A. Teachers shall be in their classrooms for the days contracted. Any unexcused absence will result in an entry to that effect in the teacher's personnel file, with notice thereof to the teacher and it, or a combination of these, may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
B. No teacher, who holds a valid contract, shall discontinue his or her service with the Board except by mutual consent without giving a written notice to said Board as early as possible, preferably by April 15, but in no case later than the legal date of July 10.
C. The teacher and/or the Association will adhere to Principles I and II of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession adopted by the National Education Association's Representative Assembly.
D. All Association materials intended for distribution or display in any property of the Board shall be identified as Association material before display or distribution.
E. Teachers are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of professional service to the welfare and benefit of the student body.
5.01. General Rights
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Teachers shall be in the classroom for the days contracted. Unexcused absences are seriously regarded and any unexcused absence will minimally result in an entry to that effect in the teacher’s personnel file and a loss of pay for that day, with notice thereof to the teacher involved. The teacher shall have the right to enter in writing, any answers or objections to such notice. Any such answers will be attached to the notice and placed in the teacher’s personnel file.
B. Immediately upon determining that he/she will not return for the following school year, the teacher will file notice of such intent with the Superintendent of Schools. Resignations must be presented to the Superintendent not later than July 1 when a teacher does not intend to return for the following school year.
C. If any testing for communicable diseases is required by law, all teachers shall be tested for the purpose of determining that they are free of those communicable diseases. This testing shall be without cost to the teacher, provided that any such costs which are covered by the health insurance coverage provided by Article 16-A of this Agreement shall be submitted to the health insurance carrier for payment.
D. Any bargaining unit member with 15 or more years of service to the district, who submits an unconditional written resignation to the District on or before 4:00 pm on the first Friday in February of the contract year, shall be entitled to receive payment in the amount of $2,000. The payment shall be subject to the following:
1. Resignations of qualified bargaining unit members submitted after 4:00 pm on said Friday, shall entitle the resigning bargaining unit member to payment of $1,000 if the unconditional written resignation is received on or before 4:00 P.M. on the first Friday after April 15th of the contract year.
2. Resignations of qualified bargaining unit members submitted after 4:00 pm on the first Friday after April 15th of the contract year shall not entitle the resigning bargaining unit member to any payment under the provisions of this agreement.
3. Payment of the above specified amounts (minus employee FICA, tax withholding and other legally required deductions) shall be made to eligible bargaining unit members as part of their paycheck within 30 days of receipt of the letter of resignation.
4. Resignations submitted under this provision, must be signed by the teacher, signify the date on which the resignation is submitted, and designate the effective date...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. It is the responsibility of the Association and its representatives and its members to honor Board policies and administrative regulations which are not in violation of this contract.
B. Association agents who are not employees of the District shall honor Board policy by securing permission of the administrator before contacting local members of the Association during school hours.
C. All teachers agree to notify the Board as soon as possible of their intention to continue or terminate employment with the District.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. 1. All Association materials intended for distribution or display on any property under the management of the Board shall be identified as Association materials before display or distribution.
2. Teachers are expected to indicate to the Board as soon as possible if they do not intend to return for the coming year.
3. For the duration of this Agreement, the Association agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, engage in or assist in any strike against the Ionia Public Schools, nor shall it assist any person who, by concerted action with others, and without lawful approval of her/his superior, willfully absents herself/himself from her/his position, or abstains in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of her/his duties, unless the Board commits an unfair labor practice.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. Teachers are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of professional 7 proficiency, to plan adequately and made conscientious efforts to meet, if 8 necessary, with children, parents and/or administrators.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Teachers shall be at their work station for the days contracted. Any unexcused absence may result in a loss of pay for the duty time missed and an entry to that effect in the teacher's personnel file. Unexcused absence may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. The Board retains the right to require, at the Board's expense, that a teacher undergo a medical examination to confirm good cause for an absence. In situations where a teacher has been notified in writing by the Personnel Office that his/her absence record suggests a possible pattern of excessive use or abuse, the Board may require a teacher, at Board expense, to provide medical verification for similar future absences until the absence record shows significant improvement or the concern has abated. This notification shall only constitute the beginning of progressive discipline and not discipline in and of itself. Future repeated behavior of the same nature may trigger progressive discipline.
B. No probationary teacher or teacher on continuing tenure shall discontinue service with the Board except by mutual consent without giving a written notice to said Board at least thirty (30) days before the beginning of the ensuing school year.
C. Teachers are expected to indicate to the Board as soon as possible if they do not intend to return for the coming school year.
D. All Association materials intended for distribution or display in any property under the management of the Board shall be identified as Association material before display or distribution.
