Article General Provisions Sample Clauses

Article General Provisions. Neither party shall serve notice prior to November 1, 2004, to become effective January 1,2005, requesting changes of matters contained in this agreement. Contact period through December 31, 2004. Chairpersons General Committees of Adjustment Railroads in the United States August 28,2002 Letter No. WR-6-99 ear Chairpersons Enclosed you will find a copy of the recently ratified National Agreement signed in Washington, D.C. on August 20,2002. As you know, the agreement contains certain frames within which to resolve issues relative to the health and welfare plans and implementation of trip rates. In this regard you will find enclosed a letter of understanding between the parties establishing September 1, 2002, as the date from which these time frames will be measured. Additionally, enclosed is a copy of this agreement on a compact disc. If you are unable to view this information, you can download the entire agreement the UTU Web page
Article General Provisions. Neither party shall serve notice prior to November 1,2004, to become effective January 1,2005, requesting changes on matters contained in this agreement. Contract period through December 31,2004,
Article General Provisions. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep the Human Resources Department informed of correct home address, telephone number, marital status and number of dependants.
Article General Provisions. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep the Human Resources Department informed of correct home address, telephone number, marital status and number of dependants. Article Contracting Of Skilled Trades Work It is the policy of to utilize its employees in the maintenance skilled trades classifications whenever possible. The Company will inform the Plant Chairperson of proposed projects and provide the nature and scope of the work and also as to whether the Company can do the work competitive- ly in quality, cost and performance and within the projected time limits. Advanced notice of the use of outside contractors will be provided in situations other than emergencies in order to permit meaning- ful discussions between the Company and the Union. The Company will give due consideration to the Union's comments and ideas with respect to contracting out skilled trades work. The Company will make a concerted effort to make available the necessary training to properly service the plant equipment and facilities which are main- tained by skilled trade employees. The Company and the Union will meet to discuss the training needs of the skilled trades. Training approved by the Company will be reimbursed by the Company at straight time earnings. Approved expenses incurred by the employee during the training will be provided for by the Company.
Article General Provisions. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed so as to affect the obligations of the parties under the provisions of the Canada Shipping Act, or other legislation, or to impair in any manner whatsoever the authorityof the Master. Where Officersare displaced due to automation, mechanization, or permanent reduction in the number of Officers because of the sale of a vessel, recall and severance will be determined as follows: Officers with less than three (3) years seniority with the Company shall have their employment terminated and will be entitled to severance pay equal to two (2) days basic pay per year of service with the Company calculated at the date of Officers with at least three (3) years seniority with the Company will be laid off and remain on the recall list pursuant to the provisions of Article with entitlement to be placed on other vessels as vacancies occur provided they are qualified to perform the available work. an Officer not be offered a placement on another Company vessel during the time is on the recall list, employment will terminate and shall be entitled to severance pay equal to two (2) days basic pay per year of service with the Company calculated at the date of layoff. Company will give an eight (8) week written notice to those who are subject to layoff. Should an Officer not receive the eight (8) week notice, the Company shall pay to the Officer the pro-rated portion for which the Officer was not given notice.
Article General Provisions. No current serving member of the Board of Directors of the Association shall be assigned to investigate a member of the Police Service through a public complaint and/or complaint as within Part Complaints of the Ontario Police Services Act. Except as set out in Board agrees to purge all Service files, including a Member's personnel file of: Page January to December Uniform Collective Agreement
Article General Provisions. The Board shall inform the President of the Association, in writing, by October the names and addresses of the Occasional Teachers. The Board shall provide space on a bulletin board in each school having a bulletin board, accessible to the Occasional Teachers and upon which the Association shall have the right to post notices related to Association Business. In addition each school shall have a designated mail box accessible to Occasional Teachers. All correspondence between the Board and the Association arising out of this Agreement, or incidental thereto, shall pass to and from Director of Education or designate and the President of the Association.
Article General Provisions. In several Articles of this Agreement reference is made to the date October 3 1985 when discussing “pre-85” and “post-85” employees. The parties recognize that other specific dates may exist in agreements which define issues relative to and “post-85”employees,such as, but not limited to, the June 28,1985 Agreement and the June 15, 1987 Agreement covering Yardmasters represented by the former Railroad yardmasters of America. Accordingly, do theparties agreethat the reference to “pre-85” and 85” employees in this Agreement is intended to include all employees such as those referenced above? The parties agree that this must be answered on a case-by-case basis in light of the partiesmutual intentions and an evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances.
Article General Provisions. An employee covered by this agreement, who is required to travel between locations as a requirement of the job shall be paid mileage costs, in accordance with the Board policy. When an employee is required for job related reasons to have the particular vaccination the Board shall pay the cost if the cost is not covered by the Ontario Health Plan. The Pension Plan is a mandatory condition of employment for all new employees commencing on their date of hiring with no minimum earnings or hours of employment restrictions. The Board agrees to deduct the necessary contributions from the pay of each eligible employee for the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System The Board will contribute an amount of money equal to the employee's deduction for the Pension Plan in accordance with the governing legislation for the basic plan. Those existing employees who elected not to join the Pension Plan and therefore signed a waiver of membership shall have the option to join the plan however are excluded from mandatory enrolment. Those employees who continue to waive their membership will be required to sign an annual waiver.
Article General Provisions. The Board shall provide a paid in-service training programme for Occasional Teachers. In preparing such programme, the Board will request input from the Association. It is understood that Occasional Teachers on Long Term Occasional contracts shall attend Professional Development Days and shall be paid for attendance at these days. Occasional Teachers may attend Board sponsored Professional Development activities without remuneration, provided space is available. An Occasional Teacher who is replacing an itinerant teacher shall receive travel expenses in accordance with Board policy. The employer agrees to investigate the feasibility of introducing a computerized, central call-out system. Upon implementation of a central call-out system or a similar mechanism should one be available earlier, the employer will disclose to the Association on a monthly basis, what proportion of casual and long term occasional work was assigned to unqualified persons. All Teachers certified by the College of Teachers, or for whom the Board has received a Letter of Permission, are deemed to be qualified as Occasional Teachers as in Article I of contract.