Staff Evaluations Sample Clauses

Staff Evaluations. For staff employees, evaluation criteria and procedures will be established by the Employer in consultation with employees in the appropriate area and the Joint Professional Development Committee. Evaluation procedures and criteria will (a) Be based on current duties and responsibilities as described in the employee’s job description; (b) Solicit objective and concrete information concerning the employee’s performance based on functional behaviours required to perform successfully in a position or group of staff positions (c) Inform participants that their identity will remain confidential to Human Resources; (d) Include provision for an employee’s self-appraisal and a formal response to the completed evaluation.
Staff Evaluations. The Association will be involved in any changes in teacher evaluation instruments or processes.
Staff Evaluations. The revised staff evaluation process for the 2020-2021 SY by October 15, 2020, is attached hereto as Appendix I, and hereby incorporated into this Memorandum Agreement.
Staff Evaluations. The parties agree that the Rhode Island Department of Education model will be the sole tool for evaluating teachers. Unless mutually agreed otherwise, the administrator whose supervisory assignment, experience, and certification best align will evaluate each teacher. Balancing the evaluation load may also be a factor in assignment when multiple administrators align. From time to time and with teacher agreement, multiple evaluators may share an evaluation in order to align practice. The District Evaluation Committee will review any questions or disagreements regarding evaluations, including assignments. The parties recognize the need to allow for an appeal process for any evaluation. The appeal process must be completed by June 1. To that end the parties agreed to mutually create a valid appeal process.
Staff Evaluations. Evaluating your staff is important to ensure consistent and quality performance and most importantly, customer service. You can establish 6-month formal evaluation periods to recap their performance. We have also found that informal evaluations conducted when you see a performance or compliance problem, is highly effective in maintaining a company standard. It is a lot more useful when you point out a problem immediately rather than wait when the staff member may not recall the issue. Please refer to Section 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 for sample Manager and Massage Therapist Evaluation Reports.
Staff Evaluations. The parties agree that the Rhode Island Department of Education model will be the sole tool for evaluating teachers. Unless mutually agreed otherwise, the administrator whose supervisory assignment, experience, and certification best align will evaluate each teacher. Balancing the evaluation load may also be a factor in assignment when multiple administrators align. From time to time and with teacher agreement, multiple evaluators may share an evaluation in order to align practice. The District Evaluation Committee will review any questions or disagreements regarding evaluations, including assignments.
Staff Evaluations. A. The Association recognizes the right and responsibility of the administrative staff to evaluate the performance of non-administrative professional personnel. The Association also recognizes that visitation of classrooms is often times necessary in order to conduct proper evaluations. B. The Board and the Association agree that evaluations shall be used constructively and cooperatively with the staff member in order to assist the staff member in becoming more effective. As new evaluation tools, and rubrics are discussed for potential adoption representatives of the Association will come together with administration to discuss and provide input for the implementation. Any changes or adjustments to evaluation tools and rubrics will be agreed upon by the Association and the Board. The tool is included as part of the agreement. All rubrics will be completed and given to employees by October 1st of each school year. C. Probationary staff members shall be observated at least two (2) times per year (once per semester). Each evaluation shall be the result of at least two (2) observations. Non- probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once every three (3) years. Performance during the years when formal observation does not occur shall be maintained at the most recent evaluation score. D. All monitoring or observation of the work of an employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the Employee. E. The Board and the Association agree that evaluations shall be used constructively and cooperatively with the staff member in order to assist the staff member in becoming more effective. As new evaluation tools are adopted, a representative group of employees will come together with administration to discuss and provide input for the implementation of the new evaluation tool. The tool is included as part of the agreement. F. Test results of student performance shall not be used to evaluate an employee's performance or fitness for retention. G. An evaluation shall be based on not less than one class period or a particular teaching unit, whichever is shorter. All observations upon which evaluations are based shall be conducted during non-confidential interviews. J The administrator shall prepare and submit a written report and recommendation to the employee within ten (10) working days of the evaluation. If an administrator believes an employee is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms as shall an identi...
Staff Evaluations. 5.1 Evaluation Method A committee consisting of 2 classroom teachers and 2 administrators and/or Board members shall develop the evaluation instrument. This committee shall make recommendations to the AEA and the Board. The final selection of the instrument shall be made by the Board and shall be included as Appendix C of the Agreement. Evaluation of teacher performance shall be done by a certified administrator and must be based on his/her own observation(s).
Staff Evaluations. If the employee fails to improve her work performance and it is deemed necessary to censure the employee in a manner indicating that dismissal may follow if an employee fails to bring her work up to a required standard by a given date, the Employer shall present the censure in written form to the employee.
Staff Evaluations. A. Certified Staff The District shall comply with the Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) of the Illinois School Code. All tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least once every three years and all non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least once every year, using the four rating levels outlined in PERA, as outlined in Appendix E. Teachers assigned to teach classes for which they are not certified shall not be evaluated for content knowledge in those classes. Tenured teachers who receive a “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” evaluation rating shall be placed on a professional development plan or remediation plan, as applicable, in accordance with the School Code. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent a teacher on a professional development plan or remediation plan from being subject to a reduction in force. Substantive evaluation content and ratings are not subject to the grievance procedure.