Jury Duty/Court. Regular full-time and regular part-time employees who are required to be absent from work on a regularly scheduled work day in order to serve as a witness on behalf of the Employer, a juror, or report to juror examinations, will be granted time off with regular pay.
A. The employee will be required to sign over to the City any jury or witness service earnings received, within the guidelines listed below:
1. Travel and parking allowances will not be considered as part of the juror's fees or witness' fees.
2. The amount of the juror's fees or witness' fees signed over must not exceed the amount paid by the City for absence.
3. Employees are expected to report the receipt of any juror or witness summons immediately.
B. Employees will be expected to report to work the balance of those days they are excused or not selected.
Jury Duty/Court. 2 In the event an employee subject to this Agreement is summoned to serve as a juror, or appear as a 3 witness in court or is named as a co-defendant on behalf of the School District, he/she shall receive 4 his/her normal days’ pay for each day he/she is required in court; provided, however, that any expense 5 reimbursement received for such service shall be retained by the employee. If an employee is dismissed 6 from jury selection, or if an employee is dismissed from jury duty with two (2) hours or more remaining in 7 the regular work day, that employee should notify their immediate supervisor of their availability to return 8 to work. 10 In the event that an employee is summoned as a party in a court action, such employee may use personal 11 leave, emergency leave, vacation leave or unpaid leave.
Jury Duty/Court. The Sheriff shall allow regular employees any necessary paid leave (separate from annual leave) for jury duty. The employee shall inform the Sheriff of the notification of jury duty as soon as the employee is aware of it. The employee shall keep the Sheriff informed of the time requirements of the duty. Regular employees shall pay to the Employer any pay received for jury duty that occurs during scheduled work hours. Employees may keep the mileage reimbursement for jury duty.
Jury Duty/Court. Any employee who is called for jury duty shall receive from the Employer their regular pay for the actual time that they are required to be absent from work because of jury duty. The employee must then reimburse the Employer for fees, other than mileage allowance, received as a juror.
Jury Duty/Court. Employees shall be granted court or jury duty leave during normal working hours without loss of salary; court leave being issued to appear. This leave shall not be charged against any other leave.
Jury Duty/Court. The Sheriff shall allow regular employees any necessary paid leave (separate from vacation leave) for jury duty. The employee shall inform the Sheriff of the notification of jury duty as soon as the employee is aware of it. The employee shall keep the Sheriff informed of the time requirements of the duty. Regular employees shall pay to the County any pay received for jury duty. If it is necessary for them to utilize their private vehicle, employees may keep the mileage reimbursement for jury duty. An employee not working a day shift who is required by law to serve on jury duty shall serve without loss of base salary and shall be assigned to a day shift from the effective date of such appearance until released by the court or during the time the employee is waiting to be impaneled. The employee shall provide a copy to the Sheriff of the notification of jury duty as soon as the employee is aware of it. The fees, exclusive of mileage, paid by the Court for jury duty that occurs during scheduled work hours shall be forwarded to the County. The Employee shall keep the Sheriff informed of the time requirements of the duty. Employees released from jury duty or released while waiting to be impaneled after reporting for duty, shall report their status immediately to the Sheriff, or his designee, who shall determine the time and location the employee shall report for duty assignment. The County retains the sole right to re-assign other bargaining unit personnel to the employee’s normal work assignment while the employee is on jury duty, or call in extra help, so the release of the employee without loss of pay does not result in additional cost to the County.
Jury Duty/Court. An employee who is required to serve on Jury duty shall be authorized leave with pay, less any amount received from the court for such service, up to two (2) weeks.
Jury Duty/Court. All absences for jury duty/court leave must be requested through the District’s electronic system.
Jury Duty/Court. Employees subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a court proceeding as a result of their official City of Lakewood duties or directed to appear for jury service will receive pay at their regular rate of pay for work hours missed because of their required service. Employees must notify their supervisors upon receipt of a directive or subpoena for jury or witness duties, keep their supervisors apprised of the schedule for their jury or witness duties, and report to work when the court schedule permits. Any compensation paid to an employee for jury or witness service, other than reimbursement for expenses, must be paid to the City upon receipt. An employee who is relieved of jury duty on or before the mid-point of his or her shift shall contact the employee’s supervisor for return to work instructions.
Jury Duty/Court. An employee required to serve on a jury or as a result of official City duties is required to appear before a Court, Legislative Committee or Quasi-judicial body as a witness in response to a subpoena or other directive, shall be allowed authorized leave with pay less any amount received for such service.