Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical Sample Clauses
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. The Board agrees to establish and maintain for the life of this Agreement a plan under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code so long as permitted by law. Such plan shall include any and all employee contributions for health, dental and/or life insurance premiums. Further, the parties agree that there is an insurance task force created consisting of three representatives each of the Board and the NTA to explore cost saving measures in the insurance area. This task force shall meet as necessary. There shall be no change to the Master Contract without the written authorization of both parties.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. Effective January 1, 2019 the insurance terms set out below shall apply: The City shall provide all Bargaining Unit Members with health insurance benefits (including medical, (comprehensive hospitalization, surgical, major medical, physician service coverage), prescription drug, vision, and dental), under the group insurance and benefits plans generally provided to the employees of the City, on the same terms and conditions, and at the same rate on which those benefits are generally provided to employees of the City other than those covered by other labor contracts, except as set forth herein in Article 30. The City, in its sole discretion, may modify such benefits, the City’s and employees’ share of the cost of such benefits, the terms and conditions on which such benefits are provided, and/or the means by which such benefits are provided, so long as any such modifications are also applicable generally to employees of the City other than those covered by other labor contracts. The member may visit a health care provider of his or her choosing for any coverage set forth Article 30 provided the medical provider accepts medical insurance.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. A. The Board shall provide comprehensive major medical insurance coverage for each unit member employed full-time, and his/her family, which meets or exceeds the specifications below.
B. A unit member may change the coverage status (single or family) effective the first of any month subject to the rules and regulations of the carrier.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. A. The Board shall provide comprehensive major medical insurance coverage for each unit member employed full-time, and his/her family, which meets or exceeds the specifications set forth in Appendix U. For year 1 of the Contract (2020-2021 school year), the specifications and payment levels set forth in the 2017-2020 Contract shall apply. Changes to the specifications and payment levels shall be effective with year 2 of the Contract (2021-2022 school year).
B. A unit member who experiences a qualifying life event may change his/her coverage subject to COBRA regulations.
1. The summary of benefits and coverage for all medical plans are outlined in Appendix U.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. 1. Premium – Bargaining unit members taking insurance shall pay: July 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017; Current Contract Language, No Premiums January 1, 2018 – June 30 2018; Fifty-two Dollars ($52.00) per pay for a family plan (for a total of 12 pays), Twenty one dollars and fifty cents ($21.50) per pay for a single plan (for a total of 12 pays), towards the premium; July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019; Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) per pay for a family plan (for a total of 24 pays), Twenty-three dollars ($23.00) per pay for a single plan (for a total of 24 pays), towards the premium; July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020; Fifty-seven Dollars and fifty cents ($57.50) per pay for a family plan (for a total of 24 pays), Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per pay for a single plan (for a total of 24 pays), towards the premium; selected by the employee whether self-funded or covered by an insurance carrier with the general benefits as listed in this Agreement.
2. Both Spouses Employed - If both spouses are employed in the District, the Board is only obligated to pay the premium for one (1) family plan or two (2) single plans (if there are no children).
3. Dependent Eligibility - Eligible dependents include spouse, dependent child(ren) from birth to age twenty-six (26) (who is/are unmarried, not employed on a regular full-time basis and dependent on the employee for support), and unmarried dependent child(ren) of any age who is/are incapable of self-support due to a physical or mental disability which arose prior to attainment of age twenty-six (26).
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. The City will maintain comprehensive hospitalization, surgical, major medical, physician services coverage and prescription drug coverage for all members as set forth in this Contract and as set forth in the Employee Health Care Plan, in effect as of November 1, 2014, including the provisions set forth in this Section, until December 31, 2018. The following provisions apply to the above referenced insurance coverage effective until December 31, 2018.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. The Board shall provide hospitalization and surgical coverage and Major Medical Expense Benefits through a carrier licensed by the State of Ohio for its support staff members and their dependents. A coverage summary shall be attached to this contract as Appendix A (identified as Medical Benefits). The Board shall pay ninety-five percent (95%) of the individual premium or ninety percent (90%) of the family premium, whichever the employee elects for each support staff employee. Payroll deduction of the employee’s share shall occur in 24 equal installments. Any member hired after the first day of a month shall have the option of waiving coverage under the district’s health benefits program until the beginning of the following month. If the member chooses not to waive coverage, the employee shall be responsible for his/her share of the premium contributions for the initial month, being divided equally between the ensuing two (2) months.