E. Teachers are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of professional service to the welfare and benefit of the student body. Teachers, therefore, are responsible to discharge their teaching assignment with professional proficiency, to plan adequately, and to make conscientious efforts to meet, if necessary, with children, parents, and/or administrators.
F. Teachers are responsible for reporting to work physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to perform the duties of their jobs. When the Board has reason to believe that a teacher is reporting to work in an unfit condition, and/or a teacher is seeking an accommodation for a physical or other disability, the teacher shall comply with requests to provide appropriate medical documentation. A teacher may be required to undergo examination by a Board-selected medical professional for purposes of evaluating a teacher's physical, mental, and/or emotional fitness for w...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A teacher who is off duty for more than five (5) consecutive days may be required to present a statement of ableness to the principal upon return to work. This statement shall be made out by a physician authorized to practice medicine under laws of the State. Medical verification of disability may be required where a teacher's attendance record shows frequent absences. In such cases, the teacher shall be notified in writing of the need for such verification prior to the absence for which the verification is required.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Teachers shall be at their work stations for the days and times contracted. Teachers are obligated to attend two administrative building meetings per month which may extend up to one hour beyond the normal contracted work day. Teachers, full and part-time, shall attend professional development days. Willful disregard of these obligations may subject the Teacher to immediate disciplinary action.
B. All Association material(s) intended for distribution or display on any property or facility under the Board management shall be identified as Association material(s) before distribution or display.
C. Teachers shall maintain a continuous high level of professional service to the welfare and benefit of the student body. Teachers, therefore, shall discharge their assignments with professional proficiency, plan adequately, and make conscientious efforts to meet, as necessary, with children, parents, and administrators.
D. Teachers shall remain on duty without extra pay as long as necessary in an emergency situation, including but not limited to a severe weather warning, a civil or student disturbance, or a situation which may threaten student health or safety.
E. A Teacher who will be absent from work is required to report his/her absence in advance on the substitute reporting system utilized by the District. The District shall provide the method of procuring a substitute in writing to the Teacher at the start of each school year. An absence not reported within two (2) hours after the start of the Teacher’s work day may be considered a violation of this policy, depending on the reason for untimely notification. When a Teacher has officially notified the District of his/her absence, classroom supervision becomes the District’s responsibility.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The Board and the Association pledge themselves to seek to provide full equality of educational opportunity to all students.
B. The Board and the Association subscribe to the principle that differences shall be resolved by appropriate and peaceful means, in keeping with the high standards of the profession, without interruption of the school program. Accordingly, the Association agrees that during the term of this Agreement, it will not instigate, participate in, encourage, or support any strike, as defined by the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, as amended, against the Board by a teacher or group of teachers.
C. The Association and the Board agree that the improvement of instruction, and the development and revision of the school program are a joint responsibility of teachers and administrators. Both parties will, therefore, lend their full support to the successful operation of all regularly scheduled professional meetings designed for these purposes.
D. Attendance at and participation in school parent and/or student activities, within the teacher's building, which do not require preparation time beyond the normal school day is considered by both parties to be a normal responsibility for all teachers. Such responsibility shall not extend beyond attendance and participation, in a professional capacity, at more than two ( 2 ) such activities per semester, as coordinated and scheduled by the building principal at the beginning of each semester. A teacher who gives advance notice shall be excused for reasonable cause from attendance at an activity; the principal may reschedule such a teacher for another activity.
E. It is recognized by both parties that the successful operation of the schools includes responsibilities which extend beyond the standard teaching duties. Teachers may, therefore, rightfully be expected to assume their fair share of such responsibilities which fall within the normal hours of service.
F. The Association recognizes that abuses such as chronic tardiness and absences reflect adversely upon the teaching profession and create an undesirable condition in school buildings. The Association will use their best efforts to discourage breaches of professional behavior by any b a r g a i n i n g u n i t e m p l o y e e .
G. 1. Maintaining s t u d e n t discipline shall be the responsibility of all certified personnel. To this end, the procedures set forth in the official discipline policy for the District shall be observed.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Teachers shall be at their work stations for the days and times contracted. Teachers are obligated to attend two administrative building meetings per month which may extend beyond the normal contracted work day. Teachers, full and part-time, are obligated to attend in-service days. Absentees from the above shall discuss the absence with their building administrator. Any unexcused absence shall result in an entry to that effect in the teacher's personnel file, with notice thereof to the teacher that it, or a combination of these, may be cause for disciplinary action as outlined in Article 10, Section G, of this agreement. Willful disregard for these obligations may be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
B. All association materials intended for distribution or display in any property under the management of the Board shall be identified as association materials before display or distribution.
C. Teachers are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of professional service to the welfare and benefit of the student body. Teachers, therefore, are responsible to discharge their teaching assignments with professional proficiency, to plan adequately and make conscientious efforts to meet, if necessary, with children, parents and/or administrators.