Persona l Leave Sample Clauses

Persona l Leave. The Hospital may grant leave of absence without pay t o any employee for legitimate personal reasons, and any employees who are absent with such written permission shall not be considered t o be laid off and their seniority shall continue t o accumulate during their absence for the f i r s t t h i r t y days only. The Hospital may grant written leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate personal reasons including illness and accident.
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Persona l Leave. ( a ) A t the discretion, a regular part t i m e employee may be granted up to two (2) months leave of absence without pay for personal reasons. Except in emergencies, the employee must make written applica- t i o n to h i s department head for such leave a t least two ( 2 ) weeks i n advance of such leave. In emergen- cies, the employee must notify h i s department head as soon as is reasonably possible i n advance of t h e leave Where a leave of absence without pay exceeds four (4) consecutive weeks, credits for seniority and salary increases w i l l be suspended during the leave. An employee who takes other employment during a leave of absence shall be deemed to have terminated h i s employment ( unless the other employment is consented to by the Employer). A t the discretion, an employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay of up to one ) year in cases of prolonged illness.
Persona l Leave. An employee who has successfully completed the probationary period may apply for a leave of absence without pay for legiti - mate personal reasons and provided that the employee can be spared having due regard for the proper and efficient operation of the Association and the needs of the Association's clients, the Association may grant or withhold any application for leave of absence depending upon the circumstances. Application for such leave shall be made i n writing to the Association as f a r in advance as possible, but in any event a t least two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the leave. The application must clearly state the reason for the leave of absence and the anti - cipated duration of such absence. A leave of absence for thirty
Persona l Leave. Written requests for a personal leave of absence without pay w i l l be considered on an individual basis by the Assistant Executive Director Patient Care Services or her designate. Such requests are to be as far i n advance as possible and a written reply w i l l be given within fourteen (14) days; except in cases of emergency. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Persona l Leave. The Employer may leave of absence without pay to any employee f o r valid personal reasons including sickness and acci- dent a f t e r accumulated s i c k leave has been exhausted. ARTICLE HOURS OF WORK Dail y an d Weekl y Hour s o f Work
Persona l Leave. Any employee may be granted leave of absence without pay because of personal illness or for valid personal reasons. A l l applications for a leave of absence must be made i n writing and submitted to the for written approval. ARTICLE HOURS OF WORK and Hour s of Work The normal daily hours s h a l l be an eight (8) hour s h i f t inclusive of a hour meal break. The normal weekly hours s h a l l be hours. The meal period shall be uninterrupted except i n cases of
Persona l Leave. An employee may be granted a general leave of absence with- out loss of accumulation of seniority for good and sufficient cause. A l l requests for general leave must be submitted in writing to the Department Head and Director of Personnel. A general leave of absence may not exceed a period of s i x (6) month ARTICLE HOURS OF WORK
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Persona l Leave. The Department Head may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate personal reasons. During such leave of absence, if granted
Persona l Leave. Personal leave is to be used when a regular employee must be away from h i s work f o r personal reasons such as an i l l n e s s or accident of a spouse o r dependent, legal a f f a i r s , a s p e c i f i c incident planned or unplanned requiring t h e presence of t h e regular employee, etc. An employee must f i l l out the proper form f o r t h i s purpose. Personal leave may not be used as vacation or an extension of vacation or any other leave or absence provided f o r t h e present agreement, with the exception of social leave. This leave must be taken i n periods of a t l e a s t one half day but not more than two ( 2 ) days a t a time. In the case of a foreseeable incident, a regular employee must advise h i s immediate superior a t l e a s t two ( 2 ) days ahead of time, i f possible. A regular employee who must absent himself from work for a valid reason such a s described above and who is not e l i g i b l e for leave according to the provisions of t h e present agreement, may be granted a leave of absence without regular salary, to a maximum of two ( 2 ) working days per f i n a n c i a l year.
Persona l Leave. Eligible employees wil l be granted the equivalent ofte n (10) days (80 hours) of Personal Leave per year for use at the employee's discretion. O n Jul y 1, 2011 , forty (40) hour s of Personal Leave wil l be credited. For newly eligible employees, Personal /Sick Leave wil l be prorate x x x x monthl y basis (six (6) hour s per whole eligible month) between Jul y 1 an d December 31 , 2011 . Effective Januar y 1, 2012 , Personal Leave wil l accrue o n a monthl y basis at a rate of 6.6667 hour s per month . To be eligible to earn an d use Personal Leave, a n employee mus t have successfully completed six (6) consecutive month s of employment. Employees shoul d request approval i n writin g at least twenty-four (24) hour s prio r to thei r intende d absence, an d to discuss wit h thei r supervisor the effect of thei r absence an d arrangements to cover specific assignments. Five (5) of the ten (10) days (forty (40) ou t of eighty (80) hours) of annua l Personal leave wil l be subject to notice as follows: • Employees wil l request Personal leave of three (3) days or less at least one week i n advance, except as approved by the Distric t Manager. • Employees wil l request Personal leave of more tha n three (3) days at least fourtee n (14) days i n advance, except as approved b y the Distric t Manager.
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