Construction Quality Management Plan. 20 Developer shall prepare a Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) that describes its 21 policies, procedures, and staffing to manage construction quality in accordance with the 22 requirements of this Section GP, TP Attachment 110-2, and the Contract 23 Documents. 24 Developer shall define processes and procedures for quality control to achieve compliance with 25 the Contract Documents. Developer shall hire an Independent Quality Firm (IQF) to perform 26 both materials testing and comprehensive product inspection, and IQF test results and 27 inspection observations will be used in acceptance decisions as described in TP Attachment 28 110-2. 29 Developer shall construct the Work in accordance with the RFC Submittal, and other documents 30 that have been formally released for construction as defined in Section GP 31 Developer’s CQMP must contain detailed procedures for Developer’s Construction QC and IQF 32 activities. The CQMP must be consistent with the applicable procedures contained in the ADOT 33 Materials Quality Assurance Program and the ADOT Construction Manual. Developer shall use 34 the ADOT Materials Testing Manual when establishing sampling and testing procedures for 35 standardization and consistency with ADOT procedures. The CQMP must establish clear 36 distinction between Developer’s QC and the IQF’s Quality Acceptance activities and persons 37 performing them. The quality process must also allow for verification sampling, testing, 38 inspection and Independent Assurance activities by ADOT as defined in TP Attachment 110-2. 39 Developer shall ensure that personnel with appropriate training and qualifications for each 40 appropriate item of Work (items produced on and off the Site) perform inspections, reviews, and 41 testing using appropriate equipment that is accurately calibrated and maintained in good 42 operating condition in accordance with the ADOT Materials Quality Assurance Program, Section
Construction Quality Management Plan. 1.1 The Contractor will prepare and implement a construction Quality management plan (the “Construction Quality Management Plan”) that describes how the Contractor intends to manage and provide objective evidence of the processes and procedures in connection with the construction activities in accordance with the ISO 9001 Standard, the Quality Management System requirements stated in the Quality Manual and the provisions of the Contract.
1.2 In addition to any other requirements of the Contract, the Construction Quality Management Plan will include:
(a) an organizational chart identifying key construction quality personnel (including the Quality Manager and the manager responsible for Site laboratory testing) and the linkage with the overall Quality Management System as documented in the Quality Manual;
(b) a description of the responsibilities, qualifications, and authority of the personnel identified under Section 1.2(a) of this Appendix 8-3 [Construction Quality Management Plan] and a plan for maintaining the independence and consistency of the quality team;
(c) a description of the organizational interfaces between the personnel identified under Section 1.2(a) of this Appendix 8-3 [Construction Quality Management Plan] and those of the design and other disciplines;
(d) identification of all Subcontractors engaged in construction activities;
(e) identification of all laboratories, inspection agencies and inspectors used by the Contractor in connection with the construction activities, including evidence of their accreditations and contact information;
(f) a description of all Site test laboratories, including a plan to establish, certify, operate and maintain the laboratories in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 standard, with the capability and capacity to handle the progression of the Work, and containing all testing equipment and personnel to fulfill all technical requirements of the Contract; and
(g) a communications strategy relating to Quality between the Contractor, Subcontractors and BC Hydro including Site kickoff meetings and monthly meetings to discuss the Quality Progress Report concerning construction for such month.
1.3 The Construction Quality Management Plan will, at a minimum, include or reference detailed quality system procedures and process flow charts for the following processes:
(a) Inspection and Testing;
(b) materials identification and traceability;
(c) quality assessment of Subcontractors engaged in supply and construction activiti...
