Scheduling of Leave Sample Clauses
Scheduling of Leave. Vacation leave shall be taken at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and their Manager. However as situations arise, such leave may be re-scheduled by the Employer in order to maintain efficiency of the operation. Such requirement to re-schedule shall not be implemented in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
Scheduling of Leave. If a holiday falls during a vacation period an additional day off will be scheduled by agreement with the principal.
Scheduling of Leave. Commencing with the Monday of the first full week following the January 1st holiday until March 15th, the Street Superintendent and the Operations Engineer shall approve no more than one (1) scheduled absence for any calendar day for employees in the Street, Traffic Division, and the four Land Management Division groups. During such time period the Senior Engineer shall approve no more than one scheduled absence for any calendar day for employees in the Sewer Division and the Water Distribution Division. During the months of November, December and the uncovered balance of January and March, two (2) employees per division per calendar day will be allowed a scheduled absence in the Street Sewer, Traffic and Water Distribution divisions and two (2) employees per work group in the Land Management Division. Depending on work schedules, additional approved absences may be scheduled, but shall only be approved subject to the employee being available for call out if required for snow removal, salting or related work. In those cases, conditional leave shall be rescheduled. Scheduled absences shall be guaranteed so that the employee can make firm plans, like making non-refundable reservations, without concern. Employees on scheduled leave may be contacted if their services are needed but it is their option to respond as per this policy. Those employees on conditional leave must report for work and their leave will be rescheduled. Employees who work outside of their normal work shift during snow removal operations may leave work prior to the end of their regular work shift, when work schedules allow and with the prior approval of their Division Superintendent. Workers shall be allowed at their option, but not forced or compelled, to use Snow Time, Vacation and/or Personal time to account for such time off. Employees who have worked 16 consecutive hours or 16 hours in any 24 hour period shall not be required to return to work without an intervening 8 hours off. When by Management directive, employees are required to leave work during their normal shift so as to return at a pre-arranged time, such employees shall be compensated for such unworked interim time at their straight rate of pay In the event of a “Blizzard” or severe storm that is expected to last several days all drivers may be placed on a “twelve (12) on/twelve (12) off” schedule for the duration of the event given Management notifies all drivers at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the change. Driv...
Scheduling of Leave. An employee earns, but is not entitled to receive vacation leave with pay during their probationary period. Vacation leave shall be taken at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and their Manager. However as situations arise, such leave may be re-scheduled by the Employer in order to maintain efficiency of the operation. Such requirement to re-schedule shall not be implemented in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
Scheduling of Leave. If a holiday falls during a vacation period an additional day off will be scheduled by agreement with the Manager.
9.4.1 Vacation days may be taken only with the approval of the Employer. Such approval will not be arbitrarily withheld.
Scheduling of Leave. 27.1 The Executive Director will authorize vacation leave so as to minimize disruption of normal staff operations and the functioning of the Secretariat.
27.2 In authorizing leave, the Executive Director will take into account the personal circumstances, needs and preferences of the staff.
27.3 Vacation leave may be taken in one or more periods.
Scheduling of Leave. As much notice as is practicable shall be given to the District prior to the use of union business release time. As much as possible, the use of union business release time shall be scheduled so as to minimize the impact on the operation of the schools.
Scheduling of Leave. The Union and Employer agree that leave for employees should be scheduled in advance to allow the Employer to efficiently meet its business needs. Thus, leave will be scheduled and approved in advance through a Twelve (12) Month Annual Leave Schedule and through Incidental Leave Requests. The Employer shall determine the number of employees allowed to be on leave at any one time by department, section or work unit. Such leave will be granted if, in the opinion of the Employer, its operations will permit. In the event that the employee’s schedule changes and leave which has previously been approved needs to be rescheduled, the employee will notify the employee’s supervisor as soon as possible. If the rescheduled leave poses a conflict with the Twelve (12) Month Annual Leave Schedule it shall be treated as an Incidental Leave Request. After leave has been approved, it shall not be cancelled if a person with more seniority in the department, section or work unit then applies for the same time.
Scheduling of Leave. 1. The Office of the Commissioner shall have full and complete authority over the scheduling of leave.
2. The Office of the Commissioner will use its best efforts to sched- ule for each umpire one (1) leave period that commences after a Sunday day game and continues through the following Sunday. Otherwise, leave periods may be scheduled to begin on any day and may vary in length. The Office of the Commissioner may schedule additional days of leave with pay at its discretion for any umpire, and the Office of the Commissioner shall use its best efforts to distribute equally any such additional scheduled leave time among the Major League umpiring staff.
3. Each umpire shall advise the Office of the Commissioner of any graduation, wedding or similar family event that is scheduled to occur during the ensuing season for which he would like to request one or more days off to attend. To the extent possible, all such requests shall be sub- mitted on or before February 15 of each year or otherwise at least thirty (30) days in advance of the family event. The Office of Commissioner shall at all times maintain the sole discretion to either grant or deny such requested leave. However, the Office of the Commissioner will make best efforts to schedule leave to coincide with such family events, subject to the following: (a) preference shall be given to requests made on or before February 15 over requests received later in the season, (b) preference shall first be given to children’s graduations from high school and col- lege, then to children’s weddings, then to other family events, and (c) all other things being equal, requests from more senior umpires shall be given priority over requests from less senior umpires. If the Office of the Commissioner grants an umpire’s leave request, the leave shall in all cases be without pay, unless mutually acceptable arrangements are made for the umpire to “make up” the leave taken. Decisions of the Office of the Commissioner whether to grant leave and regarding the length of time off granted shall be final and binding, although the Office of the Commissioner shall be reasonably consistent in its treatment of all umpires in its exercise of that discretion.
4. When the Office of the Commissioner schedules leave for the month of September, the Office of the Commissioner may deny requests for individual leave submitted by crew chiefs provided, however, the Office of the Commissioner shall first consult with the Union about its reasons for...
Scheduling of Leave. If the Unit Member’s need for leave pursuant to this section is foreseeable due to a planned medical treatment or supervision, the Unit Member shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment or supervision to avoid disruption to the operations of the District and/or SCOE subject to the approval of the healthcare provider of the individual requiring the treatment or supervision.