Procedure for Reduction. 1. The administration shall inform the President of the Association and/or his/her representative/s in writing concerning any anticipated reductions in staff. Such notice shall be given at least fourteen (14) days prior to official Board action. Such notification shall include the positions being considered for reduction and the reasons for those proposed reductions.
2. Bargaining unit members will be placed on two (2) separate lists (one for limited contract members and one for continuing contract members) in areas for which they are properly certified/licensed and by their ranking on the performance evaluation rating within their certification/licensure area (s). Members on a continuing contract shall hold greater status in the District than members on a limited contract and shall not be RIF’d before limited contract members.
a. In the event of a pending reduction in force or if requested by the Association President and/or his/her representative/s, a RIF-ranking list shall be given to him or her on or before November 15 of each school year. The BEA president shall notify unit members of the list’s availability via school e-mail and unit members wishing to check the accuracy of their own information shall contact the BEA president.
b. Each member shall have until December 15 to advise the Treasurer of any inaccuracies which affect his/her information.
c. The Treasurer or his/her designee shall investigate all reported inaccuracies and make such adjustments as are in order and notify unit members of such adjustments. The updated list shall be given to the Association President and/or his/her representative/s, if requested, on or before January 15.
3. Seniority will be defined as the length of continuous service as a certificated/licensed employee under regular teaching contract in the Bellefontaine City School District. Seniority may only be used as a “tie breaker” between two members who have comparable evaluations.
a. Board approved leaves of absence will not interrupt seniority, but time spent on such leave shall not count towards seniority.
b. If two or more members have the same length of continuous service, seniority will be determined by:
1. The date of the Board meeting at which the member was hired and by;
2. The date the member signed the initial contract in the district, and then by;
3. Any remaining ties will be broken by the Superintendent's review of recent evaluation and judgment regarding the best interests of the district.
4. Recommended ...
Procedure for Reduction. 1. At least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to a reduction, a seniority list of all members in each area of certification shall be developed by the administration. The Association president shall receive a copy of this list. This recall list shall remain active for three (3) years; that is, any laid off member will remain on this recall list for three (3) years beginning with the date of his/her lay off.
2. The Association president shall be notified of the Board’s intent to implement a RIF program at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date.
3. A meeting shall be held between the Association president and representatives of the Board of Education to discuss the RIF program. At this meeting, the administration shall present a list indicating the specific number of positions to be RIF’d within each area of certification.
4. Seniority shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of Section 606 but only when evaluations are deemed comparable.
5. A member who is subject to being RIF’d has the right to bump members with less seniority in any other teaching area in which he/she is certified. Said bumping right must be exercised within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of RIF or the right to bump is waived.
Procedure for Reduction. When the suspension of contracts under this Section becomes necessary, the Superintendent shall discuss this matter with the Association President at least two (2) weeks prior to Board action to suspend. Retention of bargaining unit members and recall of eligible teachers whose contracts have been suspended pursuant to a reduction in force will not be based upon seniority, except in circumstances when choosing between teachers with comparable evaluations. Comparability for OTES and OSCES members will be determined in relation to the effectiveness ratings set forth in Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113.
Procedure for Reduction. In-Force 101
(a) Reduction-In-Force Not Pursuant to Declaration of Financial Emergency 101
(b) Hearing Procedure Related to Reduction-in-Force not Pursuant to a Financial Emergency 102
(c) Reduction-In-Force Initiated by a Declaration of Financial Emergency by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges 104
(d) Hearing Procedure Related to Reduction-In-Force Pursuant to a Financial Emergency 105 Tacoma Community College’s Board of Trustees and the Administration, and the Tacoma Community College Federation of Teachers (Local 2196, American Federation of Teachers) recognize the systemic racism inherent across the educational system. As a part of this system, we acknowledge that our institution has been complicit in perpetuating racism on our campus and in our community. We also recognize that TCC is located on the ancestral territory of First Nations peoples. The Puyallup tribe, a member of the Coast Salish tribal peoples has called this area home since time immemorial. We recognize that the privilege of our campus being on this land comes at great cost to the Coast Salish peoples. In alignment with TCC’s strategic mission and vision, Management and Faculty have a shared commitment to advancing anti-racist practices in all aspects of our work at TCC. Students are the heart of our College. Management and Faculty have a shared responsibility to dismantle historically unjust institutional practices and policies and take focused action to support the success of students who as a result of these colonial structures continue to face oppression and inequities in their pursuit of higher education. We share a commitment to actively address ableism, classism, homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, and xenophobia at our College. This agreement articulates and implements policies and practices related to hiring, professional development, instruction, and compensation that support inclusion, promote the representation of systemically non-dominant faculty groups, and actively address barriers to equity for students.
