Discharge and Suspension Grievances Sample Clauses
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. Grievances dealing with discharges and suspensions shall be registered in writing within seventy-two (72) hours (Saturdays, Sundays and General Holidays excluded) from the time of the discharge or suspension and shall commence with Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure as outlined in Section 6.2(b).
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. 9.01 An employee is entitled, prior to the imposition of suspension or discharge to be given written reasons for such action. At the time formal discipline is imposed or at any stage of the grievance procedure, including the complaint stage, an employee is entitled to be represented by her/his Union Xxxxxxx. In the case of suspension or discharge, the Home shall notify the employee of this right in advance. The Manor also agrees, as a good labour relations practice, in most circumstances it will also notify the local Union. The Manor agrees that where an employee is required to attend a meeting with the Manor that may lead to disciplinary action, as a good labour relations practice, it will inform the employee of the purpose of the meeting.
9.02 The release of a probationary employee for reasons based on performance and ability to do the job, including skills, suitability and availability shall not be subject to the grievance procedure unless the probationary employee is released for:
(a) reasons which are arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith;
(b) exercising a right under this Agreement. The Manor agrees to provide written reasons for the release of a probationary employee within seven (7) days of such release. A claim by a probationary employee that she/he has been unjustly released shall be treated as a grievance, provided the employee is entitled to grieve, if a written statement of such grievance is lodged by the employee with the Manor at Step 2 within ten (10) working days after the date the release is effected. Such grievance shall be treated as a special grievance as set out below. The Manor agrees to provide written reasons within seven (7) calendar days to the affected employee in the case of discharge or suspension and further agrees that it will not suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline an employee who has completed her/his probationary period, without just cause. A claim by an employee who has completed her/his probationary period that she/he has been unjustly discharged or suspended shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged by the employee with the Manor at Step No. 2 within ten (10) working days after the date the discharge or suspension is effected. Such special grievance may be settled under the Grievance or Arbitration Procedure by:
i) confirming the Manor's action in dismissing the employee; or
ii) reinstating the employee with or without loss of seniority and with or without full compen...
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. 13.01 A claim by an employee who has completed his probationary period that he has been discharged or suspended without just and sufficient cause shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged with the Director of Operations or his/her designate at Step No. 2 of the grievance procedure within five (5) working days after the employee ceases working for the Employer. Such special grievances may be settled by:
(a) Confirming the Employer’s action in dismissing or suspending the employee, or
(b) Reinstating the employee with full or partial compensation for time lost, or
(c) Any other arrangement which is just and equitable in the opinion of the conferring parties, the nominees or the conferring parties, or the Board of Arbitration as the case may be.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. The letter of termination or suspension without pay of an employee who has completed probation will include written reasons and will be provided to the employee within seven (7) calendar days of termination or suspension without pay. A discharge grievance is to be submitted as a written statement lodged by the employee with the Employer within fourteen (14) calendar days of the discharge and will be dealt with starting at Article 8.03 of the grievance procedure.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. A claim by the Union that an Employee has been discharged or suspended from employ without just cause shall be filed as a formal grievance with the Employer within twenty (20) days of the discharge or suspension. Such grievance may be settled by confirming the Employer’s action in discharging or suspending the Employee, or by reinstating the Employee with appropriate compensation, or by other arrangement that is acceptable to the parties.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. (a) A nurse will be advised of her/his right to be accompanied by a nurse representative to any meeting with the Employer, where reprimands, discipline or termination (including resignation) may be discussed.
(b) A nurse is entitled, after imposition of suspension or discharge to be given written reasons for such action.
(c) A claim by a nurse covered under the Agreement that she/he has been suspended or discharged without just cause, shall be lodged at Step No. 2 of the Grievance Procedure within ten (10) working days of having been provided with the notice of suspension or termination of employment. A nurse representative may be present. A grievance claiming suspension or discharge may be settled by confirming the Employer's action or by reinstating the nurse or by any other arrangement which is just and equitable in the opinion of the conferring parties or an Arbitration Board.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. The following special procedure shall be applicable to a grievance alleging improper discharge or suspension of an employee who has completed his/her probationary period. The grievance may be lodged in writing through the Chairperson of the Committee to the management at Step 2 within five (5) working days after the discipline. If the decision is not satisfactory, the Union may then proceed on the giving of the prescribed notice of appeal to an impartial arbitrator selected in accordance with Article 9.03. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, a probationary employee may be discharged at the sole discretion of and for any reason satisfactory to the Employer and is not subject to the grievance procedures and does not constitute a difference between the parties.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. Any dispute relating to the suspension or discharge of an employee may be made the subject of a grievance at Step 3 of the grievance procedure, provided it is raised within ten (10) workdays of receipt of notice of suspension or discharge. Such grievance shall thereafter be processed in accord with the procedures set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of this Agreement.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. 8.01 Employees are entitled to be accompanied by a Committee Member when interviewed in the course of a disciplinary investigation.
8.02 In the case of a discharge of an employee, the Employer shall direct a letter to the Employee, with a copy to the Union. The letter shall confirm the discharge and the reasons for such action, as they are known to the employer as of the date of the letter.
8.03 If an employee who has completed his/her probationary period believes that (s)he has been discharged without cause, (s)he may file a written grievance with the Manager or designate within ten (10) calendar days after (s)he has been given notice of discharge. The requirement to discuss with the Supervisor, and Step 1 of the grievance procedure shall be omitted in that case.
Discharge and Suspension Grievances. In situations where employee disciplinary action involves either employment termination or suspension, the Company agrees to advise the Union Chairperson or alternate for purposes of affording an opportunity for discussion prior to the actual issuance of the discipline and removal of the employee. It is agreed that advance notification will not be required in those disciplinary situations of an emergency nature arising from issues of safety, sabotage or acts damaging the Company’s business, where the Company determines that immediate action is needed. Any grievance regarding an employment termination or suspension shall be initiated in writing at Step 1 of the grievance procedure and must be filed within ten (10) days following the date on which the disciplinary action was issued to the employee.