Standby Callout. (i) When an employee on standby is called out beyond the hours of his regular work day, the additional work time will be paid at overtime rates.
(ii) When called out during standby hours, overtime begins when the employee leaves his home to attend to the call.
(iii) Overtime stops when the employee returns to his home.
(iv) The company shall supply a cell phone to employees on standby. However, the Company is not required to provide a vehicle to an employee on standby.
Standby Callout. (a) The Employer will consult with the Union prior to initiating standby programs where they have not existed previously. This provision does not apply to standby situations made necessary by emergency conditions.
(b) If the Employer decides to implement standby or callout, the provisions contained in Articles 13.10,
Standby Callout. (a) The Employer will consult with the Union prior to initiating standby programs where they have not existed previously. This provision does not apply to standby situations made necessary by emergency conditions.
(b) If the Employer decides to implement standby or callout, the provisions contained in Articles 13.10, 15.9 (2nd paragraph) and 15.10 of the August 1, 1979 to July 31, 1981 Collective Agreement will apply.
Standby Callout. A Nurse who is designated to be on standby and available for work shall be paid two dollars and sixty cents ($2.60) per hour of standby duty in addition to the call-out provisions of this agreement as of April 1, 2009.
Standby Callout. Section 9.01 Employees with the necessary skills may be required to remain in contact with the Company outside of scheduled work hours by use of a Company provided pager or other communications device.
Section 9.02 The Company shall seek volunteers to be considered for standby duty. Standby duty shall be rotated among the volunteers with the necessary skills and qualifications. If there is an insufficient number of volunteers who possess the necessary skills, the Company may assign standby duty to employees who have the skills required.
Section 9.03 Standby duty may be assigned for a calendar week or for a weekend (close of business Friday until the opening of business on Monday). Employees on standby duty for a calendar week shall be paid the gross sum of $250 for a regular seven (7) day period and the gross sum of $275 for a seven (7) day period where a holiday intervenes. Employees on standby duty for a weekend shall be paid an amount equal to four (4) hours of pay at his/her straight time rate.
Section 9.04 When an employee on standby duty is required to leave his/her off duty location and immediately reports to work at the designated report location or customer site, the employee shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate from the time he/she leaves his/her residence until the time he/she returns to his/her residence, provided the assignment is not contiguous with his/her scheduled work tour, at which time the employee shall then be paid at the applicable overtime rate from the time the employee leaves his/her residence until the start of the normal work tour.
Section 9.05 If the employee on standby receives a case of trouble and the employee is able to fix the trouble without leaving his/her residence, the employee shall be compensated at the applicable overtime rate for all time so worked. There shall be a minimum of one-half (1/2) hour pay for such time worked.
Section 9.06 When another employee is required to substitute for an employee assigned standby duty, the assigned standby duty employee shall make the necessary arrangements for his/her replacement.
Standby Callout. An employee who is designated to be on standby and available for work shall be paid two dollars and forty cents ($2.40) per hour of standby duty in addition to the call-out provisions of this agreement as of April 1, 2006, increased to two dollars and forty-five cents ($2.45) as of April 1, 2007 and increased to two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) as of April 1, 2008.
Standby Callout. The I/E specialist will equally provide 24-hour standby coverage each day. The Mechanical Specialist will provide 24-hour standby coverage for a minimum of 50 percent of the days in any given year. The employee on standby must be available and able to be on site within a reasonable time from being called. The employee on standby will earn 1 regular hour of pay for each day of coverage Monday to Friday and 2 hours of regular pay for each day of coverage for Saturday, Sunday, and Statutory Holidays. An employee, responding to a callout will earn 2 times the regular rte for all time worked including reasonable travel time to and from the workplace, with a minimum of 4 hours regular pay.
Standby Callout. 16.1 The allowance and penalty rates are to compensate for the inconvenience of being "called back"
16.2 A Standby Allowance of $9.66/hour shall be paid for this purpose (increased to $13.20/hour on Sundays and Public Holidays). Where a site visit is required, the Standby Allowance continues if called out. This will be a fixed rate of payment and will not cease when called out. Standby rates will be adjusted by the annual CPI as determined on July 1 (commencing July 2008) for each year that this agreement remains in force.
16.3 The Standby allowance continues when a call out occurs and incorporates remote support provided to customers.
16.4 Payment for callout will be at the rate of time and one half for the first two hours and double time
16.5 Should an Employee be required to attend a second, or subsequent, callout during his/her rostered standby period, the penalty rates will be extended, but not overlapped, on the basis outlined to ensure payment for 4 hours may be claimed from the commencement of those subsequent callouts.
Standby Callout. 3.8.1 A standby allowance will be paid to Employees who are required by the Employer to be available to be called out for duty or to resolve calls from home.
3.8.2 An Employee who is called out when on standby or who is recalled to work can be required to do more than one job per call out.
3.8.3 The parties agree that all Employees are expected to be available to participate in a reasonable amount of standby duties should it be deemed by the Employer to be necessary for safe and reliable operations. The Employer shall nominate Employees with sufficient skills and experience to be rostered within an area for stand by duties.
3.8.4 Employees called to work overtime under this clause will be paid in accordance with Clause 4.6 (Overtime). The Employee will receive a minimum 3 hours at the Base Rate.
3.8.5 Employees who are required by the Employer to resolve calls from home when on stand by will be paid a minimum 1.5 hours at the Base Rate. If a call is resolved from home on a public holiday a minimum 4 hours at the Base Rate will be paid.
3.8.6 Should an Employee be required to attend work two and a half hours or less before an Employee’s normal start time (including calls resolved from home) the Employee will be paid at 1.9 times the Base Rate from the time the Employee leaves home until the Employee normal start time and the 10 hour break rule in Clause 4.4.1 will not apply.
3.8.7 Employees with the approval of the Employer may be eligible to swap standby responsibilities for a period of time. Payment of the standby allowance will only be made to one Employee. It is the responsibility of the Employee rostered to perform standby to seek an appropriate substitute and inform the response centre.
3.8.8 An Employee rostered on standby who is unavailable when requested to work after normal ordinary hours shall not be paid the standby allowance for that day(s).
3.8.9 An Employee who is required by the Employer to be available to standby shall be paid the relevant standby allowance.
3.8.10 An Employee rostered on standby on a public holiday shall have 7.6 hours, or the number of ordinary hours that would normally be worked on that day if it was not a public holiday, added to their leave entitlements.
3.8.11 Standby Allowance Amounts i. Weekly $460.00 per week ii. Monday-Friday $ 51.26 per day iii. Weekend $101.85 per day (To be paid in arrears for Standby performed)
Standby Callout. A standby allowance will be paid to Employees who are required by the Employer to be available to be called out for duty or to resolve calls from home.