Union Dues and Fair Share Fees Sample Clauses

Union Dues and Fair Share Fees a) Employees may join the Union or may pay the Union a fair share service fee in an amount not to exceed the standard initiation fee, periodic dues, and general assessments of the organization. b) The Union shall notify the Agency of any employee who (i) is a member of the Union, who has applied for membership, or who elects to pay a fair share service fee, and (ii) has given the Union written authorization for deduction of unified membership dues, initiation fees and general assessments to the Union. The Union certifies that it shall collect and will maintain records of individual employee authorizations for deductions of said dues or fees. c) Upon Union notification to the Agency of written authorization by an employee, deductions shall be made from the first payroll period of each month and a check for the total deductions shall be submitted for processing for payment to the Union within five (5) working days of the date the dues are withheld from the employee's check. The Union agrees to notify the Agency of any membership status changes. The Agency shall rely on the information provided by the Union regarding canceling or changing deductions. At least every 120 days, Agency will provide the Union with a master list of all bargaining unit employees. The list will include the following information: Name, Address, job title, department, and Amount of Union Dues withheld. The Agency will provide the Union with not less than 10 calendar days' advanced notice of the time, date, and location of a new hire orientation session of any new employee (except that a shorter notice may be provided in a specific instance where there is an urgent need critical to Agency's operations that was not reasonably foreseeable). The Agency and the IBEW Local 1245 agree that a designated IBEW representative will be offered the opportunity to meet with newly hired members during the new hire orientation process or within 10 working days from the date of hire for 30 minutes. d) The provisions of Article 28, section C will not apply to an employee that is separated from the unit because of transfer, promotion, demotion, lay-off, or leave of absence for more than 30 days. Upon the employee's return to the unit, the provisions of this section will apply to the employee . e) I.B.E.W. 1245 must indemnify the Agency against any liability arising from any claims, demands or actions made by employees for deductions made in reliance on information provided by the Union All job description...
Union Dues and Fair Share Fees. In recognition of the Union as the exclusive representative, the Employer shall deduct an amount sufficient to provide initiation fee and the payment of the regular monthly Union membership dues uniformly established by the Union from the wages of all employees who have authorized, in writing, such deduction on a form designated and furnished by the Union. The Union shall certify to the employer, in writing, the current amount of regular monthly membership dues which it has uniformly established for all members. Such deductions shall be cancelled by the Employer upon a written request made by the involved employee to the Union with a copy to the appropriate departmental payroll office.
Union Dues and Fair Share Fees. In recognition of the Union as the exclusive representative, the Employer shall deduct an amount sufficient to provide initiation fee and the payment of the regular monthly Union membership dues uniformly established by the Union from the wages of all employees who have authorized, in writing, such deduction on a form designated and furnished by the Union. The Union shall certify to the employer, in writing, the current amount of regular monthly membership dues which it has uniformly established for all members. Such deductions shall be cancelled by the Employer upon a written request made by the involved employee to the Union with a copy to the appropriate departmental payroll office. In accordance with Minnesota Statues §179A.06, Subd.3, the Employer shall upon notification by the Union, deduct a fair share fee from all certified employees who are not members of the Union. This fee shall be an amount equal to a regular membership dues of the Union, less the cost of benefits financed through the dues and available only to members of the Union, but in no event shall the fee exceed 85% of the Union’s regular membership dues or such amount as may otherwise be allowable by law. The Union shall certify to the Employer in writing the current amount of the fair share fee to be deducted as well as the names of bargaining unit employees required by the Union to pay the fee.
Union Dues and Fair Share Fees 

