Graduate Tuition Reimbursement Sample Clauses
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. A. The BOARD will allocate annually a pool of money to be used by Professional Staff Members for graduate tuition reimbursement. The annual amount is $30,000.
B. Each Professional Staff Member shall be eligible for reimbursement as listed in C. below, for graduate level course work leading to an initial masters degree in education, or the Professional Staff Member's area of certification/licensure, from an accredited university. Professional Staff Members will be eligible for tuition expense reimbursement for courses whose content is relevant to the Professional Staff Member and helpful in improving the Professional Staff Member's job performance.
C. If during the year, the requests for reimbursement exceeds the amount in the pool it will be divided on a pro rata basis among all approved Professional Staff Members based upon the costs paid by the Professional Staff Member as evidenced by written documentation.
D. Graduate tuition reimbursement shall be made to the Professional Staff Member on the second pay in December for course(s) taken which conclude between September 1 and August 31 of the previous school year. Payment will be made for tuition expense only and will not include payment for such items as books, materials, laboratory fees, meals, parking fees, application fees, graduation fees, internet hookup, or other miscellaneous fees.
E. To be eligible for graduate tuition reimbursement, Professional Staff Members must meet the following criteria:
1. Graduate tuition reimbursement applies only to graduate level coursework taken after the Professional Staff Members employment by the BOARD.
2. Application for reimbursement must be submitted to the Staff Personnel office by October 15 of the reimbursement year accompanied by an official college transcript indicating successful completion of the course(s) and a receipt showing payment to the university.
3. The Professional Staff Member must be employed by the BOARD at the time of reimbursement.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. The Board shall allocate One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00) per each school year for Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. These amounts shall not carry over from year to year. Each full-time, annually contracted teacher shall be reimbursed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per semester hour. The work taken shall be in the teaching field of certification/licensure of the teacher or in other work previously approved by the Superintendent or his designee. The college or university at which the course is taken must also be certified by the Ohio Board of Regents. Following receipt of a master’s degree, all work taken shall be with the prior approval of the Superintendent and shall be judged on the potential for direct benefit to the instructional program of the Springfield City Schools. This reimbursement shall be made only once per course taken. Hours taken through grants, scholarships, or other sources at no cost to the teacher shall be excluded from this provision. Transcripts must be presented to Administration within sixty (60) calendar days of class completion. The maximum number of hours per teacher applicable under this policy shall be the equivalent of twelve (12) semester hours from July 1 through June 30. Certificates for tuition received from a college or university for DocuSign Envelope ID: 22C4B649-47B2-43A6-94B5-1EF2E9B1A864 supervision of student teaching or other similar services shall not be applicable under this section. If a teacher leaves the employ of the Board within two (2) years of receiving tuition reimbursement under this provision, the teacher shall be responsible for repaying the Board for any amounts received under this provision during that two (2) year time period. Those sums may be withheld from any wages due to the teacher, which may not have yet been paid. The repayment provisions shall not apply if the teacher leaves employment through termination, retirement or disability retirement.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. A. The Board will allocate a pool of $45,000 annually to be used by Teaching Staff Members on the Bachelor's Degree (Class III of the Salary Schedule) for graduate tuition reimbursement. Teaching Staff Members are eligible for reimbursement up to a maximum of $600 annually for graduate level course work leading to an initial Masters Degree in education or their area of certification/licensure. Reduced tuition through Summer Institute hours is not eligible for tuition reimbursement. If during a year, more than seventy-five
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. A. Reimbursement by the Board to teachers pursuing graduate studies shall be under the following conditions and provisions:
1. Each teacher is entitled to reimbursement of the tuition costs for nine (9) graduate credits per year at the College of New Jersey rate. Only tuition costs will be reimbursed.
2. Reimbursement for each course at private colleges will be made at a rate not to exceed the College of New Jersey rate.
3. Reimbursement will be paid only for graduate courses in the teacher’s immediate or related area of assignment in the classroom or present area of certification, or courses which are part of an approved matriculated degree program. Other courses may be requested and paid for at the rate of three (3) credits per year which are outside these parameters with the specific approval of the Superintendent.
4. All courses taken for reimbursement must first be approved on the proper form by the Superintendent and must meet the following application deadlines:
a) Summer School Courses: June 30th
b) Fall Semester Courses: September 30th
c) Spring Semester Courses: February 15th
d) Interim Courses: Prior to Registration Courses must be approved before enrolling for coursework.
5. Reimbursement is limited to courses for which a final grade of C or higher has been earned, as determined by an official transcript.
6. All courses are to be taken through an accredited college or university as recognized by the New Jersey State Department of Education.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement.
A. The BOARD will allocate annually a pool of money to be used by Professional Staff Members for graduate tuition reimbursement. The annual amount is $45,000.
B. Each Professional Staff Member shall be eligible for graduate level course work tuition reimbursement as listed in C. below:.
C. Requests for reimbursement will be honored in the following order, up to $45,000 total group reimbursement. Requests for reimbursement that are, in total, more than $45,000 will be paid on a percentage basis.
1. Reimbursement for courses toward a Professional Staff Member’s initial master’s degree in education or an initial master’s degree in the Professional Staff Member’s current area of certification/licensure.
