Procedure for Recall Sample Clauses

Procedure for Recall a. All unit members who contracts were suspended as a result of a layoff shall be placed on a recall list stating their seniority in each teaching field for which they are certified to teach. Teachers shall remain on the recall list for three (3) years, unless tenured, in which case length of time on the list is unlimited. b. As positions become available, unit members whose contracts have been suspended in whole or in part shall be rehired to positions for which they are properly licensed and qualified to teach. Seniority shall not be a factor in recalling any bargaining unit member, unless the decision is between teachers with comparable evaluations. In addition, teachers with continuing contracts will be given preference in recall. c. A unit member who is recalled to a position shall resume the contract status he/she held prior to the layoff and shall be credited with sick leave accumulation and years of service for salary schedule placement he/she had prior to being laid off. d. The seniority of a recalled unit member shall be calculated as if service were not interrupted. e. When an opening(s) occurs, the Board shall send a certified letter to all unit members certified/licensed for the position to their last known address to advise them of such position. It is the unit member's responsibility to keep the Board informed of his/her whereabouts. The unit member shall, within fifteen (15) days from the postmark date of the letter, indicate availability and desire for such position. If after being offered reinstatement, a unit member fails to notify the Board within the specified period of time, or if a unit member rejects the offered full-time position, said unit member shall be considered to have rejected the position and to have forfeited his/her right to recall to service in the District. f. No teachers new to the district shall be employed until all properly certified/licensed unit members on the recall list have been offered a contract for the position in accordance with the provisions of this procedure. g. Transfers of unit members employed but not affected by the layoff shall be limited to positions not affected by said program. If a position(s) is established, the position(s) will be staffed first from the recall list, assuming there are qualified and properly licensed members on the list. Transfers may be made to a position affected by the layoff after the position(s) has been offered to all properly certified/licensed unit members on the recall...
Procedure for Recall. 1. An employee reduced as a result of this policy shall be placed on a recall list for one year. The employee shall remain on the recall list until and unless the employee: a. Xxxxxx recall in writing b. Resigns c. Accepts a position of reemployment d. Fails to accept a position of reemployment within (10) days after it has been offered 2. Employees on the recall list will be offered reemployment in reverse order of reduction for vacancies within the job categories from which they were reduced. Employees on the recall list shall be considered for vacancies for which they are qualified. If several employees on the recall list were reduced from within the same job category, the determination of which employee will be offered reemployment will be made after considering the following prioritized criteria as each relates to the employees being considered. a. Length of service b. Experience c. Training d. Licenses held e. Special skills f. Administrative evaluation 3. Offers of reemployment under this section shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to provide the district, at all times, with the employee's current mailing address.
Procedure for Recall. (1) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be considered as awaiting recall. (2) Tenured secretaries on layoff shall be recalled in reverse order of layoff when vacancies occur. (3) While tenured secretaries are on layoff there will be no new hires for unit positions unless: (a) No tenured secretary on layoff is qualified to fill the vacant position. (b) All qualified tenured secretaries on layoff decline the offer to fill the vacancy. (c) No tenured secretaries on layoff request the vacant position within thirty (30) days from the time of the notice of its availability. (d) To decline job offer will result in a removal from the recall list.
Procedure for Recall. 1. An employee reduced as a result of this policy shall be placed on a recall list for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date of reduction. The employee shall remain on the recall list until and unless the employee: a. Xxxxxx recall in writing.
