EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. The Employer and the Union recognize that mental illness, alcohol and drug addition are medical disorders. They further recognize there are social, personal and economic problems associated with them. Accordingly, the parties shall establish a joint Employee Assistance Program Committee consisting of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer to deal with these problems in the workforce. The Committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties and shall be vested with the authority to make recommendations. Dated: February 8, 1995. SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE: SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 622: MAYOR “Xxxx Xxxxxxx” PRESIDENT “Xxxxxx Xxxxx” CLERK
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. Effective 2017 October 03: The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides a holistic approach to building a thriving workplace, healthy employees and families, and stronger communities by supporting employees in managing all of life’s complexities. The Employer and the Union recognize that mental wellness and substance dependency are health and wellness issues. Accordingly, the parties shall establish a joint Employee Assistance Program Committee consisting of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer to assist with addressing these issues in the workplace. The Committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties and shall be vested with the authority to make recommendations. Dated: August 10, 2017. SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE: SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 622: “X. XxxxXxxxxxx Xxxx, Director of Human Resources “X. Xxxx” Xxxxxxx Xxxx, President between the CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. Further to a Memorandumof Agreement between the Company and the Local dated December the parties have agreed to the formation, on a trial basis, of an Employee Assistance Program Committee for the duration of the Collective Agreement dated January
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. An Employee Assistance Program Committee will monitor the program; the Committee will consist of one (1) representative from the Company and one (1) representative from the Union. The Union representative will be provided such time off as necessary to monitor the program, without loss of pay.
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. The Employer and the Union recognize that mental illness, alcohol and drug addition are medical disorders. They further recognize there are social, personal and economic problems associated with them. Accordingly, the parties shall establish a joint Employee Assistance Program Committee consisting of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer to deal with these problems in the workforce. The Committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties and shall be vested with the authority to make recommendations. Dated: February SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC MAPLE RIDGE: EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 622: “Xxxx MAYOR PRESIDENT “Xxx CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE RE: ARTICLE (HOURS BETWEEN SHIFTS) PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides a holistic approach to building a thriving workplace, healthy employees and families, and stronger communities by supporting employees in m anaging all of life’s complexities. The Employer and the Union recognize that mental wellness and substance dependency are health and wellness issuesillness, alcohol and drug addiction are medical disorders. They further recognize there are social, personal and economic problems associated with them. Accordingly, the parties shall establish a joint Employee Assistance Program Committee consisting of two (2) representatives of the Union and two
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM COMMITTEE. The parties have agreed to continue the ongoing Employee Assistance Program Committee for the duration of the Collective Agreement dated December The Committee will be comprised of three members: one (1) representing the Company, and two ( 2 ) representing the Union. Meetings will be scheduled as required. Mandate of the Committee will be to promote and raise awareness of the and act as a resource for the employee enquiries about available services. It is also understood by both parties that the Company shall supply transportation or assist in an individual’s expenses, with no loss of wages to a maximum of eight (8) straight time hours, if such individual must assist a Nestle employee or Nestle retiree (For example, drive an employee to etc.). DATED AT WALLACEBURG, ONTARIO THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER, Van RE: The Company and Union recognize that as a food processing company, governments in Canada as well as other countries where our products are sold, require medical testing of employees. Failure to comply will result in loss of production opportunities. The parties further recognize it is imperative to have employees' cooperation and participation complying with the medical testing program where and when required. Based on these understandings the parties have agreed to the following practices for the duration of the collective agreement commencing February Operational requirements may require testing to be scheduled at times outside regular working hours. In such instances employees will be compensated at straight time for time spent at such tests, with a payment of two hours as the minimum. Company's discretion an employee may be granted permission to company nurse. Any employee granted such permission will be required to schedule their own appointments and provide appropriate completed documentation. Employees missing scheduled tests, or not providing results of tests within agreed time periods, may be bypassed from labour lineups where medical testing is required. DATED AT WALLACEBURG, ONTARIO THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER, Van RE: RECLASSIFICATION: OILER OPERATOR Further to a Memorandum of Agreement between the Company and Local dated December and revised December the parties have agreed to the following treatment of the incumbent stemming from reclassification of the Oiler Operator position. The current incumbent in the Oiler position will receive above the posted rate. This premium will be paid until such time when he has posted out of the position. Should he el...


  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Section 1. The Employer agrees to provide to the Union the statistical and program evaluation information provided to management concerning Employee Assistance Program(s). Section 2. No information gathered by an Employee Assistance Program may be used to discipline an employee. Section 3. Employees shall be entitled to use accrued sick leave for participation in an Employee Assistance Program. Section 4. Each university will offer training to local Union Stewards on the Employee Assistance Program available in their university, on university time, where an Employee Assistance Program is available.

  • Employee Assistance Program Neither the fact of an employee's participation in an employee assistance program, nor information generated by participation in the program, shall be used as a reason for discipline under this Article, except for information relating to an employee's failure to participate in an employee assistance program consistent with the terms to which the employee and the University have agreed.

  • Employee Assistance Programs Consistent with the University's Employee Assistance Program, employees participating in an employee assistance program who receive a notice of layoff may continue to participate in that program for a period of ninety (90) days following the layoff.

  • Employee Assistance Plan The District will provide an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) which allows each employee to refer themselves confidentially to the EAP provider. To protect confidentiality, any data which the provider transmits to the District shall be summary only. The Employee Assistance Plan will include individual and/or family counseling.

  • Dependent Care Assistance Program The County offers the option of enrolling in a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The program allows employees to set aside up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) of annual salary (before taxes) per calendar year to pay for eligible dependent care (child and elder care) expenses. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.

  • Employee and Family Assistance Program (a) A province-wide Employee and Family Assistance Program for employees and members of their immediate family, with whom the employee normally resides, shall be provided. (b) This Employer-funded, confidential, assessment/referral service will be monitored by a Joint Committee. The Committee shall consist of two members: one member appointed by the Employer and one member by the Union. Employees representing the Union on this Joint Committee shall be on leave of absence without loss of basic pay for time on this Committee. (c) The Employer will consult with the Union regarding the selection of a service provider. The Employer will not select a service provider to which the Union has reasonable objections. (d) The Joint Committee shall develop an awareness package that can be incorporated into existing supervisor and Union training programs.

  • Employee Assistance Drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance are available from or through the Employer’s employee assistance program provider(s) (E.A.P.).

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • TRANSITION COMMITTEE A transition committee comprised of the employee representatives and the employer representatives, including the Crown, will be established by January 31, 2016 to address all matters that may arise in the creation of the Trust.

  • JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The parties agree that they will continue the Joint Labor-Management Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the employees covered by this Agreement. Topics for the Joint Labor-Management Committee may include, but are not limited to, Professional Development, Incentive Pay, etc. The Committee shall meet quarterly or as mutually agreed by the co-chairs. The President of CWA or designee and the Director of Human Resources or designee shall serve as co-chairs.