SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. 13.1. Supported employees performing bargaining unit work will be covered by the terms of the applicable Appendix. Supported employee classifications and assigned wage ranges have 13.2. Though the job duties of a supported employee may cross job classifications, bargaining units and/or Union jurisdiction boundaries, no Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) Unfair Labor Practice Complaints (ULPs) or grievances will be filed based on the work assigned to a supported employee or allegations of bargaining unit work “skimming.” The parties understand that the process used to assign duties will reflect a “customized employment process” wherein job duties may be “carved” from various assignments and places to create a single supported employee assignment. Because a key component to a successful program includes flexibility in assigning job duties based on operational need and employee growth, as well as the ability to increase responsibility as skills grow, duties will vary and may change over time. For this reason, the parties to this Agreement expressly waive the legal right to file PERC ULP complaints or grievances regarding bargaining unit “skimming” by supported employees. Should these “carved” duties no longer be assigned to a supported employee, said duties will revert to the bargaining units where they originated. 13.3. Supported employees will be represented and pay dues, as appropriate, to the Union representing the majority of the work assigned. If there is no clear majority, the Union representing the plurality of the work assigned will represent the employee. Should a party to this Agreement (County or Union(s)) contest the Union representation assigned to a position, that party will notify the other party (County or appropriate Union(s)) and they will meet to discuss the dispute. Issues, concerns or disputes regarding the representation of bargaining unit work assigned to supported employees will be discussed by the Union(s) jointly with the program manager and the appropriate Office of Labor Relations labor negotiator. Employees will be allowed and expected to continue performing their duties, newly identified and/or previously assigned, while the dispute is discussed. The parties may involve the King County Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) staff to help them discuss and resolve disputes. An unresolved dispute will be presented to a PERC mediator selected by the parties. This process will be completed in an expedited manner. An 13.4. Th...
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SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. 13.1. This Article applies only to bargaining units whose unions include supported employees.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. This program is delivered in partnership with community employment groups to develop employment opportunities for people who have a developmental disability. The program provides the necessary support to allow individuals with developmental disabilities to participate in meaningful, integrated employment in the community. Supports range from orientation and work analysis, to full-time support from a job trainer to ensure that the required duties of the job are completed to the satisfaction of the employer. The types of employment options which may be supported include individual supported employment in the labour force, contractual employment, self-employment and small business development.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. The Supported Employment Program provides a range of services through community-based projects to help persons with disabilities prepare for, find and keep employment. The Supported Employment Program assists non-profit community organizations to develop and deliver supported employment activities, with an emphasis on pre- employment skills, supported work experience and job placements leading to employment. Services are to improve the participant’s general employability, prepare for further training or job search or result in direct employment outcomes. In 2016/17, fifteen community-based supported employment projects were cost-shared under the LMAPD: Association for Community Living – Beausejour; Association for Community Living – Interlake; Connect Employment Services; envision Community Living; Equal Opportunities West; Focus on Employment; Parkland Residential Vocational Services; Rose Inc.; Premier Personnel Inc.; Xxx Inc.; SCE Lifeworks Inc.; SMD Xxxxxxxx; The Pas Association for Human Development; Xxxxxxx Coalition Employment Opportunity; and Xxxxxxx Employment Services. In 2016/17, these agencies provided support and services to 1,188 participants and of those, 886 had some employment. Of those employed, 528 participants met the supported employment definition of employment of 15 hours or more per week, at minimum wage or higher, for three consecutive months or longer. Additionally, 65 participants worked less than 15 hours or more per week but were assessed as having worked at their ‘maximum capacitydue to disability related issues. A total of 593 participants were considered to have had a successful employment outcome in 2016/17.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. All Parks Specialist I (supported employees) shall
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. It shall be the right of the College to establish a supported employment program. The definition of a supported employment program is a program that provides competitive work in an integrated work setting for individuals who because of their handicaps need an ongoing support service to perform that work. Supported employment is limited to individuals with severe handicaps for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred or individuals for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of the severe disability. It includes transitional employment for individuals with chronic mental illness. It is understood that these employees will not replace present union employees or current hours of work. It is further understood that the other provisions of this agreement do not apply to these employees and that they will not qualify for union status after any amount of time worked.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. The Supported Employment Program provides a range of services through community-based projects to help persons with disabilities prepare for, find and keep employment. As of April 1, 2007, Manitoba Family Services and Housing assumed responsibility for the program from Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade. The Supported Employment Program assists non-profit community organizations to develop and deliver supported employment activities, with an emphasis on pre-employment skills, supported work experience and job placements leading to employment. Services are to improve the participant’s general employability, prepare for further training or job search or result in direct employment outcomes. Each project has specific outcomes established. In 2007/08, 719 individuals participated in Supported Employment projects.
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SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. The Supported Employment Program provides a range of services through community-based projects to help persons with disabilities prepare for, find and keep employment. The Supported Employment Program assists non-profit community organizations to develop and deliver supported employment activities, with an emphasis on pre- employment skills, supported work experience and job placements leading to employment. Services are to improve the participant’s general employability, prepare for further training or job search or result in direct employment outcomes. In 2009/10, six community-based supported employment projects were cost-shared under the LMAPD: Association for Community Living – Beausejour; Association for Community Living – Interlake; Association for Community Living – Steinbach; Xxxx Inc.; Xxx Inc.; and Xxxxxxx Coalition Employment Opportunity. In 2009/10, these agencies provided support and services to 423 participants and of those, 262 obtained employed. Of those employed, 73 participants met the supported employment definition of employment of 15 hours or more per week, at minimum wage or higher, for three consecutive months or longer.
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. The Supported Employment Program provides a range of services through community-based projects to help persons with disabilities prepare for, find and keep employment. The Supported Employment Program assists non-profit community organizations to develop and deliver supported employment activities, with an emphasis on pre- employment skills, supported work experience and job placements leading to employment. Services are to improve the participant’s general employability, prepare for further training or job search or result in direct employment outcomes. In 2013/14, thirteen community-based supported employment projects were cost-shared under the LMAPD: Association for Community Living – Beausejour; Association for Community Living – Interlake; Association for Community Living – Steinbach; Connect Employment Services; Focus on Employment; Parkland Residential Vocational Services; Rose Inc.; Xxx Inc.; SCE Lifeworks Inc.; SMD Xxxxxxxx; The Pas Association for Human Development; Xxxxxxx Coalition Employment Opportunity; and Xxxxxxx Employment Services. In 2013/14, these agencies provided support and services to 1,165 participants and of those, 752 obtained employment. Of those employed, 469 participants met the supported employment definition of employment of 15 hours or more per week, at minimum wage or higher, for three consecutive months or longer.