Procedure for Recall. 1. All unit members who contracts were suspended as a result of a layoff shall be placed on a recall list stating their seniority in each teaching field for which they are certified to teach. Teachers shall remain on the recall list for two (2) years, unless tenured, in which case length of time on the list is unlimited. 2. As positions become available, unit members whose contracts have been suspended in whole or in part shall be rehired to positions for which they are properly licensed and qualified to teach. Seniority shall not be a factor in recalling any bargaining unit member, unless the decision is between teachers with comparable evaluations. In addition, teachers with continuing contracts will be given preference in recall. Unit members on the recall list shall be offered reemployment to full-time positions, as they become available, for which they are certified/licensed in the reverse order of layoff; last laid off, first recalled. 3. A unit member who is recalled to a position shall resume the contract status he/she held prior to the layoff and shall be credited with sick leave accumulation and years of service for salary schedule placement he/she had prior to being laid off. 4. The seniority of a recalled unit member shall be calculated as if service were not interrupted. 5. When an opening(s) occurs, the Board shall send a certified letter to all unit members certified/licensed for the position to their last known address to advise them of such position. It is the unit member's responsibility to keep the Board informed of his/her whereabouts. The unit member shall, within fifteen
Procedure for Recall. An employee with seniority who has been laid off or transferred as a result of a layoff shall be recalled to work, conditioned upon ability to perform the work available, in accordance with the reverse application of the procedure for layoff. Recall rights shall continue for two (2) years after an employee has been laid off. No new employees at all shall be hired until all employees on layoff desiring to return to work shall have been given the opportunity to return to work. In the event of recall, eligible employees shall receive notice of recall either by actual notice or by certified mail, return receipt requested. It is the responsibility of all employees eligible for recall to notify the Sheriff of their current address. Upon receipt of the notice of recall, employees shall have five (5) working days to notify the Sheriff of their acceptance of the recall. The employee shall have five (5) working days thereafter to report to duty.
Procedure for Recall. A. A member on the Recall List shall be offered a position for which he/she is certified/licensed as positions become available in the reverse order of the RIF. A member whose contract is suspended in a RIF shall be placed on a recall list. Teachers employed under limited contracts shall remain on the recall list thirteen (13) months from the effective date (August 5) of suspension of his/her contract. Teachers employed under continuing contract shall remain on the recall list for five (5) years from the effective date of his/her contract. B. If a vacancy occurs, the Administration will send a certified letter to the last known address of all members on the recall list who are qualified according to those provisions. It is the member’s responsibility to keep the Board informed of his/her current address. All members are required to respond in writing to the Superintendent within seven (7) calendar days of receipt. Any member who fails to respond within seven (7) calendar days of receipt or within fifteen (15) days of date of mailing, or who declines to accept the position (except as provided in Section 8.08 (D)), will forfeit all recall rights. C. The Board shall not hire new teachers while there are member(s) on the Recall List who are certificated for the vacancy, unless all eligible members on the Recall list decline a position or fails to respond. D. A member who refuses to accept a position offered which is for a greater or lesser number of hours than the position held by the member at the time of RIF shall not be removed from the Recall List except as provided in Section 8.08 (B).
Procedure for Recall. 15.3.1 An employee with seniority who has been laid off shall be recalled to work, conditioned upon ability to perform the work available, in accordance with the following steps: When employees covered by the Agreement are to be recalled, they shall be recalled in reverse numerical order to the layoff. A certified letter shall be sent to the last known address of the employee and a copy sent to the local President. A telephone call will be made to the employee to be recalled. The employee shall be recalled to a vacant position. If an employee fails to report to work within five (5) days from the date of notice, they shall be considered to have quit. In accordance with Article 8.8, if there are temporary assignments of less than eight (8) hours a day, the last person to be recalled would take the assignment that was less than eight (8) hours a day and a more senior person on recall would be entitled to take the eight (8) hour a day assignment.
Procedure for Recall. An employee with seniority who has been laid off or transferred as a result of a reduction of the working force shall be recalled to work, conditioned upon ability to perform the work available, in accordance with the reverse application of the procedure for reduction of the working force, based on the following provisions:
Procedure for Recall. An employee with seniority who has been laid off or transferred as a result of a layoff shall be recalled to work, conditioned upon ability to perform the work available, in accordance with the reverse application of the procedure for layoff. Recall rights shall continue for two (2) years after an employee has been laid off. No new employees at all shall be hired until all employees on layoff desiring to return to work shall have been given the opportunity to return to work.