Related to Union Dues and Fair Share Fees

  • Fair Share Fee 1. The Board agrees to automatic payroll deduction, as a condition of employment, of a fair share fee amount as designated by the Association from all bargaining unit members who elect not to become members of the Association, or who elect not to remain members. 2. The Treasurer of the Board shall, upon notification from the Association that a member has terminated membership, commence the check-off of the fair share fee with respect to the former member, and the amount of the fee yet to be deducted shall be the annual membership dues less the amount previously paid through payroll deduction. 3. Payroll deduction of such fair share fee shall commence with the first payroll on or after January 15th of each school year. 4. Dues rates and fair share fee rates shall be transmitted by the Association to the Treasurer of the Board for the purpose of determining amounts to be payroll deducted, and the Board agrees to promptly transmit all amounts deducted to the Association. 5. The Board further agrees to accompany each such transmittal with a list of names of bargaining unit members for whom all such deductions were made, the period covered, and the amounts deducted for each. 6. Upon timely demand, non-members may appeal to the Association the payment of the fair share fee pursuant to the internal rebate procedure adopted by the Association, or such non-members may submit each appeal as provided by law. 7. The amount to be deducted from the pay of all non-Association members shall be the total dues as paid by members of the Association, and such deductions shall continue through the remaining number of payroll periods over which Association membership dues are deducted. 8. The Association agrees to indemnify the Board for any cost of liability incurred as a result of the implementation and enforcement of this provision provided that: a. The Board shall give a ten (10) day written notice of any claim or action filed against the employer by a non-member for which indemnification may be claimed; b. The Association shall reserve the right to designate counsel to represent and defend the employer; c. The Board agrees to 1) give full and complete cooperation and assistance to the Association and its counsel at all levels of the proceeding, 2) permit the Association or its affiliates to intervene as a party if it so desires, and/or 3) not oppose the Association or its affiliates’ application to file an amicus curiae brief in the action; d. The action brought against the Board must be a direct consequence of the Board’s good faith compliance with the fair share fee provision of the collective bargaining Agreement herein; however, there shall be no indemnification of the Board if the Board intentionally or willfully fails to apply (except due to court order) or misapplies such fair share fee provision herein. 9. The above fair share fee provisions shall be an exclusive right of the Association not granted to any other employee organization seeking to represent employees in the bargaining unit represented by the Association. 10. The Association and its state and national affiliates shall amend their internal rebate procedures to comply with the constitutional requirements of the current law and any subsequent decisions of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Fair Share A. Each bargaining unit member who, as of October 1, fall semester and/or March 1, spring semester, or as a result of late start courses, meets the conditions of Association membership defined in Article I, 1.1 shall, as a condition of employment, join the Adjunct Faculty Association or pay a fair share fee to the Association equivalent to the amount of dues uniformly required of members of the Association, including local, state and national dues. Following the fifth pay period of the Fall and Spring semesters (Payrolls 5 and 15), the Administration will provide the Association a list of all adjunct and part-time faculty who have received teaching assignments. The Association will prepare a list of adjunct and part-time faculty to be given to the College who have either elected to have full (or local only) union dues and fair share fees deducted from their pay. The Adjunct Faculty Association President shall then submit to the Administration a list of adjunct faculty members who meet the conditions of Association membership due to courses that begin prior to Payroll 5 of the fall semester or Payroll 15 of the spring semester. The Association shall notify the Administration as soon as possible of the names of those adjunct faculty members who meet the conditions of Association membership due to late starting courses. B. The Board shall deduct the fair share fee from the wages of the non-member. C. Such fee shall be paid to the Association by the Board no later than ten (10) days following deduction. D. In the event of any legal action against the Employer brought in a court or administrative agency because of its compliance with this Article, the Association agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel, provided: 1. The Employer gives prompt notice of such action in writing to the Association and permits the Association intervention as a party if it so desires, and 2. The Employer gives full and complete cooperation to the Association and its counsel in securing and giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trial and all appellate levels. E. The Association agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the Employer from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of the Employer’s non-negligent compliance with this Article. It is expressly understood that this hold harmless provision will not apply to any claim, demand, suit or other form of liability which may arise as a result of any type of willful misconduct by the Board or the Board’s imperfect execution of the obligations imposed upon it by this Article. F. The Association shall certify to the Board the amount of the annual fair share fee, not to exceed the dues uniformly required of members of the Association. The Association acknowledges its obligation to provide non-members with the basis for the calculation of the fair share fee. The Association shall further certify to the Board that “Notice of Fair Share” has been posted in accordance with IELRB rules and regulations. No payroll deduction of fair share fees shall be made until at least fourteen (14) days after such certification. Such fair share payments shall be deducted by the Board on a pro-rata basis from the earnings of the non- members on the same time schedule as Association dues and be paid to the Association. The amount certified by the Association shall not include any fees for contributions related to the election or support of any candidate for political office. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the non-member from making voluntary political contributions in conjunction with his or her fair share payment. G. This fair share agreement shall safeguard the right of non-association of employees based upon bona fide religious tenets or teaching of a church or religious body of which such employees are members or a belief sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views. Such employees may be required to pay an amount equal to their fair share under this Agreement to a non-religious charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the employee affected and the Association, or if no mutual agreement is reached, from an approved list of charitable organizations established by the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board. H. Non-members who object to the amount of the fair share fee have the right to file objections with the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board.