Procedure for Reduction. 1. A seniority list is to be provided to the Association President annually in accordance with Article 5, Section (N).
2. At least ten (10) days preceding the date of implementation, the Association President shall be notified in writing by the Superintendent or designee of the intent to implement a layoff.
Procedure for Reduction. Each time the Required Amount is reduced, Tenant shall be entitled to amend the Letter of Credit to reflect such reduction provided that Tenant is not in default under any provision of this Lease.
Procedure for Reduction. When the suspension of contracts under this Section becomes necessary, the Superintendent shall discuss this matter with the Association President at least two (2) weeks prior to Board action to suspend. Retention of bargaining unit members and recall of eligible teachers whose contracts have been suspended pursuant to a reduction in force will not be based upon seniority, except in circumstances when choosing between teachers with comparable evaluations. For the transition period of this Master Agreement only, ending on August 14, 2020, comparable evaluations of OTES and OSCES members will be defined as all evaluation ratings above “Ineffective.” Thereafter, unless the parties negotiate otherwise, comparability for OTES and OSCES members will be determined in relation to the effectiveness ratings set forth in Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113. When the position(s) to be eliminated or reduced in part to accomplish RIF has been determined, the following order shall be followed to determine the order of suspending contracts of bargaining unit employees:
1. If reductions are necessary, limited contract teachers shall first be reduced in the affected teaching fields (certification/licensure) utilizing the following order:
a. Comparable evaluations.
b. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended.
2. Should the necessary reduction of staff required exceed the number of limited contract teachers in the affected field, continuing contract teachers be reduced in the affected teaching fields (certification/licensure) utilizing the following order:
a. Comparable evaluations
b. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended.
3. When choosing between teachers with comparable evaluations, if the position of a teacher in one “teaching field affected” is eliminated due to reduction in force, and the teacher in that position is also certified/licensed in another teaching field or fields, the teacher may move to the seniority list of any other area of his/her certification/licensure as long as the teacher reduced is displacing a teacher with a comparable evaluation. The least senior teacher in that area of certification/licensure will then be the teacher who...
Procedure for Reduction. A. In making such reduction by suspending contracts, the Board shall proceed in accordance with the following:
1. Unit members who leave the district by reasons of retirement, resignation, or approved leave of absence.
2. Limited contract teachers will be reduced first utilizing the following order:
a. Licensure/Certification
b. Competency as determined by final evaluation rating
c. When evaluations are comparable evaluations seniority shall prevail:
Procedure for Reduction. 1. The effective date of any layoffs shall begin on the first work day of the next school year, unless the reason is for return to duty of a regular teacher after a leave of absence.
2. A seniority list of all teachers in each area of this certification shall be developed annually by the Administration according to the seniority provisions set forth below. A copy of the list(s) will be sent to the President of the Association by January 15th of each year. Members of the bargaining unit shall have fifteen (15) work days to notify the administration in writing of any inaccuracies contained on the list. Thereafter, the list shall be considered as accurate until the next annual publication.
3. At least ten (10) work days, preceding the date of implementation, the Association President shall be notified in writing of the Board’s intent to implement a layoff.
Procedure for Reduction. 1. When selecting employees for reduction the administration shall consider the following criteria as each relates to the employees being considered in each job category. Length of continuous and uninterrupted service will be considered a priority factor along with the other listed criteria:
a. Training
b. Experience
c. Length of Continuous and Uninterrupted Service.
d. Licenses held
e. Special Skills
f. Administrative Evaluation
2. An employee selected for reduction shall be afforded notification and any hearing procedures available to the employee.