Construction Quality Management Plan. 30 Developer shall prepare a Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) that describes its 31 policies, procedures, and staffing to manage construction quality in accordance with the 32 requirements of this Section GP, TP Attachment 110-2, and the Contract 33 Documents. 34 Developer shall construct the Work in accordance with the RFC Submittal. Developer’s CQMP 35 must contain detailed procedures for Developer’s QA/QC activities for construction activities. 36 The CQMP must be consistent with the applicable procedures contained in the ADOT Materials 37 Quality Assurance Program and the ADOT Construction Manual. Developer shall use the ADOT 38 Materials Testing Manual when establishing sampling and testing procedures for 39 standardization and consistency with ADOT procedures. The CQMP must establish clear 40 distinction between Developer’s QC and the IQF’s quality acceptance activities and persons 41 performing them. The quality process must also allow for verification sampling, testing, and 42 inspection by ADOT. 43 Developer shall ensure that personnel with appropriate training and qualifications for each 44 appropriate item of Work (items produced on and off the Site) perform inspections, reviews, and
Construction Quality Management Plan. Developer shall construct the Work in accordance with the Released for Construction Documents, following a reasonable timeframe for TxDOT review and comment, together with the relevant requirements and specifications of the Contract Documents. Materials quality assurance for the project will be carried out in accordance with TxDOT’s Quality Assurance Program (QAP) for Design-Build (D-B) Projects available at xxxx:// Develop the project CQMP to meet the requirements of TxDOT’s QAP for D-B. The CQAF will conduct materials sampling and testing in accordance with TxDOT’s QAP for D-B and the results of those tests will be used as part of the acceptance decision, if the QCAF test results are validated by the Owner Verification sampling and testing, as described in TxDOT’s QAP for D-B. CQAF test results that are not independently validated by owner verification sampling and testing will not be used to determine material acceptability. When QCAF test results are not validated by the owner verification sampling and testing, the material in question will be evaluated as described in section 3.5 of TxDOT’s QAP for D-B. Developer’s Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) shall contain detailed procedures for Developer’s quality control and quality assurance activities for construction activities. The CQMP shall be consistent with the applicable procedures contained in the current TxDOT Contract Administration Handbook for Construction and establish a clear distinction between quality control and quality acceptance activities and persons performing them. At a minimum, the CQMP shall specify:
a) Methods and procedures that clearly define the distinction/authority/responsibility for the administration of Developer’s CQMP.
b) Designation of an individual on each crew to be responsible for performing daily field inspections of their own Work and for preparing a daily QC report to document the inspection performed.
c) The review and Approval process of all Portland cement concrete and hot mix asphaltic concrete mix designs by a CQAF Registered Professional Engineer.
d) Methods and procedures to be utilized by Developer to obtain active participation of the work force in quality control operations to achieve a quality project; Developer shall include reporting forms to be used by the responsible quality control personnel.
e) A construction quality control organization and staffing plan. Developer shall (a) show the period...
Construction Quality Management Plan. B. Design Builder shall prepare a “Construction Quality Management Plan” that:
Construction Quality Management Plan. (CQMP) shall mean the plan that establishes quality control and quality acceptance procedures for the Work as more particularly described in Section 2.2.8 of the Technical Provisions.
Construction Quality Management Plan. A plan developed by the Contractor which consists of both QC and Quality Acceptance activities with respect to performance of the work. The CQMP is provides procedures that clearly describe how the Contractor’s staff will address various quality requirements. Contractor - T he entity identified in the Agreement to perform work under the applicable project, together with its successors and assigns.
Construction Quality Management Plan. 39 Developer shall prepare a Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) that describes its 40 policies, procedures, and staffing to manage construction quality in accordance with the 41 requirements of this Section GP, TP Attachment 110-2, and the Contract 42 Documents. 1 Developer shall define processes and procedures for quality control to achieve compliance with 2 the Contract Documents. Developer shall hire an Independent Quality Firm (IQF) to perform 3 both materials testing and comprehensive product inspection, and IQF test results and 4 inspection observations will be used in acceptance decisions as described in TP Attachment 5 110-2.
Construction Quality Management Plan. 34 Developer shall prepare a Construction Quality Management Plan (CQMP) that describes its 35 policies, procedures, and staffing to manage construction quality in accordance with the 36 requirements of this Section GP, TP Attachment 110-2, and the Contract 37 Documents. 38 Developer shall construct the Work in accordance with the Release for Construction (RFC) 39 Submittal, Developer’s CQMP must contain detailed procedures for Developer’s QA/QC 40 activities for construction activities. The CQMP must be consistent with the applicable 41 procedures contained in the ADOT Materials Quality Assurance Program and relevant 42 appendices and the ADOT Construction Manual. Developer shall use the ADOT Materials 43 Testing Manual when establishing sampling and testing procedures for standardization and 1 consistency with ADOT procedures. The CQMP must establish clear distinction between QC 2 and quality acceptance activities and persons performing them.
Construction Quality Management Plan. Developer shall construct the Work in accordance with the Released for Construction Documents, following a reasonable timeframe for TxDOT review and comment, together with the relevant requirements and specifications of the CDA Documents.