitation shall not interfere with conduct of the Employer’s business. Permission for such access shall not be unreasonably denied.
Union Access to Employees. The City agrees that for purposes of representation on issues covered by this agreement, official representatives of the Union may meet with unit employees on City facilities during working hours, provided that prior notification has been given to the appropriate supervisor. The Union agrees that such meetings shall not interfere with the normal work duties of the employees. Solicitation for membership in the Union or other internal association business not directly connected to administration of this agreement shall be conducted during the nonwork hours of all employees involved. City facilities may be made available for use by City employees or the Union in accordance with such administrative procedures as may be established by the City Manager or Department Heads concerned. City will provide a written statement to each new bargaining unit employee that the classification is part of a bargaining unit represented by the Union, and the name of a representative of the Union. City will provide the Union President not less than ten (10) days’ notice of the onboarding orientation meeting, including the date, time, and location of the orientation meeting. If a bargaining unit employee’s first day of work begins less than ten (10) days after the date the employee is hired, the 10-day notice requirement may be reduced, and City will instead provide as much advance notice as reasonably possible of the orientation meeting. The City will allow a Business Representative of the Union and/or outside labor representative to spend up to fifteen (15) minutes with the new unit member at the end of the onboarding orientation meeting in order to provide information and materials about the MOU and related matters. No representative of City management shall be present during the Union’s presentation. A bargaining unit member attending the onboarding orientation meeting as the Union representative shall be given paid release time sufficient to cover the Union’s presentation and related travel time. The Union will provide the Human Resources Department with the names of any bargaining unit members who they request to be released for this purpose as soon as reasonably possible, and at least 48 hours before the meeting. To the extent required by Government Code Section 3558, City shall provide the Union President with a list of names and contact information (listed below) for any newly hired unit member within 30 days of the date of hire or by the first pay period of the month fol...
Union Access to Employees. The Employer recognizes the right of designated representatives of the Union in addition to the Union’s regional office staff to have access to the premises of the University for reasonable consultation with members and Local officers, to address Union meetings, and to participate in discussions, grievance meetings and negotiations with the Employer.
Union Access to Employees. (a) The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to an authorized representative of the Union from outside of the bargaining unit for the purpose of administering this Agreement on the understanding that the Employer’s operations will not be disrupted and with the prior consent of management on a case-by-case basis, which permission shall not be unreasonably denied, subject to the provisions of Clause 8.04(b) below.
(i) Other than legitimate site visits as defined above, the Union specifically agrees to limit all contact including, but not limited to, contact by telephone or any other electronic or mechanical devices or otherwise, by any external representative(s) of the Union with any bargaining unit Employee(s) to non-working hours, where working hours are deemed by mutual agreement for the purposes of this Clause 8.04 to include, but not be limited to, any rest breaks and/or meal periods, whether paid or unpaid under this Agreement.
(ii) The Employer specifically reserves the right to prohibit access by any authorized representative of the Union from outside of the bargaining unit to any area deemed by the Employer as having information or processes that are confidential to the operation of the Employer’s business.
Union Access to Employees. 13.01 A Staff representative of the Union, with reasonable notice, shall have access to the Cornwall Plant for the purpose of dealing with any specific complaint, condition, or other matter arising out of this Agreement or its operation or the relation of the parties hereto or to determine compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
Union Access to Employees. The Employer agrees that access to its premises shall be allowed to an authorized representative of the Union from outside of the bargaining unit for the purpose of administering this Agreement on the understanding that the Employer’s operations will not be disrupted and upon at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice, in which case such permission shall not be unreasonably denied.
Union Access to Employees. Any designated representative of the Union shall make arrangements with the District or its designee when there is a need to contact District employees in person during the duty period of the employees. Reasonable routine contact may be made during such duty period by phone, e-mail or internal mail distribution; however, solicitation for membership or other internal employee organization business shall be conducted only during the off-duty hours of all employees concerned, unless otherwise approved. Internal employee organization business includes political, union election, and social matters.
Union Access to Employees. During this same period of time when employer mandated restrictions prevent communication to the union cannot easily access employees through desk drops, on site tabling or use of bulletin boards because employees are teleworking for health and safety reasons in response to COVID, the employer is in agreement to extend the rights afforded under the CBA via electronic means. The use of the state’s electronic email system must remain de minimus and only when physical access is not available. Employees may use state issued computers and hot spots in lieu of a physical workspace for the purpose of receiving, forwarding to a personal email address, reviewing distributed information on personal time and/or during meal breaks, and to connect to virtual meetings on work time when scheduled in accordance with applicable provisions set forth in Article 39. For this purpose and with mutual agreement with an agency, the union may submit informational fliers to the agency HR department’s designated point of contact (POC) up to twice per month for distribution by the agency to teleworking bargaining unit employees via the state email system. Content will be appropriate to the workplace, politically non- partisan, in compliance with state ethics laws, and identified as union literature. The union will provide the HR POC with a minimum of three (3) business days’ notice to distribute the flyer and every effort will be made for distribution to be completed no later than the day following the notice period. Employees that are teleworking may use state issued computers and hot spots, in lieu of a physical workspace, for the purpose of receiving and reviewing this information. The use of the state‘s electronic email system must remain de minimus and only when physical access is not available. This does not extend use of the state’s email system to the union for general communication purposes beyond the provisions of this MOU and the CBA. The agency will only include the following statement with each informational flyer:.
Union Access to Employees