PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. (1) In the case of prolonged illness or other illness of a prolonged nature based upon the prognosis of a registered medical practitioner, an employee shall be granted as follows:
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. (1) A confirmed staff with at least 1 year of service shall be eligible for the benefit under this clause if she has contracted tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, mental illness, cardiac ailments, or any other chronic disease which is verified by a Medical Board (include the physician as one of the panel member) as a long-term illness. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) not contracted during work is also covered under this clause. AIDS contracted in the course of work shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA), subject that where the provisions of the WICA are less favourable than this clause, the staff shall be entitled to the benefit under this clause.
(2) Subject to sub-clause (1) above, the leave entitlement is as follows:
(a) First six months - Full Basic Salary.
(b) Second six months - Half Basic Salary.
(c) Third six months - Without Pay.
(3) Thereafter, if the staff is still unfit for duty, she may be medically boarded out.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. (1) A confirmed staff with at least 1 year of service shall be eligible for the benefit under this clause if she has contracted tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, mental illness, cardiac ailments, or any other chronic disease which is verified by a Medical Board as a long term illness. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) not contracted during work is also covered under this clause. AIDS contracted in the course of work shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act (WIC), subject that where the provisions of the WIC are less favourable than this clause, the staff shall be entitled to the benefit under this clause.
(2) Subject to sub-clause (1) above, the leave entitlement is as follows:
(a) First six months - Full Pay
(b) Second six months - Half Pay
(c) Third six months - Without Pay
(3) Thereafter, if the staff is still unfit for duty, her service may be terminated on medical grounds.
(4) A staff who is medically boarded out will be accorded a further 12 months medical benefits from the date of the medical boarding out provided that:
(a) she has at least 10 years of service before commencement of prolonged illness leave;
(b) she is not receiving any other medical benefits from the other employers either as staff or dependant;
(c) she seeks medical treatment from Government restructured healthcare institutions;
(d) the medical benefits shall only cover specialist treatment and consultation under sub-clause 37(3) and hospitalisation under clause 38 of this Agreement;
(e) the medical benefits shall only be applicable to treatment in relation to the specific medical condition(s) that led to the medical boarding out. Any claim for treatment of other associated medical conditions shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
(5) For the purpose of this clause, Government restructured healthcare institutions shall refer to healthcare institutions under the clusters: National Healthcare Group, Singapore Health Services, Alexandra Health and National University Health System, and any other institution(s) that may be so declared by the Minister for Health.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE a) An Officer who is certified by the Bank's doctor or an appropriate registered Hospital Authority to be mentally unsound, or suffering from illness * requiring prolonged treatment, such as tuberculosis, cancer, leukemia, cerebral thrombosis, and other injurry arising from an accident, shall upon confirmation of such illness/injury by the Bank's doctor, be granted up to a maximum of six (6) months' leave on full-pay, a further six (6) consecutive months' leave on half-pay and further twelve (12) consecutive months' leave without pay. Provided that no paid leave will be granted unless the Officer undergoes the course or treatment recommended by the Bank's doctor, or the appropriate registered Hospital Authority.
b) Leave under the Clause will only commence after an Officer has exhausted all his entitlement under the Sick Leave and Annual Leave Article under this Agreement.
c) Upon full recovery within the two (2) year period, the Officer may resume duty on production of a fit certificate from the appropriate medical authority.
d) In the event of the Officer who resumed duty under clause (c) above suffers a relapse within (6) months from the time the Officer resumed duty, then the relapse shall not be treated as a new case, but as a continuation of the first case. Consequently, the leave that has already been consumed on the first instance by the Officer shall only be granted the balance unutilised leave, if any, under the clause.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. (1) A confirmed staff with at least 1 year of service shall be eligible for the benefit under this clause if she has contracted tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, mental illness, cardiac ailments, or any other chronic disease which is verified by a Medical Board as a long term illness. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) not contracted during work is also covered under this clause. AIDS contracted in the course of work shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA), subject that where the provisions of the WICA are less favourable than this clause, the staff shall be entitled to the benefit under this clause.
(2) Subject to sub-clause (1) above, the leave entitlement is as follows:
(a) First six months - Full Pay
(b) Second six months - Half Pay
(c) Third six months - Without Pay
(3) Thereafter, if the staff is still unfit for duty, her service may be terminated on medical grounds.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. Granted by action of the Township Board, a prolonged illness leave is an UNPAID leave granted to an ill or injured Employee. This leave may be granted to an Employee who has otherwise used all accumulated vacation and sick leave, but who will hopefully return to work upon recovery from the illness or injury involved. The Township Board may grant a prolonged illness leave for up to six (6) months.
