SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon ZIP Airport Services Pty Ltd (the “Company”) in its operations at Sydney Airport, and it's employees whether they are members of the union or not, engaged in the classes of work described in clause 9.0 - Rates of Pay and Classification Structure and shall apply in the state of New South Wales. (b) The agreement shall apply to those employees who have not entered into an individual agreement with the Company. The employees covered by this Agreement are employed principally in 2 primary functions: (i) receiving, storing and distributing aviation fuels, lubricants and other products at an airport installation with all tasks ancillary to these activities and the care and maintenance of the installation; and (ii) refuelling aircraft including driving and using the dispensing units, refuelling vehicles together with all tasks ancillary to these activities relating to the arrival and departure of the aircraft. (c) This Agreement shall not apply to those employees who have entered into an individual Agreement with the Company. (d) This Agreement will operate from the first pay period to commence on or after 30th November 2006 following lodgement of the Agreement with the Office of the Employment Advocate and shall remain in force until the 30th November 2009. At the expiry of this Agreement, the Agreement will remain in force until terminated or replaced by a new Agreement. Any variation or termination of this Agreement will be done in accordance with the terms of the Workplace Relations Act 1996. (e) This Agreement shall be read in conjunction with the allowable matters provided within the terms of the Transport Workers (Oil Distribution) Award 2001 that are relevant to the business undertaken by the Company, excluding the following Clauses: 5 Coverage of award; 6 Parties bound; 7 Relationship with other awards; 8 Definitions; 11 Settlement of disputes or claims; 12 Employment relationship; 13 Employment categories; 16 Classifications and wage rates; 19 Mixed functions; 20 Allowances; 21 Hours of Work; 22 Meal Break; 24 Overtime; 25 Shift work. Provided that where there is any inconsistency between the award and this Agreement, the Agreement shall apply to the extent of any inconsistency. To avoid doubt this Agreement is not intended to include any terms of the Award, which contain prohibited content (as defined in the Act). Any term of the Award, which contains prohibited content is deemed not to be included in this Agree...
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 3.1 Except as mentioned within this clause, this Agreement applies to all persons employed by Serco Australia Pty. Ltd. at Acacia Prison, Western Australia, who are engaged in the job classifications set out in the attached salary schedule. 3.2 This Agreement excludes the following positions: Director – Acacia Prison Deputy Director Assistant DirectorHuman Resources Assistant Director – Organisational Development Assistant Director – Residential Assistant Director – Indigenous Cultural Affairs Assistant Director – Resettlement Assistant Director – Business Services Doctors Dentists Nurses including Mental Health Manager Finance Manager Industries Manager Catering Manager Intelligence Manager Facilities Manager Information Technology Manager Education and Training Manager Quality and Compliance Manager Sentence Management Manager Gym Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator Manager Stores Manager Medical Manager Training and Development (HR) Occupation Health and Safety Coordinator Vocational Training Coordinator Education Coordinator Operation Managers 3.3 This agreement will also exclude any position created after the lodgement of this agreement (that is not contained in the attached salary schedule) when such position is classified as a managerial post with a total remuneration package in excess of $70,000 per annum. 3.4 This agreement excludes and wholly replaces any award, whether state or federal, any certified agreement or registered agreements which may otherwise, but for this clause, apply to employees who employment falls within the scope of this agreement. 3.5 This agreement will only apply once the Serco Acacia Prison Agreement 2006 (Agreement No : 0694380), has been cancelled and replaced in it’s entirety by this agreement. 3.6 This agreement does not apply to any of those nurses covered by the Serco Acacia Prison Nurses (ANF) Collective Workplace Agreement 2008. 3.7 It is the specific intention of the parties to this agreement that each provision of this Agreement is to be interpreted as not containing prohibited content and that each provision only operates in a manner that would not constitute prohibited content. 3.8 For the purposes of this agreement Custodial Officers shall include Custodial Unit Managers and Golf One Security Managers. 3.9 The parties to this Agreement are: (a) Serco Australia Pty. Limited (“the Company”); (b) Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (LHMU); and (c) CPSU, the Community & Public Sector Union (CPSU). 3.10 I...