  • Supported Employment Natural Supports

  • Pre-Employment Testing Nothing in this Contract shall limit the right of the City to conduct any tests it may deem appropriate for persons seeking employment prior to their date of hire. The parties agree that the Lodge has no role or responsibility with regard to any such pre-employment testing.

  • Supported Employment Reporting After the DORS consumer has completed the first month of Supported Employment job coaching and monthly thereafter, ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP shall complete the Employment Service Progress Form (Attachment D). The Form is required each month whether ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP is sending an invoice to DORS or not.

  • Retirement Program Any employee employed prior to October 1, 1977, working at least seventy (70) hours per month shall by law be a member of the Washington Public Employees Retirement system (PERS) Plan One. Any employee working at least seventy (70) hours per month, entering employment on or after October 1, 1977, shall by law be a member of the School Employees Retirement System, Plan Two or Three. The District shall provide each new employee information concerning PERS or SERS membership benefits.

  • Secondary Employment A. For any employee entitled to disability leave, the employer shall pay the covered employee compensation in accordance with section 10.2 governing disability leave. B. The employer shall pay compensation for the period that the covered employee is entitled to disability leave for a maximum period of eighteen (18) months, except as set forth in 10.2(b) and 10.3(b). C. The employee shall be eligible for compensation for such disability leave if the employee is temporarily disabled from the duties of the public safety employment that gave rise to the injury, regardless or whether the employee engages in secondary employment, provided that: 1. The secondary employment commenced prior to the injury; 2. The duties of the secondary employment are not likely to cause delay or preclude full recovery and return to work as certified by the FROMS physician and such employment is approved by the Fire Chief. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.

  • Outside Employment Employees may engage in other employment outside of their State working hours so long as the outside employment does not involve a conflict of interest with their State employment. Whenever it appears that any such outside employment might constitute a conflict of interest, the employee is expected to consult with his/her appointing authority or other appropriate agency representative prior to engaging in such outside employment. Employees of agencies where there are established procedures concerning outside employment for the purpose of insuring compliance with specific statutory restrictions on outside employment are expected to comply with such procedures.

  • Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.

  • SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION 1. The following shall apply to employees providing instruction in adult education programs in these districts: Continuing Education employees in the Adult Education High School Completion Program (credit courses) and Adult Education Academic Upgrading Programs (Adult Basic Education, General Education Development, Pre-General Education Development, Literacy and Adult Education English Language Programs). Employees teaching Adult Education academic programs including: High School Completion Program, Pathfinder High School Completion Program, Academic Business Education Program, General Equivalency Diploma Program, Adult Basic Education Program, Adult English as a Second Language Program, and Adult Special Education Program, in the Continuing Education Division.