2. Reimbursement for courses in the Professional Staff member’s current area of certification/licensure, course toward an additional licensure area, or courses whose content is relevant to the Professional Staff Member and helpful in improving the Professional Staff Member’s job performance.
D. Tuition reimbursement shall be made to the Professional Staff Member by the second pay in December for course(s) taken which conclude between September 1 and August 31 of the previous school year. Payment will be made for tuition expense only and will not include payment for such items as books, materials, laboratory fees, meals, parking fees, application fees, graduation fees, internet hookup, or other miscellaneous fees.
E. To be eligible for graduate tuition reimbursement, Professional Staff Members must meet the following criteria:
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. 1. The Board shall reimburse each Teacher up to seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per school year for cost of tuition and fees for approved additional graduate college credit. In addition:
a. Such credit classes must be provided within a two hundred (200) mile (road miles) radius or within the state of Illinois to be eligible for reimbursement. Exceptions to the dollar and mile limitations herein may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent.
b. Reimbursement for online graduate courses shall be limited to courses accepted by the Illinois State Board of Education for Professional Educator Licenses, Endorsements or Approvals.
2. The Superintendent shall have the responsibility of granting approval upon the Teacher showing proof of relevancy to the Teacher’s current assignment with District No. 258.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. 1. The Board and Association believe that continuing education for professional growth is beneficial to the quality of classroom instruction. With that in mind, the Board will allocate annually a $40,000 pool of money to be used on a first come first served basis.
2. Each full-time, annually contracted member (administrators shall be excluded) shall be reimbursed actual tuition costs per semester hour, up to a maximum of $800 annually for graduate level course work taken at an accredited university. The course work taken shall be in the field of education or the member's area of certification/license. Following receipt of a Master's Degree, all work taken shall have the prior approval of the Superintendent or his Designee and shall be judged upon the potential for direct benefit to the instructional program of the District. Graduate Tuition Reimbursement shall be made to the member in October of the school year following the receiving of credit for courses taken. To be eligible for Graduate Tuition Reimbursement, members must meet the following criteria:
a. Must have submitted and had approved by the Superintendent/Designee the proper application form.
b. Must show evidence of successful completion (with a B or above) of course work by September 15 of the reimbursement year.
c. Must provide evidence that the tuition was paid in full by the member.
d. Must be employed by Miamisburg City Schools for the next school year unless RIFed or non-renewed by the Board of Education.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. The College will provide tuition reimbursement, up to the prevailing Rutgers graduate tuition rate, for graduate-level courses taken at any regionally accredited institution of higher education or approved foreign institution of higher education as approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Full-Time Faculty Members taking courses at foreign institutions of higher education will request tuition reimbursement approval from the Vice President of Academic Affairs prior to the Full-Time Faculty Member’s enrollment. Reimbursement shall be provided for up to twelve (12) graduate credits per Full-Time Faculty Member per academic year for courses of study in the Full-Time Faculty Member’s field of specialization or field in which he or she renders service to the College. The academic year extends from September 1 through August 31. Full-Time Faculty Members shall submit requests for tuition reimbursement to Department Deans, who will forward the request with their recommendation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review the request. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will give the Full-Time Faculty Member the reasons when requests are denied. Reimbursement will be made to Full-Time Faculty Members who have received approved graduate credit for their course work and who have submitted proof of tuition payment and passing grade transcripts to the Human Resources Department within six (6) months of the end of the semester the course was taken. Doctoral candidates seeking reimbursement for dissertation credits will show proof of tuition payment and the appropriate grade to indicate satisfactory progress.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. Reimbursement by the Board to the Business Administrator pursuing graduate studies shall be under the following conditions and provisions.
Graduate Tuition Reimbursement. A. The Board will appropriate annually a pool of money to be used by teachers for graduate tuition reimbursement in the following amount: sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000)
B. Each teacher shall be eligible for reimbursement annually for graduate level course work taken at an accredited university, up to the following amounts: nine hundred fifty dollars ($950.00) for classes taken in the previous school year
C. If during the year more teachers are approved for reimbursement than the maximum amount listed above will permit, the pool will be equally divided among all approved teachers. The Director of Human Resources will notify the MREA president by February 1st of the amount of reimbursement requested and paid.
D. Graduate tuition reimbursement shall be made to the teacher on the first pay in December for course(s) taken by the teacher between September 1 and August 31 of the previous school year. Payment will be made for tuition expense only and will not include payment for such items as books, materials, laboratory fees, meals, parking fees, application fees, graduation fees, internet hookup, or other miscellaneous fees.
E. To be eligible for graduate tuition reimbursement, teachers must meet the following criteria
1. Application for reimbursement must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources by October 15 of the reimbursement year accompanied by an official college transcript indicating successful completion of the course(s) and an itemized original receipt showing payment to the university.
2. The teacher must be employed by the Board for the next school year. Teachers on voluntary, unpaid leave status will receive tuition reimbursement upon return to active status rate of reimbursement in effect for the year of return. Any teacher who is affected by a reduction in force and took classes during the school year, or who is in the process of completing courses, who would have been eligible for tuition reimbursement the next year will receive that reimbursement in accordance with the agreement.