FMLA Leave The Board agrees to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act and agrees that any policy adopted to implement the FMLA shall in no way reduce or adversely impact any other provision of this Agreement.
Xxxx Leave For laid off employees, sick leave accruals shall remain on the books and be reinstated if such employees are reappointed. Whenever a person becomes ineligible for reemployment and such person has not been re-employed, then, if at the point of layoff such person was eligible to receive a sick leave accrual payoff, such person shall be paid for existing sick leave accruals in accordance with Section 1408 of this Agreement.
Casual Leave Employees may be granted casual leave with pay to a maximum of two (2) hours for the following purposes:
Xxxxx’s leave 22.2.1 In normal circumstances an employee is not entitled to take carer's leave where another person has taken simultaneous leave to care for the same person. 22.2.2 The employee must, if required by the Employer, establish by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the illness of the person concerned and that the illness is such as to require care by another. 22.2.3 The employee must where practicable, give the Employer notice prior to the absence of the intention to take leave, the name of the person requiring care and their relationship to the employee, the reason for taking such leave and the estimated length of absence. If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of absence, the employee must notify the Employer by telephone of such absence at the first opportunity on the day of the absence. 22.2.4 The same considerations in quantum of carer’s leave applicable to part time Employees may be extended to eligible casuals but on an unpaid basis
Maternity Leave 16.01 Upon written request on the appropriate form by a pregnant Employee, the University shall grant maternity leave consistent in timing and duration with the Employment Standards Act of New Brunswick. The application is to be made no later than two (2) weeks prior to the date that she intends to begin her leave and should specify the duration of the leave. A medical certificate specifying the expected date of delivery is to be attached to the application. 16.02 A pregnant employee may wish to continue working up to the expected date of delivery and may do so, if in the opinion of her physician she is able to fulfill her normal job responsibilities. No pregnant employee will be allowed to work in an area that may be hazardous to her health or to that of her child. The employee may be transferred by the Employer if appropriate alternate employment is available. 16.03 An early return to work, following delivery, will require a medical certificate indicating that the employee is medically fit for work. 16.04 Following the period of maternity leave, the employee will normally return to her former position. If this is not possible, she will be placed in an equivalent level of position. 16.05 A period of maternity leave may be extended by applying for an unpaid leave of absence under Article 18, Parental leave under Article 16A or by taking vacation time, if approved by the Employer. Such a request will not be unreasonably refused. 16.06 Upon completion of the initial probationary period of continuous employment, a female employee who provides the Employer with proof that she has applied for and is eligible to receive Employment Insurance benefits, shall be paid a maternity leave allowance in accordance with a plan registered with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission as a Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan (S.U.B.). 16.07 Under the provisions of the S.U.B. plan, the Employee's salary will be maintained at 95% of her regular weekly earnings for a maximum of 17 weeks of maternity leave. This plan allows the Employer to make up the difference between the C.E.I.C. maternity leave benefits up to 95% of the Employee's regular weekly earnings. The Employee is required to apply for the C.E.I.C. maternity leave benefit and must be eligible for the benefit for this plan to apply (as specified in the appropriate sections of the Employment Insurance Regulations). Contributions to the pension and benefit plans shall continue on the part of the Employee and the University on the basis of 100% of salary. 16.08 Employees have no vested right to payments under the plan except to payments during a period of unemployment specified in the plan (57 (13(h) of the E.I. Regulations). 16.09 Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred remuneration or severance pay benefits are not reduced or increased by payments received under the plan. 16.10 Employees must apply for and must be in receipt of employment insurance benefits to receive payments under the plan.
Health Leave Any regular employee of the District may, at the discretion of the Board, be granted a leave of absence without pay for reasons of health, such leave to be specified for a period of not more than one year. Such leave may be extended in case of serious health conditions.
Medical Leave Pursuant to applicable provisions of the Civil Service Rules, County Code, and other law, medical leaves of absence will be granted by the employee’s Department Head upon request only upon submission of a doctor’s certificate or other satisfactory medical evidence of the employee’s need for such leave.
Sabbatical Leave 1. Upon written application, not later than April 1 of any school year, a unit member who meets the following qualifications shall be granted a sabbatical leave. 2. All applications for sabbatical leave will be reviewed by a committee consisting of three (3) representatives to be named by the Superintendent, and three (3) representatives to be named by the Association President. The committee shall consider, among other qualifications, the following: a. The proposed program of the applicant as related to professional graduate study, travel, writing, or research. b. The value of the proposed program to the Pickerington Schools, its pupils, and the individual applicant. c. The applicant’s total length of service with Pickerington Schools. 3. In order to be eligible for a sabbatical leave, a unit member must have been employed in the Pickerington School District for at least five (5) years. 4. Unit members requesting such leaves must accompany their applications with detailed plans for the proposed use of their sabbatical leaves. Within ninety (90) days after the expiration of his/her leave, the unit member will make a written report to the Superintendent detailing the use, which was made of his/her leave. If the leave was granted for graduate study, the unit member will present to the Superintendent a transcript from the university or college attended. 5. Unit members approved for a sabbatical leave will be notified of their approval by May 15th, or as soon thereafter as possible. A unit member on a sabbatical leave shall be given an employment contract for the year of leave and shall be entitled to a salary equal to the difference between their previous salary and the salary of the substitute teacher replacing them while on sabbatical leave. 6. As a condition of being granted a sabbatical leave, a unit member must agree to return to the Pickerington Schools for a period of one (1) year upon returning from leave. Failure to do so shall require the unit member to refund to the Board all payments received from the Board for sabbatical leave purposes during the leave period. Such refund shall be made within a four (4) month period beginning with the first full month said unit member was to have returned to duty. Such time limit may be extended by agreement of both parties. 7. Unit members on sabbatical leave shall be given full experience credit on the salary schedule and credit for seniority purposes for the period of the leave and shall return to their same or to a similar position as they held at the time the leave commenced. 8. A bargaining unit member on sabbatical leave may maintain health, life, and dental insurance benefits during the period of leave. Any member desiring continuation of such benefits must notify the Treasurer not less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the leave and pay to the Treasurer an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the total monthly cost of the insurance not less than ten (10) days in advance of the time that the Board premium payment is due. 9. Any bargaining unit member who purchases retirement credit for the portion of their salary forfeited during the sabbatical leave will pay to STRS both the employee and employer share of retirement contributions. 10. All such sabbatical leaves shall be granted in conformity to the provisions of Section 3319.131 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Paternity Leave 7.4.6(a) An employee will provide to the employer at least ten weeks prior to each proposed period of paternity leave, with:
Parenting Leave Parenting Leave consists of Maternity Leave and Parental Leave. Parental Leave includes Paternity and Adoption Leave.