HOODIP Sample Clauses
HOODIP. (The following clause is applicable to full-time employees only)
(a) The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A) Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income
HOODIP a) The Health Centre will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A) Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income
HOODIP. The following provision will appear in all full-time collective agreements that provide for HOODIP or equivalent, replacing any other sick leave language that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement. For Hospitals which provide for an accumulating sick leave plan, the existing collective agreement provisions will continue unless the Hospital and the local union mutually agree to replace the existing plan with HOODIP or equivalent. In the event of such mutual agreement the provision below will become effective on the first of the month agreed to by the local parties and will replace any existing accumulating sick leave program or plan.
"a) The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A) Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income
HOODIP a) The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A) Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan Brochure. The Hospital will pay 75% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees under the long-term disability portion of the Plan (HOODIP or an equivalent plan as described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part B)), the employee paying the balance of the billed premium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to the short- term portion of the disability program, employees on the payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three (3) months or more of service shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service. For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, employees on the active payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with one (1) year or more of service shall be deemed to have one (1) year of service.
b) Effective the first of the month following the transfer all existing sick leave plans in the affected Hospitals shall be terminated and any provisions relating to such plans shall be null and void under the respective Collective Agreements except as to those provisions relating to pay-out of unused sick leave benefits which are specifically dealt with hereinafter.
c) Existing sick leave credits for each employee shall be converted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee. The "sick leave bank" shall be utilized to:
(1) supplement payment for lost straight time wages on sick leave days under the new program which would otherwise be at less than full wages or no wages and,
(2) where a pay-out provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, pay-out on termination of employment shall be that portion of any unused sick leave days under the former conditions relating to pay-out,
(3) where, as of the effective date of transfer, an employee does not have the required service to qualify for pay-out on termination, his existing sick leave credits as of that date shall nevertheless be converted to a sick leave bank in accordance with the foregoing and he shall be entitled, on termination, to that portion of any unused sick leave days providing he subsequently achieves the necessary service to qualify him for pay-out under the conditions relating to such pay-out.
(4) an employee who, as of the effective date of transfer, has accumulated ...
HOODIP. Sick leave benefits will be in accordance with HOODIP (Hospitals of Ontario Disability Plan).
HOODIP. (i) The Employer agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the billed premium for the Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan. All eligible employees must as a condition of employment, join the plan in accordance with the terms and conditions of the plan. The Hospital further agrees to pay the appropriate rate in the plan for the first two (2) days of the fourth (4th) and subsequent illness in any calendar year.
(ii) While receiving short-term sick pay benefits, all other Group Insurance Plan benefits will be maintained as if the employee were actively at work. After expiry of short-term sick pay benefits, the employee must prepay the full cost of premiums for the Group Insurance Plan to ensure continuous coverage. An employee who is not eligible for benefits under U.I.C. illness, WSIB or the Employer's L.T.D. plan and is not on an approved leave of absence shall not be eligible for coverage under the Employer's Group Insurance Plan. The brief outline does not completely describe the details of the Employees' Group Insurance Plan, and it is provided as an overview only. The Hotel Dieu Hospital agrees that it is responsible to ensure that it properly administers the processing of claims, but it is not responsible for a decision reached by the insurance companies underwriting these benefits in consideration of payment of claims.
HOODIP. (a) The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A) Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan Brochure. The Hospital will pay 75% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees under the long-term disability portion of the Plan (HOODIP or an equivalent plan as described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part B), the employee paying the balance of the billed premium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to the short- term portion of the disability program, employees on the payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three (3) months or more of service shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service. For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, employees on the active payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with one (1) year or more of service shall be deemed to have one (1) year of service.
HOODIP. L-17.01 For the purposes of this Collective Agreement, Article 13.01 (a) shall be deemed to read 90% where it states 75%.
12.01 The Health Centre will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the 1992 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income
HOODIP a) The Health Centre will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan equivalent to that described in the August, 1992 booklet (Part A)