  • Taxes and Fees Imposed on Purchasing Party But Collected And Remitted By Providing Party 11.3.1 Taxes and fees imposed on the purchasing Party shall be borne by the purchasing Party, even if the obligation to collect and/or remit such taxes or fees is placed on the providing Party. 11.3.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, any such taxes and/or fees shall be shown as separate items on applicable billing documents between the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the purchasing Party shall remain liable for any such taxes and fees regardless of whether they are actually billed by the providing Party at the time that the respective service is billed. 11.3.3 If the purchasing Party determines that in its opinion any such taxes or fees are not payable, the providing Party shall not xxxx such taxes or fees to the purchasing Party if the purchasing Party provides written certification, reasonably satisfactory to the providing Party, stating that it is exempt or otherwise not subject to the tax or fee, setting forth the basis therefor, and satisfying any other requirements under applicable law. If any authority seeks to collect any such tax or fee that the purchasing Party has determined and certified not to be payable, or any such tax or fee that was not billed by the providing Party, the purchasing Party may contest the same in good faith, at its own expense. In any such contest, the purchasing Party shall promptly furnish the providing Party with copies of all filings in any proceeding, protest, or legal challenge, all rulings issued in connection therewith, and all correspondence between the purchasing Party and the taxing authority. 11.3.4 In the event that all or any portion of an amount sought to be collected must be paid in order to contest the imposition of any such tax or fee, or to avoid the existence of a lien on the assets of the providing Party during the pendency of such contest, the purchasing Party shall be responsible for such payment and shall be entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery. 11.3.5 If it is ultimately determined that any additional amount of such a tax or fee is due to the imposing authority, the purchasing Party shall pay such additional amount, including any interest and penalties thereon. 11.3.6 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the purchasing Party shall protect, indemnify and hold harmless (and defend at the purchasing Party’s expense) the providing Party from and against any such tax or fee, interest or penalties thereon, or other charges or payable expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) with respect thereto, which are incurred by the providing Party in connection with any claim for or contest of any such tax or fee. 11.3.7 Each Party shall notify the other Party in writing of any assessment, proposed assessment or other claim for any additional amount of such a tax or fee by a taxing authority; such notice to be provided, if possible, at least ten (10) days prior to the date by which a response, protest or other appeal must be filed, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such assessment, proposed assessment or claim.

  • Can I Roll Over or Transfer Amounts from Other IRAs You are allowed to “roll over” a distribution or transfer your assets from one Xxxx XXX to another without any tax liability. Rollovers between Xxxx IRAs are permitted every 12 months and must be accomplished within 60 days after the distribution. Beginning in 2015, just one 60 day rollover is allowed in any 12 month period, inclusive of all Traditional, Xxxx, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs owned. If you are single, head of household or married filing jointly, you may convert amounts from another individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) to a Xxxx XXX, there are no AGI restrictions. Mandatory required minimum distributions from Traditional IRAs, must be removed from the Traditional IRA prior to conversion. Rollover amounts (except to the extent they represent non-deductible contributions) are includable in your income and subject to tax in the year of the conversion, but such amounts are not subject to the 10% penalty tax. However, if an amount rolled over from a Traditional IRA is distributed from the Xxxx XXX before the end of the five-tax-year period that begins with the first day of the tax year in which the rollover is made, a 10% penalty tax will apply. Effective in the tax year 2008, assets may be directly rolled over (converted) from a 401(k) Plan, 403(b) Plan or a governmental 457 Plan to a Xxxx XXX. Subject to the foregoing limits, you may also directly convert a Traditional IRA to a Xxxx XXX with similar tax results. Furthermore, if you have made contributions to a Traditional IRA during the year in excess of the deductible limit, you may convert those non-deductible IRA contributions to contributions to a Xxxx XXX (assuming that you otherwise qualify to make a Xxxx XXX contribution for the year and subject to the contribution limit for a Xxxx XXX). You must report a rollover or conversion from a Traditional IRA to a Xxxx XXX by filing Form 8606 as an attachment to your federal income tax return. Beginning in 2006, you may roll over amounts from a “designated Xxxx XXX account” established under a qualified retirement plan. Xxxx XXX, Xxxx 401(k) or Xxxx 403(b) assets may only be rolled over either to another designated Xxxx Qualified account or to a Xxxx XXX. Upon distribution of employer sponsored plans the participant may roll designated Xxxx assets into a Xxxx XXX but not into a Traditional IRA. In addition, Xxxx assets cannot be rolled into a Profit-Sharing-only plan or pretax deferral-only 401(k) plan. In the event of your death, the designated beneficiary of your Xxxx 401(k) or Xxxx 403(b) Plan may have the opportunity to rollover proceeds from that Plan into a Beneficiary Xxxx XXX account. Strict limitations apply to rollovers, and you should seek competent advice in order to comply with all of the rules governing any type of rollover.

