Labor Management Safety Committee. The University and Union agree to create a Labor Management Safety Committee for the purpose of identifying issues of concern to either Party arising under this MOU with regard to safety. The Safety Committee shall meet once per quarter absent mutual agreement of the Parties to a revised schedule. The meeting shall be scheduled for a maximum of a one (1) hour session, except by mutual agreement of the Parties. In consideration of the limited staff within the Department, the Committee shall schedule its meeting outside the scheduled regular working hours of the Officer(s) selected by the Union to be in attendance. The University shall provide up to one (1) hour of compensation for one (1) officer in attendance at the meeting. At least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of a scheduled meeting, the Parties shall exchange a listing of the subjects they wish to address at the meeting. The Committee shall not serve as a forum or substitute for formal negotiations when such is necessary or the formal grievance procedures provided by this Agreement.
Labor Management Safety Committee. A labor management safety committee will be established to constructively address safety issues, communication and needs within the City. Membership and other parameters are discussed below: Elements that must be put into place prior to actual organization of committee:
1. Management Commitment
a. Awareness and understanding of need
b. Enables compliance
c. Requires resources be made available to enact upon recommendations made by committee (budget and staffing; upper and mid-level management support)
d. Training of committee members
e. Time to perform committee functions f. Authority provided to implement recommendations
2. Labor Commitment
a. Motivation to participate
b. Dedication to task(s)
c. Responsible for activity How these elements are agreed to and how accountability is determined are critical to ensure effective implementation. This is open for discussion. The exclusion of or abridgement of any one element will create a dysfunctional group, e.g. committee unable to implement given recommendation due to lack of funding to purchase; train; etc., can with repetition create apathy and cause committee to be a shell with no substance. City Risk Manager and Member are Co-Chairs.
3. Membership for all units: Safety Officer or designee Advisor Risk Manager Co-Chair Workers' Comp Representative Advisor Management Representative Member ** At least one Mgmt Rep must have purchase authority. Management Representative Member Management Representative Member Labor Representative Co-Chair ** At least one Labor Rep from each bargaining unit. Larger bargaining units may have more staff based on size of their membership; one member for every 250 members, not to exceed 3 members. Labor Representative Member Functions could be represented by a single person, e.g. admin staff. Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member Labor Representative Member ** Safety coordinators could be used until committee established. Ratio should be Mgmt=1/3 of Labor representation. All members have voting rights. Members elect scribe. Members should be rotated on a staggered basis after first year. OSHA states that the establishment of a safety & health committee meets one of the requirements for employee safety communication. The following methods are designated to aid in a continued flow of safety-related information to employees:
a. Meets on a semi-annual basis...
Labor Management Safety Committee. Section 1. A Labor-Management/Safety Committee shall be established to discuss matters of mutual concern within the department. The Committee shall consist of two (2) representatives of the Bargaining Unit of which one (1) representative may be an agent of the international, and two (2) members of the Employer and shall meet not less than two (2) times a year or as jointly determined.
Section 2. At the conclusion of such meetings, an account of all issues discussed shall be prepared and provided to each of the parties.
Section 3. The results of such meetings shall not alter the provisions of this Agreement.
Section 4. An employee who feels an unsafe condition exists or has not been resolved through the Labor-Management/Safety Committee, may process such complaint as a grievance under the terms of this Agreement.
Labor Management Safety Committee. 1. There shall be a Labor-Management/Safety Committee consisting of three (3) management representatives designated by the Chief of Police, and three (3) bargaining unit employees designated by the President of the Employee Organization. The Labor-Management/Safety Committee shall meet as needed but not less than quarterly.
2. The function of the Committee shall be to discuss general matters pertaining to Labor Relations and safety issues. Employee Organization Committee members, who are off duty at the time of a Committee meeting, shall be compensated for attending an officially designated Labor-Management/Safety Committee meeting. Those that are on duty shall also be entitled to attend without loss of pay or reduction in accrued leave.
