Special Duty Sample Clauses

Special Duty. The Employer, with the participation of the Union, will develop and maintain a process for the application of special duty opportunities for employees. Work requested by an individual or group, other than the employer, will be considered special duty. Examples include but are not limited to, lodge security and yacht club security. Special duty does not include events or other activities sponsored by the Employer. At events cosponsored by the Employer or conducted as a special event, assignments shall be made to interested bargaining unit members unless the specific job includes a majority of supervisory duties. The issue of special duty will be referred to labor management committees with the full expectation that they will pursue the matter and attempt to develop acceptable guidelines.
Special Duty. 26.1 Special Duty shall be defined as duties assigned to members apart from their regular duty, resulting from the request of individuals, corporations or organizations for special services, requiring the sanction of the Chief of Police or designee. Such duty is to be paid for at the rate fixed by the Niagara Police Board to be paid to such Board by the individual, corporation or organization making such requests. "Designee" shall be defined as in Article 5.4.
Special Duty. The Employer, with the participation of the Union, will develop and maintain a process for the application of special duty opportunities for employees. Work requested by an individual or group, other than the employer, will be considered special duty. Examples include but are not limited to, lodge security and yacht club security. Special duty does not include events or other activities sponsored by the Employer. At events cosponsored by the Employer or conducted as a special event, assignments shall be made to interested bargaining unit members unless the specific job includes a majority of supervisory duties.
Special Duty. Special duty is defined as employment by a separate and independent employer of a member performing law enforcement or related activities under provision whereby the Division: (1) requires the members be hired by a separate and independent employer to perform such duties; (2) facilitates the employment of a members by a separate and independent employer; or (3) otherwise affects the conditions of employment of the member by a separate and independent employer. If a member, solely at the member's option, agrees to be employed on special duty, the hours the member is employed by a separate and independent employer in law enforcement or related activities shall be excluded by the Township in the calculation of the hours for which the member is entitled to overtime compensation. The special duty rate shall be established by the Chief with input and agreement from the Labor Management Committee. If the Chief and the Committee are unable to agree upon the special duty rate, the current special duty rate will remain in effect.
Special Duty. 23.01 Whenever a Member is designated to perform duties of a matron or prisoner escort, such Member shall receive in addition to his or her regular salary, an allowance at the rate of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars per annum while so designated, such allowance to be pro-rated quarterly. 23.02 When required under this Article, authorized overtime shall be paid on the same basis as outlined in Article 6.02.
Special Duty. On occasion, unit members may be required to report to work for special duty. Employees who perform such service will be guaranteed at least two (2) hours pay.
Special Duty. Special duty is defined as employment by a separate and independent employer of a member performing law enforcement related activities under provisions whereby the Employer: (1) Allows the member to be hired by a separate and independent employer to perform such duties; (2) Facilitates the employment of the member by a separate and independent employer; and (3) Otherwise affects the terms and conditions of employment of the member by a separate and independent employer. Where a member, solely at the member’s option, agrees to be employed on special duty, the employer acknowledges that it shall treat the member covered by the terms of this Contract and will ensure that the member is covered by the City’s workers’ compensation coverage. However, the hours the member is employed by a separate and independent Employer in law enforcement or related activities shall be excluded by the City in the calculation of the hours which the member is entitled to overtime compensation. The Lodge shall make recommendations to the Chief regarding rates, assignments, procedures and guidelines concerning “special duty.” These items may be topics of discussion in Labor Relations Committee meetings.
Special Duty. No Part-Time Officer or Reserve Officer may be given special duty unless the special duty work has first been offered to members on the special duty list and declined by these members. No special duty work shall be offered to a Reserve Officer until after the Reserve Officer has completed his or her FTO program.
Special Duty. The Chief shall designate the Field Operations Sub-Division Commander, or alternate, to administer the special duty program. A. Special duty assignments shall be offered to members on a fair and equal basis with no preference shown to any individual. Assignments, as much as possible, will be B. Once a member has accepted a special duty assignment the member shall be responsible for insuring that he or she reports to that assignment in a timely manner, prepared for duty. If a member should wish to cancel a special duty assignment that the member has accepted, it is his or her responsibility to find a replacement and to insure that the assignment has been filled. Repeated violations of the provisions of this Article or other rules pertaining to special duty may make the offender subject to removal from the special duty roster for a period of time as is determined by the Chief to be appropriate. C. Members desiring to work a special duty assignment during a scheduled tour of duty may request either vacation or compensatory leave to work such assignment. Any such request for leave shall be processed and granted subject to the same criteria as any other request for leave if the request does not involve the paying of overtime to another member to cover the vacancy created by such leave or violate any other provision of this Contract. D. During exigent circumstances (such as a scheduled member marking off sick from a special duty assignment, etc.,) or when a request for special duty is received on short notice (less than 24 hours prior to reporting time), the individual administering the special duty program may fill the vacancy by assignment to the most available member after making a good faith attempt to comply with the provisions of this Article. E. In addition to the foregoing provisions governing special duty assignments: (1) the Chief may designate any new special duty job as “position specific” if the job requires specific job tasks to be performed (e.g., School Resource Officer, K-9, Detective); (2) School Resource Officers will be assigned to every home football game as part of the special duty contingent of officers and supervisors assigned to every home football game; and (3) a “plus one” rule will be applicable for all special duty assignments at school basketball games and dances, whereby no School Resource Officer will be assigned to a basketball game or school dance by the Chief unless an additional member is required to be hired by the school as ...
Special Duty. 31.01 Special Duty is duty performed by a member apart from his regular duty, at the request of and paid for by individuals, corporations or other organizations, and sanctioned by the Chief or his designee. 31.02 Special Duty shall be voluntary and shall be distributed among those members of each unit willing to undertake such duties as fairly and equitably as possible. A list of those members having worked special duty along with the number of hours worked shall be posted quarterly. 31.03 The rate to be paid for Special Duty, the minimum number of hours to be worked on each such occasion and the premium rates to be paid for such duties on any or all holidays shall continue at the present formula and shall only be amended by agreement of the Association and the Board. 31.04 Officers are ineligible for Special Duty if on light duty, restricted duty, or suspension.