Preparation and Planning i. Develops appropriate long and short-term objectives which provide a variety of learning experiences.
ii. Utilizes appropriate material and personnel resources.
iii. Plans for individual differences and class characteristics.
iv. Cooperates with other personnel and parents to plan and implement programs that provide for individual differences among students.
v. Identifies daily learning objectives.
vi. Creates a physical setting that contributes to learning.
vii. Provides plans and clear directions for Teachers-Teaching-on-Call.
viii. Plans for sequentially ordered activities which permit flexibility in instruction.
Preparation and Planning. Full-time bargaining unit members teaching junior high school (6-8) shall have one (1) unassigned period per day set aside for preparation and planning. Exceptions may occur when the normal school day is shortened or classes are rescheduled for specific activities. The fifteen minutes before school shall be non-instructional time.
Preparation and Planning. ORGANIZATION
Preparation and Planning. (1) plans with definite purposes and clear objectives in mind;
(2) develops long term, short term, and daily objectives which provide a variety of learning experiences;
(3) plans for individual differences;
(4) utilizes appropriate material and personnel resources;
(5) creates a physical setting that contributes to learning;
(6) provides plans and clear direction for substitute teachers.
Preparation and Planning for Traffic Shifts When shifting of traffic necessitates removal of centerline, lane lines, or edge lines, all such lines shall be removed prior to, during, or immediately after any change to present the least interference with traffic. Interim traffic marking tape shall be used as a temporary substitute for the traffic markings being removed. Before any change in traffic lane(s) alignment, marking removal equipment shall be present on the project for immediate use. If marking removal equipment failures occur, the equipment shall be repaired or replaced (including leasing equipment if necessary), so that the removal can be accomplished without delay. Except for the final surface, markings on asphaltic concrete may be obliterated by an overlay course, when approved by the Engineer. When an asphaltic concrete overlay is placed for the sole purpose of eliminating conflicting markings and the in place asphaltic concrete section will allow, said overlay will be eligible for payment only if designated in the Plans. Overlays to obliterate lines will be paid for only once and further traffic shifts in the same area shall be accomplished with removable markings. Only the minimum asphaltic concrete thickness required to cover lines will be allowed. Excessive build-up will not be permitted. When an overlay for the sole purpose of eliminating conflicting markings is not allowed, the markings no longer applicable shall be removed in accordance with Section 656. Retroreflective raised pavement markers (RPMs) shall be placed as listed below for all asphaltic concrete pavements before the roadway is open to traffic, unless noted this section. On the final surface, RPMs shall be placed according to the timeframes specified in Subsection 150.3.10.D for full pattern pavement markings. When Portland Cement Raised pavement markers are not allowed on the right edge lines under any situation. Retroreflective raised pavement markers (RPMs) shall be placed and/or maintained on intermediate pavements surfaces on all highways that the final ride surface is not completed within 45 calendar days which is open to traffic. This includes all resurfacing projects along with widening and reconstruction projects. The RPMs shall be placed as follows:
Preparation and Planning. Bargaining unit members shall be paid at the Intervention Hourly Rate for attendance at IEP meetings, 504 meetings, and SST meetings scheduled outside of the unit member’s workday.
Preparation and Planning. ORGANIZATION The teacher develops a comprehensive instructional sequence.
Preparation and Planning. Safeguarding Policies and Procedures Clear line of accountability by having a designated safeguarding lead, or a member of the senior leadership team in your organisation to take leadership responsibility for child protection arrangements, including the commissioning and/or provision of services. Up-to-date Safeguarding or Child Protection Policy, signed by the designated safeguarding lead (or the most senior person in your organisation), that is written clearly and is accessible and available to all relevant stakeholders, including children. The safeguarding arrangements include a clear referral pathway for any safeguarding concerns or allegations of abuse. Designated Safeguarding Lead (or equivalent) Mobility leaders have met with the designated safeguarding lead (or equivalent within your organisation) and have considered which arrangements need to be in place in both countries to ensure the safeguarding of all participants. Staff Safe recruitment procedures are in place to carefully screen applicants (staff and volunteers) and to help prevent unsuitable individuals working with children. This is set out in part-3 of Keeping children safe in education (KCISE). Clear whistleblowing procedures, are suitably referenced in staff training and codes of conduct. Appropriate support, for example via the designated safeguarding lead, for staff is offered, including undertaking mandatory induction and child protection training. All staff and volunteers engaged in regulated activity with those under 18 years old have undergone an enhanced DBS with barred list information, Disclosure Scotland or AccessNI check or equivalent. Ratios of staff to students have been agreed and consideration given in respect of the age of the children, whether any of the children have special educational needs and disabilities, the nature of the Funded Activities, the experience of those accompanying participants, duration of the Mobility and overnight stays. All accompanying staff members have been informed of their roles and responsibilities and reminded of codes of conduct. Staff are aware of any known health conditions the children may have including any medication and any possible allergies. All staff have detailed information about parents’/guardians’/carers’ emergency contact details. Pre-Mobility and Planning The appropriate risk assessments have been completed and the local authority notified of the Mobilty. Work has been carried out with partner educational organisations overs...
Preparation and Planning. (1) plans with definite purposes and clear objectives in mind, including, where appropriate, Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx methodologies and the School Program;
(2) develops long term, short term, and daily objectives which provide a variety of learning experiences;
(3) plans for individual differences;
(4) utilizes appropriate material and personnel resources;
(5) creates a physical setting that contributes to learning;
(6) provides plans and clear direction for Teachers On Call;
(7) provides general supervision to students' tutors coordinated with individual student needs and classroom instruction as set out in Article 4.5;
(8) is responsible for preparation and implementation of the collaborative IEP
Preparation and Planning. (1) co-ordinates tutoring instruction with each student's teacher;
(2) prepares a monthly preview based on the teacher's monthly/term classroom objectives and the collaborative IEP including Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx methodologies and the School Program;
(3) plans with definite purposes and clear objectives in mind;
(4) develops long term, short term, and daily objectives which provide a variety of learning experiences through the collaborative IEP;
(5) plans for individual differences;
(6) utilizes appropriate materials;
(7) creates a physical setting that contributes to learning;
(8) provides plans and clear direction for Tutors On Call.