  • TEACHER EMPLOYMENT 8.1. The Board agrees to employ only those teachers who hold at least a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university and are certifiable by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. This provision shall not apply in the instance where the availability of personnel is critical and an appropriate waiver is granted by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. 8.2 Teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teacher certification and major or minor field of study except temporarily and for good cause. 8.3 For purposes of this Agreement, the period of service shall not be more than one hundred eighty-nine (189) days, to be allocated as follows: Regular School Days 180 Pre-School Year Faculty Meetings 1 Parent-Teacher Conferences 2 Teacher In-Service 3 Teacher Planning Days 2 Professional Development Day 1 Total Contract Days 189 The agenda for the Teacher Planning Days will be set by the teaching staff in each building, and shall be used for teachers to plan curriculum and/or curriculum development only. The Teacher Planning Days will be scheduled either immediately prior to the first day of school, during the school year, and/or after the last day of school, but no later than June 30. The Professional Development Day shall be scheduled in the fall and devoted to any activity that furthers the individual teacher’s Staff Development Plan. Parent- Teacher Conferences will be scheduled to accommodate and meet the needs of parents. Two (2) weeks notice will be given for make-up days. Teachers new to the District may be required to report one extra day. 8.4 Teachers employed by the District will be given an individual contract (See Appendix C attached hereto) each year of their employment. The contract will include teaching assignment, years of service, tenured status and annual salary. Tenure will be issued according to NH RSA 189:14-a. The notice of employment shall require that teachers certify they hold a valid New Hampshire certificate, license, or permit to teach. The Board agrees to pay for the State mandated recertification fee. The individual contract shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8.5 The workday shall begin for those teachers who have assigned duties at a time consistent with the individual schedules of each building. Those teachers who do not have duties before the start of the school day shall be required to report twenty (20) minutes prior to the first scheduled homeroom or class in their building each day. The workday for teachers will end at such time as necessary to carry out their professional duties including, but not limited to, faculty meetings, conferences with parents or students, extra help, open house, or conferences with administrators as required. Such meetings shall be of reasonable duration with end of day faculty meetings being no more than one (1) hour. Otherwise, the teacher workday shall end ten (10) minutes after the last period or class in their building each day, except for those teachers who have assigned duties consistent with the individual schedule of each building. In-service activities or workshops that are required of teachers by administrators will be conducted during the time regular classes are scheduled. 8.6 The Board will make every effort to provide a thirty (30) minute duty-free uninterrupted lunch period. In the event that a thirty minute lunch is not available for all teachers, a committee made up of three teachers appointed by the Association and three persons appointed by the Board shall study the situation and issue a report with recommendations as to how the thirty minute lunch period might be implemented for all teachers prior to the next annual District meeting. However, in no instance shall it be less than twenty (20) minutes. When a thirty (30) minute time period is not scheduled, teachers of self-contained classrooms will be provided a fifteen (15) minute relief period each day. 8.7 Teachers will be notified of their employment status and teaching assignments on or before April 15th, and will return their contract signed, no later than May 15. Any teachers who are in their state recertification year must have their State of NH Bureau of Credentialing Certification Renewal Form completed and approved by March 1st of Year 3, per the requirements of the FMRSD-SAU 60 Professional Development Master Plan, in order to be issued a contract renewal. In the event a teacher rejects a reassignment, the teacher shall be employed to fill any open position which may then be available, provided the Superintendent recommends to the Board that the teacher is qualified and certifiable. A teacher's refusal to accept the reassignment, or any open position which then may be available shall constitute a termination of contract without prejudice. Any change in assignment after April 15th shall be considered an involuntary transfer and shall be effected only for cause. 8.8 When involuntary transfers are effected for a necessary reduction in a school's staff allocation due to reduced student enrollments or the closing and/or consolidation of a building, resignations or leaves of absence, said transfers will be made on the basis of years of service in the District; that teachers in the affected building possessing the least amount of service and applicable certification being transferred first. Such transfer due to resignation or leave of absence shall be for a period not to exceed one (1) year. 8.9 Teachers actively engaged in credited coursework and/or matriculated in degree programs, should give notice by January 1 of their intent to pursue a salary lane change in the following year. All paperwork and formal grade documentation must be filed with the Superintendent’s office by August 1 in order for the salary adjustment to take effect for the upcoming contract year. Time requirements specified in this section may be extended by mutual agreement. 8.10 The Board agrees to submit to the Association for its consideration, suggestions for the school calendar on or before January fifteenth (15th) of the preceding year. The Board reserves the right to establish the school calendar and to make appropriate changes at any time.

  • Continuing Employment (a) Continuing employment means full-time or fractional-time employment that does not have a fixed end date or a contingency upon which the employment contract will come to an end. (b) All employment other than fixed-term employment and casual employment will be continuing employment. (c) Notwithstanding subclause 16.0(b) above, the University may employ a person in Continuing (Contingent Funded Research) employment on a full-time or fractional-time basis in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

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