Labor Management Safety Committee. The Union and the District may seek resolution of specific issues and concerns by convening a Labor Management & Safety Committee. Such Committee shall be comprised from among the following: the Local Representative, (1) bargaining unit representative, the assigned General Chairperson of the Union, the District Division Chief/Designee, and the District’s Chief Operations Officer – Operations Support Services. Other management representatives of the District or mode contractors may be invited to attend selected meetings based on the agenda. The Committee shall meet at least once per quarter. The purpose of this Committee will be to effect resolution of the issues and concerns by creating improved communication through direct contact between the bargaining unit members and top management of the District. Issues and concerns may arise from, but may not be limited to, general working conditions, general business conditions, and safety. Safety items which cannot be resolved in this forum may be escalated to the District’s Risk Roundtable if indicated. In addition, NCTD will have a monthly Operations & Maintenance of Equipment Safety Committee. Membership will consist (at minimum) of: Chief of Safety/Designee, Director of Rail Operations/Designee, Director of Rail Maintenance of Equipment/Designee, SPRINTER Operations Labor Representative (1), COASTER Operations Labor Representative (1), SPRINTER Maintenance of Equipment Labor Representative (1), COASTER Maintenance of Equipment (1), Facility Maintenance Technician Labor Representative and the Union General Chairperson/Designee. Safety items which cannot be resolved in this forum may be escalated to the District’s Risk Roundtable if indicated.
Labor Management Safety Committee. The Union and the District may seek resolution of specific issues and concerns by convening a Labor Management & Safety Committee. Such Committee shall be comprised from among the following: the Local Representative, (1) bargaining unit representative, the assigned General Chairperson of the Union, the Security Manager, District Division Chief and the District’s Human Resources Director. Other representatives of the District may be invited to attend selected meetings based on the agenda. The Committee shall meet at least once per quarter. The purpose of this Committee will be to effect resolution of the issues and concerns by creating improved communication through direct contact between the bargaining unit members and top management of the District. Issues and concerns may arise from, but may not be limited to, general working conditions, general business conditions, and safety. Safety items which cannot be resolved in this forum may be escalated to the District’s Risk Roundtable if indicated.
Labor Management Safety Committee. In the interest of sound relations, a joint committee of six (6) member, half (1/2) of whom shall be from “Management” and half (1/2) of whom shall be from the “Union”, will convene from time to time, but not less than one (1) every ninety (90) days for the purpose of discussing subjects of mutual concern. It shall be the express purpose of this committee to build and maintain a climate of mutual understanding and respect in the solution of common problems including, but not limited to, workplace health and safety. During the term of this contract the committee will work cooperatively to explore alternative means to increase daily staffing.
Labor Management Safety Committee. A. A joint labor/management Health and Safety Committee shall be comprised of three members selected by each party. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly or as needed to discuss and make recommendations concerning issues of safety and health, including issues of safety and health relating to protective clothing and equipment.
B. For purposes of efficiency, each party shall prepare and submit in writing to the other party, any agenda or items desired to be discussed. Such writing shall be delivered at least three (3) days before the scheduled meeting.
Labor Management Safety Committee. The Management and Union agree to establish a joint Labor Management Safety Committee. The purpose of this committee will be to discuss safety and to promote and improve communications and industrial and labor relations, such committee will meet quarterly or as needed.
Labor Management Safety Committee. 8.01. The parties recognize that during the period in which this Agreement is in effect, problems with administration of this Agreement may arise which are not currently anticipated by the parties. The parties also recognize that if both the City and the Union strive to gain a better appreciation and understanding of each other’s problems and objectives more constructive and productive relationships are likely to be created. The parties recognize that often what frequently first appears to be problem or area of conflict are actually the result of misunderstandings, which are cleared away upon a complete and xxxxx exchange of viewpoints and ideas. The parties
8.02. In order to achieve the parties desire to xxxxxx a better relationship through improved communication, the Labor-Management/Safety Committee is hereby created. The committee shall meet upon request by either management or the Union, as needed. It is understood that such meetings will be held for the purpose of appraising and discussing any problems which may arise concerning administration, interpretation, or application of the Agreement, or other matters which either party believes will contribute to improving the relationship of the parties within the framework of this Agreement. It is understood that such meetings shall not be for the purpose of handling formal grievances, or conducting continuous collective bargaining negotiations which in any way will modify, add to, or detract from the provisions of this Agreement. In agreeing to such meetings, the parties are providing concrete evidence of their sincere desire to encourage friendly, cooperative relationships between their respective representatives at all levels and with and between all employees covered by this Agreement, and to find ways to overcome difficulties, influences, or attitudes which interfere with such relationships.