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. The Board shall provide a hospitalization, surgical, major medical insurance plan for each member of the classified staff who desires it and is eligible. The Board will provide a choice of two plans: a preferred provider option (PPO) and a high deductible health plan (HDHP)/Lumenos HSA Plan. For employees who work six (6) hours or more per day, and bus drivers who are regularly scheduled to work both a.m. and p.m. routes, the Board agrees to pay eighty-nine percent (89%) of the monthly premium cost for the HDHP in year one (1), eighty-eight percent (88%) of the premium in year two (2), and eighty-seven percent (87%) of the premium in year three (3) and eighty percent (80%) of the monthly premium cost for the PPO in years one (1), two (2), and three (3) except for:
a. Employees of the Board who have coverage elsewhere, other than total individually purchased coverage, or coverage for their dependents only under survivor benefits; or
b. If the employee’s spouse has medical insurance offered at his/her place of employment, then said spouse is required to participate in that insurance plan. The employee’s spouse is allowed to enroll in Xxxxxxxxx’x plan for secondary coverage. The employee’s spouse must enroll in the medical insurance plan offered at his/her place of employment at his/her employer’s next open enrollment period (the soonest open enrollment period after the execution of this Agreement). An employee’s spouse is not required to enroll in the medical insurance plan offered at his/her place of employment if the spouse’s employer pays less than 60% of the total cost of the medical insurance premiums.
c. When both spouses are employees of this Board, they shall be enrolled for either family coverage or two (2) single plans depending if the couple have any dependents. The employee’s share of the Board contribution will be calculated according to the schedule for other part-time employees, provided, however, that the hours for both spouses will be combined to determine the percent of the employee’s share of Board contribution. When both spouses are employees of the Board and their combined hours are fourteen (14) or more per day, the Board will pay 100% of the premium. In the event that the annual premium of the PPO or HDHP increases by more than ten percent (10%) in any year of the negotiated agreement, employees will be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the increase above ten percent (10%). Example: eighteen percent (18%) increase = employees are ...
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. The City will maintain comprehensive hospitalization, surgical, major medical, physician services coverage and prescription drug coverage for all members as set forth in this Contract and as set forth in the Employee Health Care Plan, in effect as of November 1, 2014, including the provisions set forth in this Section, until December 31, 2018. The following provisions apply to the above referenced insurance coverage effective until December 31, 2018.
A. The annual maximum shall be $1,000,000.00 applying to essential health benefits as defined in the City’s summary plan document. 30 Day Supply Mail Order - 90 Day Supply Generic $10.00 $20.00 Formulary $35.00 $70.00 Non-Formulary $75.00 $150.00 Specialty $200.00
B. Preventive care shall be provided for Well Child Services and for Well Person Services, as outlined in the City’s summary plan document and as required by law, such that deductibles shall not apply to these preventive care services. Co-Payments: 2018
C. Effective January 1, 2018, deductible per calendar year is as follows: Network Non-Network Single $200.00 $700.00 Single + One $400.00 $1400.00 Family $600.00 $1700.00
D. Effective January 1, 2018, co-insurance per calendar year is as follows: Network Non-Network Single $650.00 $2000.00 Single + One $700.00 $3200.00 Family $800.00 $3500.00
Hospitalization/Surgical/Major Medical. Effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017, the City will maintain the current comprehensive hospitalization, surgical, major medical, physician services coverage and prescription drug coverage for all Employees as listed in the booklet of coverage distributed to the Employees:
A. Premiums Employees will pay monthly premiums of: 2014 2015 2016 single coverage $70.00 $86.00 $108.00 single plus one coverage $88.00 $110.00 $138.00 Family(a)(up to four*)coverage $100.00 $125.00 $160.00 *total includes employee The payments will be deducted from the Employee’s pay.