Show-up Pay Sample Clauses
Show-up Pay. When a relief is dispatched and reports to a job, but is not put to work, they shall be guaranteed a minimum of a full day's pay (twelve [12] hours) for the assignment.
Show-up Pay. (a) Except as otherwise required by State law, Employees reporting for work and for whom no work is provided, except when given prior notification not to report to work, shall receive two (2) hours pay at the regular straight time hourly rate. Employees who are directed to start work shall receive four (4) hours of pay at the regular straight time hourly rate. Employees who work beyond four (4) hours shall be paid for actual hours worked. Whenever reporting pay is provided for employees, they will be required to remain at the Project Site and available for work for such time as they receive pay, unless released earlier by the principal supervisor of the Contractor(s) or his/her designated representative. Each employee shall furnish his/her Contractor with his/her current address and telephone number and shall promptly report any changes to the Contractor.
(b) An employee called out to work outside of his/her shift shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate. This does not apply to time worked as an extension of (before or after) the employee’s normal shift.
(c) When an employee leaves the job or work location of his/her own volition or is discharged for cause or is not working as a result of the Contractor’s invocation of Article 13, Section 13.3, the employee shall only be paid for actual time worked.
Show-up Pay. An employee who reports to work for a scheduled shift and is “called off” due to low census, overstaffing, or for other reasons, will be paid one-hour’s pay at his/her regular rate and be released from the remaining hours of his/her shift.
Show-up Pay. Whenever an employee reports to duty either from home or another work location for overtime duty that has been canceled, he/she shall receive a minimum payment of four (4) hours of straight time compensation, unless previously notified of the cancellation. (Cancellation phone calls should normally be at least four (4) hours in advance and not normally be made between 2230 and 0630 hours). Payment under this Article shall not be counted as hours worked nor affect the regular rate of pay.
Show-up Pay. Employees whose time for reporting for duty is before first notification is made not to report to work and who in fact report to work, will be paid for one-half (1/2) of their normal work schedule or two (2) hours, whichever is greater, at the employee's rate of pay.
Show-up Pay. The provisions of Section 12.1.3 apply to any employee reporting for assigned work hours.
Show-up Pay. An employee reporting for work on a scheduled work-day, when the District fails to provide regular notification not to report for work, shall be compensated for two hours of work at that employee's regular rate of pay. Regular notification shall be radio
Show-up Pay. An employee reporting for work when the District fails to provide prior notification not to report to work shall be compensated for two hours of work at that employee’s regular rate of pay. The employee may be requested to stay and work for the two hours. If classified employees agree to work and are assigned to work at school events, the employees will be paid $36 plus $3.00 for each quarter-hour beyond three (3) hours per event. Hours spent working at events will not be counted as hours worked for calculation of overtime. This provision specifically waives the application of all applicable State or Federal overtime law, including ORS 653.261 and OAR 839-020-0030. Examples of school events are athletic competitions and school sponsored dances. Different events happening on the same calendar day will be paid as separate events.
Show-up Pay. Any employee covered by this Agreement reporting to work upon order of any Employer who is a party to this Agreement and not put to work for any reason,* except fire, accidents, other unavoidable causes, or failure to dress properly for the type of construction on which such employee will be working, shall receive two (2) hours pay for the time lost. *Any employee covered by this Agreement reporting for work upon order of any Employer who is a party to this Agreement and not put to work because of weather conditions, shall receive one (1) hour of pay for the time lost unless he has been previously notified not to report to work. In order to obtain the one (1) hours pay, the employee must remain on the job for that period of time.
Show-up Pay. A Member who is directed to scheduled work during the Member’s non-regular duty hours shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours, at the appropriate rate of pay. A member may waive this provision upon mutual agreement with their supervisor. Show-up pay does not apply to unscheduled holdover situations.