  • Taxes and Fees Imposed on Providing Party But Passed On To Purchasing Party 13.4.1 Taxes and fees imposed on the providing Party, which are permitted or required to be passed on by the providing Party to its customer, shall be borne by the purchasing Party. 13.4.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, any such taxes and/or fees shall be shown as separate items on applicable billing documents between the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the purchasing Party shall remain liable for any such taxes and fees regardless of whether they are actually billed by the providing Party at the time that the respective service is billed. 13.4.3 If the purchasing Party disagrees with the providing Party’s determination as to the application or basis for any such tax or fee, the Parties shall consult with respect to the imposition and billing of such tax or fee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the providing Party shall retain ultimate responsibility for determining whether and to what extent any such taxes or fees are applicable, and the purchasing Party shall abide by such determination and pay such taxes or fees to the providing Party. The providing Party shall further retain ultimate responsibility for determining whether and how to contest the imposition of such taxes and fees; provided, however, that any such contest undertaken at the request of the purchasing Party shall be at the purchasing Party’s expense. 13.4.4 In the event that all or any portion of an amount sought to be collected must be paid in order to contest the imposition of any such tax or fee, or to avoid the existence of a lien on the assets of the providing Party during the pendency of such contest, the purchasing Party shall be responsible for such payment and shall be entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery. 13.4.5 If it is ultimately determined that any additional amount of such a tax or fee is due to the imposing authority, the purchasing Party shall pay such additional amount, including any interest and penalties thereon. 13.4.6 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the purchasing Party shall protect indemnify and hold harmless (and defend at the purchasing Party’s expense) the providing Party from and against any such tax or fee, interest or penalties thereon, or other reasonable charges or payable expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) with respect thereto, which are incurred by the providing Party in connection with any claim for or contest of any such tax or fee. 13.4.7 Each Party shall notify the other Party in writing of any assessment, proposed assessment or other claim for any additional amount of such a tax or fee by a taxing authority; such notice to be provided, if possible, at least ten (10) days prior to the date by which a response, protest or other appeal must be filed, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such assessment, proposed assessment or claim.

  • Can I Roll Over or Transfer Amounts from Other IRAs or Employer Plans If properly executed, you are allowed to roll over a distribution from one Traditional IRA to another without tax penalty. Rollovers between Traditional IRAs may be made once every 12 months and must be accomplished within 60 days after the distribution. Beginning in 2015, just one 60 day rollover is allowed in any 12 month period, inclusive of all Traditional, Xxxx, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs owned. Under certain conditions, you may roll over (tax-free) all or a portion of a distribution received from a qualified plan or tax-sheltered annuity in which you participate or in which your deceased spouse participated. In addition, you may also make a rollover contribution to your Traditional IRA from a qualified deferred compensation arrangement. Amounts from a Xxxx XXX may not be rolled over into a Traditional IRA. If you have a 401(k), Xxxx 401(k) or Xxxx 403(b) and you wish to rollover the assets into an IRA you must roll any designated Xxxx assets, or after tax assets, to a Xxxx XXX and roll the remaining plan assets to a Traditional IRA. In the event of your death, the designated beneficiary of your 401(k) Plan may have the opportunity to rollover proceeds from that Plan into a Beneficiary IRA account. In general, strict limitations apply to rollovers, and you should seek competent advice in order to comply with all of the rules governing rollovers. Most distributions from qualified retirement plans will be subject to a 20% withholding requirement. The 20% withholding can be avoided by electing a “direct rollover” of the distribution to a Traditional IRA or to certain other types of retirement plans. You should receive more information regarding these withholding rules and whether your distribution can be transferred to a Traditional IRA from the plan administrator prior to receiving your distribution.

  • Intent to Limit Charges to Maximum Lawful Rate In no event shall the interest rate or rates payable under this Agreement, plus any other amounts paid in connection herewith, exceed the highest rate permissible under any law that a court of competent jurisdiction shall, in a final determination, deem applicable. Borrower and the Lender Group, in executing and delivering this Agreement, intend legally to agree upon the rate or rates of interest and manner of payment stated within it; provided, however, that, anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if said rate or rates of interest or manner of payment exceeds the maximum allowable under applicable law, then, ipso facto, as of the date of this Agreement, Borrower is and shall be liable only for the payment of such maximum as allowed by law, and payment received from Borrower in excess of such legal maximum, whenever received, shall be applied to reduce the principal balance of the Obligations to the extent of such excess.

  • Payment of Sales, Use or Similar Taxes All sales, use, transfer, intangible, recordation, documentary stamp or similar Taxes or charges, of any nature whatsoever, applicable to, or resulting from, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be borne by the Sellers.

  • CP Costs Payments On each Settlement Date, Seller shall pay to Agent (for the benefit of the Conduits) an aggregate amount equal to all accrued and unpaid CP Costs in respect of the outstanding Capital of each of the Conduits for the related Settlement Period in accordance with Article II.