(a) During this period the Employee shall retain the position and job classification attained prior to the leave.
(b) Should an Employee not return to work in accordance with the approved leave schedule or apply for and be granted a prolonged illness leave extension, he/she will be considered a voluntary quit according to Article 4, Section 3(c).
(c) If the Employee requests an extension of the prolonged illness leave beyond the initial leave granted, the Township Board may authorize a thirty (30) day extension. This extension will be at the discretion of the Township Board. The Employee must provide a physician's statement indicating the medical need for the additional time where circumstances require a longer than expected convalescence.
(d) During the first six (6) months of a prolonged illness leave, hospitalization, life, and dental insurance will remain in effect with premiums paid by the employer. Any other benefits (where permitted by the carrier) may be continued at the expense of the Employee. During an extended prolonged illness leave, if granted in (c) above, all benefits may be continued (where permitted by carrier) at the expense of the Employee.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. Granted by action of the Township Board, a prolonged illness leave is an UNPAID leave granted in the best interest of the Township to an ill or injured Employee. This leave will be granted to an Employee, who has otherwise used all accumulated vacation and sick leave, but who will hopefully return to work upon recovery from the illness or injury involved. The Township Board may grant a prolonged illness leave for up to six (6) months.
(a) During this period of up to six months, the Employee shall retain the position and job classification attained prior to leave.
(b) Should the Employee not return to work in accordance with the approved leave schedule, the Township Board shall determine whether or not it is in the best interest of the Township to keep the position open. In such cases, the Employee must apply for an extended prolonged illness leave or be terminated from employment.
(c) If the Employee requests an extension of the prolonged illness leave beyond the initial leave granted, the Township Board may authorize a thirty (30} day extension This extension will be at the discretion of the Township Board in the best interest of the Township. The Employee must provide a written physician's statement indicating the medical need for the additional time where circumstances require a longer than expected convalescence.
(d) During the first six (6) months of a prolonged illness leave, hospitalization, life, and dental insurance will remain in effect, under the same payment agreement. Any other benefits (where permitted by the carrier) may be continued at the expense of the Employee. During an extended prolonged illness leave, all benefits may be continued (where permitted by carrier) at the expense of the Employee.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. Granted by action of the Township Board, a prolonged illness leave is an UNPAID leave granted to an ill or injured Employee. This leave may be granted to an Employee who has otherwise used all accumulated vacation and sick leave, but who will hopefully return to work upon recovery from the illness or injury involved. The Township Board may grant a prolonged illness leave for up to six (6) months.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. (1) A confirmed staff with at least 1 year of service shall be eligible for the benefit under this clause if she has contracted tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, mental illness, cardiac aliments, or any other chronic disease which is verified by a Medical Board as a long term illness. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) not contracted during work is also covered under this clause. AIDS contracted in the course of work shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act (WIC), subject that where the provisions of the WIC are less favourable than this clause, the staff shall be entitled to the benefit under this clause.
(2) Subject to sub-clause (1) above, the leave entitlement is as follows:
(a) First six months - Full Pay
(b) Second six months - Half Pay
(c) Third six months - Without Pay
(3) Thereafter, if the staff is still unfit for duty, her service may be terminated on medical grounds.
(4) A staff who is medically boarded out will be accorded a further 12 months medical benefits from the date of the medical boarding out provided that:
(a) she has at least 10 years of service before the commencement of prolonged illness leave;
(b) she is not receiving any other medical benefits from the other employers either as staff or dependent;
(c) she seeks medical treatment from Government restructured healthcare institutions;
(d) the medical benefits shall only cover specialist treatment and consultation under clause 35(3) for the period 1st April 2010 to 31st December 2010. With effect from 1st January 2011, staff shall be entitled to Flex Dollar under the Flex Plan as per clause 36(1) of this agreement for specialist treatment and consultation. In addition, staff shall also be eligible for the hospitalisation benefit under clause 37 throughout the duration of the Collective Agreement;
(e) the medical benefits shall only be applicable to treatment in relation to the specific medical condition(s) that led to the medical boarding out. Any claim for treatment of other associated medical conditions shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
PROLONGED ILLNESS LEAVE. 5.1 An officer suffering from tuberculosis, leprosy or mental illness will be eligible for sick leave on full-pay up to a maximum of 180 days, after which he may be granted further sick leave on full-pay as recommended by a Medical Board. The total period of full-pay sick leave cannot exceed 2 years. 1 An employee who joined service on or after 1st Nov 2004, shall be eligible for -
(a) the 2004 Vacation Leave;
(b) 2004 Sick Leave, Extended Sick Leave; and