Federation Business Leave Sample Clauses
Federation Business Leave. The Federation President or a teacher designated by the Federation President may have up to ten (10) days leave with full compensation within a school year for the purpose of conducting Federation business. No more than two (2) individuals may use Federation leave on any one (1) school day. Federation leave days may be used in one-half (1/2) day units.
Federation Business Leave. In each school/fiscal year, the District will allow leave without loss of pay, up to a maximum of 220 person days total for the District, for members of all Federation bargaining units which includes Educational Assistants, School and Community Services Personnel, and Teachers to participate in official business of the Federation. In an unusual circumstance, and following written specific request by the Federation, the Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, elect to authorize specified additional days beyond the days permitted herein. Except for members of the Saint Xxxx Federation of Educators Executive Board, no one person may be granted leave under this provision for more than five (5) person days in a school year. Approval for this leave is contingent upon five (5) days written notice in advance, or as soon thereafter as possible, by the Federation to the Employee Relations Office of the District upon the proper request form, and upon approval by Human Resources. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Leave requested by the Federation for negotiations purposes is handled separately, under Article 6 Section 2, of this article, and the approval of Human Resources is required. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Leave requested by the Federation for collaborative professional activities of the Federation and the District is handled separately from this provision and must be approved by the Superintendent. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. The Federation shall pay the cost of substitute service for any member in the teacher, educational assistant, or school and community service professional bargaining units who are released under this provision, as billed by the Business Office of the District.
Federation Business Leave. The College will grant up to ten (10) days or eighty (80) hours per year, or more upon President or designee approval, to employees for the purpose of Federation business. Requests will be made to the President or designee and such leave will be granted; provided that the leave does not create a hardship on the educational program of the College. The Federation will reimburse the College the cost of necessary substitutes for Federation initiated requests.
Federation Business Leave. A full-time Faculty member when elected or appointed to an office in the Michigan Federation of Teachers or American Federation of Teachers and in regular discharge of the duties thereof shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of his service. Leaves of absence for a period of one (1) year or more shall be renewed yearly.
Federation Business Leave. The parties agree to the primary principle that Federation business will be carried out during off-duty hours. FOPPO shall indemnify and hold the State and Agency harmless against any and all claims, damages, suits, or other forms of liability which may arise out of any action taken or not taken by the Employer and/or Agency for the purpose of complying with this provision. For Federation leave, FOPPO shall, within thirty (30) days of payment to the employee, reimburse the Agency for payment of appropriate salary, benefits, paid leave time, pension, and all other employer-related costs. The Federation shall reimburse the Agency within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of billing. Federation Business Leave does not constitute a break in service. Upon written request from XXXXXXXXXX, members shall be given release time from his/her position for the performance of Federation duties, including Statewide Annual FOPPO trainings. Not to exceed a maximum of four (4) employees at any one time (with no more than two (2) employees from either functional unit), employees elected to Federation office or otherwise selected by the Federation to conduct Federation business that takes them away from their employment may be granted leave without pay or leave with pay reimbursed by the appropriate FOPPO local to the Agency for a reasonable period of time not to exceed seven (7) working days, upon seven (7) days' advance notice by the Federation. The determination for granting such leave shall be made by the Agency based on operational needs of the Agency. Leave will be requested through the normal agency procedure.
Federation Business Leave. In each school/fiscal year, the District will allow leave without loss of pay, up to a maximum of two hundred (200) person days total for the District, for teachers to participate in official business of the Federation. In an unusual circumstance, and following written specific request by the Federation, the Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, elect to authorize specified additional days beyond the two hundred (200) permitted herein. Except for members of the Saint Xxxx Federation of Teachers Executive Board, no one teacher may be granted leave under this provision for more than five (5) person days in a school year. Approval for this leave is contingent upon five (5) days written notice in advance, or as soon thereafter as possible, by the Federation to the Employee Relations Office of the District upon the proper request form, and upon approval by Human Resources. Leave requested by the Federation for negotiations purposes is handled separately, under Section 2 of this article, and the approval of Human Resources is required. Leave requested by the Federation for collaborative professional activities of the Federation and the District is handled separately from this provision and must be approved by the Superintendent. The cost of substitute teacher service for any teachers released under this provision shall be paid by the Federation, as billed by the Business Office of the District.
Federation Business Leave. The Employer shall grant reasonable leaves of absence to employees whenever required in the performance of duties as the "duly authorized" representatives of the Federation, including attendance at conventions, conferences, seminars, etc., provided such activity or activities do not unduly interfere with the efficient operation of the Police Department and provided the cost and expense of attending any of the above will be borne by the employee or the Federation.
Federation Business Leave. In each school/fiscal year, the District will allow leave without loss of pay, up to a maximum of twenty (20) person days total for the District, for educational assistants to participate in official business of the Federation. In an unusual circumstance, and following written specific request by the Federation, the Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, elect to authorize specified additional days beyond the twenty
Federation Business Leave. (County Paid Time): Federation Business that is considered 25 County Paid Time includes functions that are considered County /Federation joint functions such as negotiations 26 (including time before and after negotiations for caucuses); participation in committees that are joint 27 County/Federation committees such as Labor/Management committees, the Benefits Committee and the 28 Compensation Committee; duties as a xxxxxxx as defined in this Agreement; hearings and meetings to settle 29 grievances and disputes between the parties; and such other Federation Business (County Paid Time) mutually 30 agreed upon by the parties. Employees participating in such activities will be allowed to do so without loss of 31 pay.
Federation Business Leave. In each school/fiscal year, the District will allow leave without loss of pay, up to a maximum of two hundred (200) person days total for the District, for teachers to participate in official business of the Saint Xxxx Federation of Teachers. In an unusual circumstance, and following written specific request by the Federation, the Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, elect to authorize specified additional days beyond the two hundred (200) permitted herein. Except for members of the Saint Xxxx Federation of Teachers Executive Board, no one teacher may be granted leave under this provision for more than five (5) person days in a school year. Approval for this leave is contingent upon five (5) days written notice in advance, or as soon thereafter as possible, by the Federation to the Labor Relations Office of the District upon the proper request form, and upon approval by the Labor Relations Manager. Leave requested by the Federation for negotiations purposes is handled separately, under Section 2 of this Article, and the approval of the Labor Relations Manager is required. Leave requested by the Federation for collaborative professional activities of the Federation and the District is handled separately from this provision and must be approved by the Superintendent or the designated Area Superintendent. The cost of substitute teacher service for any teachers released under this provision shall be paid by the Federation, as billed by the Business Office of the District. All terms and conditions of employment (as defined in Minnesota Statue §179A.03, Subd. 19) for substitute teachers shall be contained solely within this Article and the Appendices specifically referenced in this Article. Substitute teachers are at will employees who work when needed by the district and whose assignments or future assignments can be terminated at any time solely at the discretion of the employer and are not grievable under the terms of this labor agreement. Except as specifically provided in this Article, no fringe benefits or leaves are provided substitute teachers. Further, a substitute employee shall not have or acquire any rights or benefits other than the specific pay rate provided for the specific substitute service rendered, as such is established by the Board of Education. Substitute teachers are not prohibited from being selected and working in additional employment assignments, as specified in Article 9, Additional Compensation Provisions, or Appendix C, Extrac...