Promotions and Job Vacancies Sample Clauses
Promotions and Job Vacancies. 1. All factors being equal, current employees will be hired for vacancies over outside applicants.
2. All members of the Association shall be eligible for promotion and/or transfer within the district, provided the necessary qualifications for the position are met.
3. When job vacancies occur, through transfer, resignation, retirement, dismissal, or the creation of a new position, the District will post the vacancies for at least ten (10) work days, as well as e-mail all unit members, before advertising outside the district. All openings within the unit shall be posted in each department and in each building, and shall show all necessary qualifications for the position. A copy will be sent to the President of the Association. During summer vacation, such notice shall be mailed to the officers of the Association. The notice shall include a list of typical job duties and so state “The duties listed are presented herein only for illustrative purposes and do not reflect the entire duties and/or qualifications required for the position.” Such a posting may be filled by a thirty (30) work day temporary appointment before a probationary appointment is made. Current unit members shall be considered first for vacancies, with seniority, work experience, work performance, education/training, and the needs of the District as a basis for that consideration, and if appointed, will have the right to return to his/her former position if he/she does not pass the Civil Service test or who is dismissed during the 60 day probationary period.
4. A high school student shall not fill a full time vacancy.
5. All summer employment opportunities shall be posted. Preference shall be given to unit members for any comparable (aides for aides, clerical for clerical) positions that become available. Unit members who fill such positions will be paid their regular rate of pay.
6. Seniority shall be defined as length of continued, uninterrupted, full time service in the same job classification, beginning with the date of hire.
7. The District will consider input from a hiring committee, which shall include bargaining unit members. It is understood and agreed, however, that final hiring selection shall rest with the administration.
8. The President of the Association will initiate a meeting with the Superintendent at the end of each school year and the end of the summer to discuss the teacher aide positions/assignments.
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever a per- manent job vacancy develops or is expected to develop in one of the above seniority units, the job will be posted within five (5) business days whenev- er practical in a location designated by the City for five (5) business days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, for a bid by an employee in the bargaining unit. A job description will be included with all job postings. Said vacancy shall be filled within one (1) month whenever practical. Screening and potential selection of applicants will commence initially in the department where the vacancy occurs and if a qualified applicant is not available within that department, screening and potential selection will be performed on applicants from within the remainder of the bargaining unit. If more than one (1) qualified employee bids for the vacancy, the City shall select the successful applicant in accordance with the seniority principles set forth in Section 12.3
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Should there be a job vacancy within the bargaining unit, it shall be posted for a period of three (3) working days to allow interested employees the opportunity to apply. The job shall be awarded on the basis of seniority provided there is no marked difference in skill and ability. This does not preclude the right of the Company to seek applications from other sources during this time period. Such applications shall not be given consideration until it is determined that a suitable applicant is not within the bargaining unit.
Promotions and Job Vacancies. The employee with the most company seniority shall, if he meets the qualifications for the position, be promoted to fill a vacancy in a higher classification. A notice of vacancy including qualification requirements shall be posted for a minimum of five (5) days. Nothing in this Article precludes the Company from hiring applicants from outside sources where no qualified employees apply and are accepted. Whenever a vacancy is filled the Company shall post the name of the person filling the vacancy.
9.3.1 An employee promoted to fill a vacancy in a higher classification shall be on trial in such classification for a period of up to three (3) months. If during this trial period the employee performs in an unsatisfactory manner, the Company shall return him to his former classification with no loss of seniority. At the conclusion of a successful trial period, the employee will be advised in writing that his promotion has been made permanent.
9.3.2 No employee shall in any way be penalized for refusing to accept a promotion or transfer out of the bargaining unit.
9.3.3 The Company agrees to prior consultation with an employee and the Union before making a final decision that would involve a permanent transfer within the bargaining unit of the employee if such permanent transfer is for reasons other than a promotion.
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever a job vacancy develops or is expected to develop, the job will be posted within five (5) business days whenever practical in a location des- ignated by the City for a minimum of five (5) days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays for bid for the employees cov- ered by this Agreement. Said vacancy shall be filled within one (1) month whenever practical. If more than one (1) employee bids for the vacancy, the City shall select the successful applicant in ac- cordance with seniority. Employees with seniority may apply for posted job vacan- cies. Employees shall not be permitted to make more than one (1) successful bid in the exact position (job classification, days and hours) during any six (6) month period. Employees awarded a job posting will receive a qualification period of up to ninety (90) cal- endar days from the effective date of their transfer. During the qualification period, the employee must be able to demonstrate the basic requirements of the job with reasonable instruction. Em- ployees who are so qualified cannot disqualify themselves once qualification occurs. Any employee who accepts a promotion in accordance with the provisions of this Section and fails to demonstrate his or her ability to perform the work involved shall be transferred to the job classification from which he or she was promoted, displacing the employee, if any, who replaced him or her without loss of seniori- ty. Nothing contained in this Section shall prevent the City from temporarily filling a posted vacancy until an employee is trans- ferred in accordance with this Section.
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever the City determines a permanent job vacancy develops or is expected to develop in one of the above seniority units, the job will be posted within five (5) business days whenever practical in a location desig- nated by the City for five (5) business days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sun-
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever a full-time or part-time job vacancy develops or is expected to develop, the job will be posted within one (1) week whenever practical in a location designated by the City for five (5) working days for a bid by an employee in the bargaining unit. Human Resources may also advertise job vacancies and receive applications from candidates outside the bargaining unit to consider in addition to employees. The City shall select the most qualified applicant.
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever the City determines a permanent job vacancy develops or is expected to develop in one of the above seniority units, the job will be posted within five (5) business days whenever practical in a location desig- nated by the City for five (5) business days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sun- days, and Holidays, for a bid by an employee in the bargaining unit. A job description will be included with all job postings. Said vacancy shall be filled within one (1) month whenever practical. Screening and potential se- lection of applicants will commence initially in the department where the vacancy occurs. If a qualified applicant is not available within that depart- ment, screening and potential selection will be performed on applicants from within the remainder of the bargaining unit. If more than one (1) quali-
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Whenever a job vacancy develops or is expected to develop, the job will be posted
Promotions and Job Vacancies. Should there be a job vacancy within the bargaining unit, it shall be posted for a period of three