Child Care The County will continue to support the concept of non-profit child care facilities similar to the “Kid’s at Work” program established in the Public Works Department.
Extended Child Care Leave Upon written notification, no later than four weeks prior to the expiration of the aggregate leave taken pursuant to Clauses 21.1 (Maternity Leave) and 21.2 (Parental Leave), an employee will be granted a further unpaid leave of absence not to exceed one year. An employee wishing continued coverage under any applicable benefit plans will pay the total premium costs while on extended child care leave. An employee on extended child care leave will provide the Employer with at least one month's written notice of return from such leave. Upon return from extended child care leave, an employee will be placed in their former position.
Family Care and Medical Leave An unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave shall be granted, to the extent of and subject to the restrictions as set forth below, to an employee who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and who has served for one hundred thirty days (130) workdays during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the leave. For purposes of this section, furlough days and days worked during off-basis time shall count as "workdays". Family Care and Medical Leave absences of twenty (20) consecutive working days or less can be granted by the immediate administrator or designee. Leaves of twenty (20) or more consecutive working days can be granted only by submission of a formal leave application to the Classified Personnel Assignments Branch.
Pregnancy and Maternity Services This plan covers physician services and the services of a licensed midwife for prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care. The first office visit to diagnose a pregnancy is not included in prenatal services. This plan covers hospital services for mother and newborn child for at least forty-eight
Child Care Leave The Employer shall, upon her request, grant an employee: (i) Who is the natural parent of a newborn or unborn child, or (ii) Who is adopting or has adopted a child, a leave of absence without pay of thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks or such a shorter period as the employee requests so as to enable the employee to care for the child An employee who is or will be a natural parent intending to take this childcare leave shall (iii) Provide the Employer with a medical doctor’s certificate specifying the probable date of delivery or the date upon which the birth has occurred and, (iv) In absence of an emergency, give four (4) weeks written notice to the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave. An employee who is a parent of the newborn, other than the birth mother, shall be granted three (3) days leave without loss of pay within a reasonable period of time surrounding the occasion of the birth of the child. While on child care leave, an employee shall retain her full employment status and continue to accumulate seniority. An employee who is an adoptive parent intending to take this leave shall: (v) Provide the Employer with the proof that a child has been or will be placed with the employee for the purpose of adoption, (vi) Notify the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave on being made aware of the date of placement with the employee for adoption, and (vii) In the absence of an emergency, give four (4) months notice to the Employer before the anticipated day on which a child will come into the employees care and custody in the case of private adoption or upon approval in accordance with the Family Services Act as a prospective adopting parent. Where a natural mother intends to take a child care leave in addition to a maternity leave, except if the newborn is hospitalized when an employee’s maternity leave expires, the employee is required to commence the child care leave immediately on expiration of the maternity leave unless the Employer and the employee otherwise agree. The child care leave may be taken by either natural or adoptive parents. Where both parents are employees it may be shared by the child’s parent’s but the leave is only thirty-seven (37) weeks in TOTAL, regardless of how it is divided, and it must be taken in a consecutive manner. The combined maternity leave of seventeen (17) weeks and child care leave thirty-seven (37) weeks taken by one or both parents cannot total more than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date. Child care leave shall begin not earlier than the date on which the newborn or adopted child came into the care and custody of the employee and end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date.
Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA FMLA leave shall be granted pursuant to applicable law.
Office Visits (other than Preventive Care Services) This plan covers office and clinic visits to diagnose or treat a sickness or injury. Office visit copayments differ depending on the type of provider you see. This plan covers physician visits in your home if you have an injury or illness that: • confines you to your home; or • requires special transportation; and • because of this injury or illness, you are physically unable to travel to the provider’s
Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.
Overtime Meal Allowance Employees required to work more than two (2) hours overtime consecutive with a shift shall be provided with a meal by the Employer.