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 This Agreement will apply to Select Australasia Pty Limited t/as Select Industrial (“the employer”), and all relevant employees of Select Industrial when engaged and working on a casual basis in New South Wales to provide services to Atlantis. 2.2 Employees will only be covered by the terms of this Agreement when they are performing duties for Atlantis as removalists. 2.3 This Agreement is to apply to all future employees (“relevant employees”) of the employer, as this is an employer Greenfield agreement. At the time of lodgment no employees are employed in the proposed operation or project. 2.4 Relevant employees have no guarantee of minimum hours of work or length of employment under this agreement. 2.5 This agreement specifically excludes all protected award conditions that relate to protected allowable award matters or are machinery provisions in respect of protected allowable award matters under the Select Industrial/AWU Award 2002 (“the award”). As this agreement is limited to casual employees the protected allowable matters under the Award are: (i) Allowances – tool, vehicle, clothing/equipment; (ii) Shift and Shift Allowances; (iii) Overtime; (iv) parental adoption leave; and (v) public holidays.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 This Agreement will apply to Select Australasia Pty Limited t/as Select Industrial (“the employer”), and all relevant employees of the employer when engaged and working on a casual basis in South Australia at the Prominent Hill site (“the site”). 2.2 Employees will only be covered by the terms of this Agreement when they are performing duties for Select at the site and in job classifications covered by this agreement. 2.3 This Agreement is to apply to all future employees (“relevant employees”) of the employer, as this is an employer Greenfield agreement. At the time of lodgment no employees are employed in the proposed operation or project. 2.4 Relevant employees have no guarantee of minimum hours of work or length of employment under this agreement. 2.5 This agreement specifically excludes all protected award conditions that relate to protected allowable award matters or are machinery provisions in respect of protected allowable award matters under the Select Industrial/AWU Award 2002 (“the award”). As this agreement is limited to casual employees the protected allowable matters under the Award are: (i) Allowances – tool, vehicle, clothing/equipment; (ii) Shift and Shift Allowances; (iii) Overtime; and (v) public holidays leave and loadings.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 This agreement provides for the employment arrangements of Cooks, employees of the companies listed in Schedule A, when performing work covered by that classification in this Agreement. 2.2 For the purposes of this agreementthe Company” shall be those companies listed in Schedule A 2.3 This agreement shall be binding on the companies, and each person employed by the companies to perform work covered by this classification as detailed in this agreement and who are engaged as casual piece work Cooks throughout the Commonwealth of Australia.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 Except as mentioned in this clause, this Agreement applies to all persons employed by Serco Australia Pty Ltd at Acacia Prison in Western Australia who are engaged as a nurse in the job classifications set out in this Agreement. 2.2 Subject to section 55 of the Fair Work Act 2009, this Agreement excludes and wholly replaces any award, whether State or Federal, which may otherwise, but for this clause, apply to employees whose employment falls within the scope and application of this Agreement. 2.3 This Agreement replaces the Serco Acacia Prison Nurses (ANF) Collective Workplace Agreement 2021. 2.4 The National Employment Standards (NES) apply as a minimum entitlement and have effect subject to any term of this Agreement as permitted by section 55 of the FW Act. 2.5 It is the specific intention of the parties to this Agreement that each provision of this Agreement is to be interpreted as not containing prohibited content and that each provision only operates in a manner that would not constitute unlawful content. 2.6 This Agreement excludes and does not apply to the following positions. a) Senior Executive positions including the Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Directors; b) The Medical Centre Manager, c) Employees covered by the Serco Acacia Prison General Enterprise Agreement 2022.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 This Agreement provides for the employment arrangements for employees of the Company who are engaged principally in performance of train operations as specified in Clause 26 "Classification". 2.2 This Agreement shall be binding upon:
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. A APPLICATION This Agreement shall apply at all Xxxxxxx Xxx Chocolate Shops, including 160 and 000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx XXX 0000 and 0 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Ingleburn NSW 2565 and to all employees who are bound by the terms and conditions of the Confectioners (State) Award, Miscellaneous Workers General Services State Award; Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries (State) Award and the Storeman and Packers General State Award.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. This agreement is binding on Select Credit Union Ltd and its subsidiaries, and any successor organisation in respect to all employees, and the Finance Sector Union and its members.
SCOPE, APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND. 2.1 This Agreement will apply to Select Australasia Pty Limited t/as Select Industrial (“the employer”), and all relevant employees of Select Industrial when engaged and working on a casual basis in the Australian Capital Territory to provide services to Atlantis. 2.2 Employees will only be covered by the terms of this Agreement when they are performing duties for Atlantis as removalists. 2.3 This Agreement is to apply to all current employees and all future employees (“relevant employees”) of the employer. 2.4 Relevant employees have no guarantee of minimum hours of work or length of employment under this agreement. 2.5 This agreement specifically excludes all protected award conditions that relate to protected allowable award matters or are machinery provisions in respect of protected allowable award matters under the Select Industrial/AWU Award 2002 (“the award”). As this agreement is limited to casual employees the protected allowable matters under the Award are: (i) Allowances – tool, vehicle, clothing/equipment; (ii) Shift and Shift Allowances; (iii) Overtime; (iv) parental adoption leave; and (v) public holidays.