USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. The Employer agrees that the Association may use the facilities and equipment listed in this Section for lawful Association activities provided such use does not interfere with the regular school operation. The use of such facilities shall be subject to all rules, conditions, and policies governing the use of such facilities. When applicable, the Association shall pay the regular charge for use of such facilities.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. 6:01 The Company agrees to provide SEAC with bulletin boards for each building and electronic resources such as email and internet with the understanding that their use shall be restricted for SEAC business purposes such as: newsletters, notices of SEAC meetings, elections, appointments and other SEAC initiatives. All material for posting will be authorized by a SEAC executive or SEAC Business Manager. SEAC agrees that no pamphlets, handbills or other publications will be distributed in work areas during work hours without prior approval of the Human Resources Department.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. The Employer agrees that the Association may use the facilities and equipment listed in this Section for lawful Association activities provided such use does not interfere with the regular school operation. The use of such facilities shall be subject to all rules, conditions, and policies governing the use of such facilities. When applicable, the Association shall pay the regular charge for use of such facilities. 2.7.1 Upon approval of an Application and Permit for Use of School Properties, the Association shall have the right to schedule Association meetings and activities on school property in accord with the conditions specified in Section 2.7. 2.7.2 The Association shall be permitted to post notices of meetings and other pertinent information regarding lawful Association activities on bulletin boards provided by the Employer. There shall be one (1) bulletin board at each elementary school, two (2) bulletin boards at Bloomington Junior High School, and two (2) bulletin boards at Bloomington High School. The bulletin board space allocated shall be identified with the name of the Association and only the representative of the Association shall have authority to post or remove material from the bulletin board. 2.7.3 The Association shall be permitted to use the School District delivery service (including fax machines and District E-mail) for communications to Employees within a school building and system-wide; provided, however, political campaign materials so distributed shall be enclosed in separate envelopes. A mailbox, in the main office of each building shall be provided for BEA use. A copy of all materials sent by such delivery service within a school building shall be given to the building principal at the time of distribution. A copy of all materials sent through such delivery service to two (2) or more school buildings shall be sent to the Superintendent or his designated representative within twenty-four (24) hours after distribution of such material to Employees. 2.7.4 The Association shall be permitted to use the building intercom system before and after school and no more than once a day during regular school announcements to announce meetings or election reminders.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. 5.01 An accredited representative of the Institute may be permitted access to the Centre's premises on stated Institute business and to attend meetings called by management. Permission to enter the premises shall, in each case, be obtained from the Centre. 5.02 The Centre will provide specific bulletin board space for the use of the Institute at suitable locations accessible to employees provided that the use of such boards by the Institute shall be restricted to the posting of information relating to the business affairs, meetings, social events and reports of various committees of the Institute, and shall contain nothing that is adverse to the interests of the Centre. The Centre shall have the right to refuse the posting of any information it considers adverse to its interests.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. 8:01 Reasonable space on bulletin boards in convenient locations will be made available to the Association for the posting of official Association notices. 8:02 The Employer will also continue its present practice of making available to the Association specific locations on its premises for the purpose of conducting meetings with its members. 8:03 The Association shall provide the Employer with a list of such Association representatives and shall advise promptly of any change made to the list.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. Under no circumstances will the Employer’s manpower, supplies, equipment or facilities be used in the support of Union affairs or business, except as hereinafter provided by this Section. A. The Employer shall provide reasonable space designated for employee bulletin boards for posting of official Union notices and announcements. Neither Employer nor Union shall post any material of a political or inflammatory nature. B. Official Union shop meetings, called by a Union business representative, may be held in the employee’s lunchrooms or available maintenance areas, during lunch or break periods provided that such meetings do not interfere with the employee’s work duties and responsibilities.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. 9.1 Reasonable space on bulletin boards in convenient locations will be made available to the Union Local for the posting of official PSAC notices. The PSAC shall endeavor to avoid posting notices which the University, acting reasonably, could consider adverse to its interests . 9.2 The Employer agrees to permit PSAC representatives reasonable use of the Employer's Electronic Communication Systems for Union business. 9.3 The Employer will make available specific locations on its premises for placement of reasonable quantities of literature of the PSAC. 9.4 A duly accredited representative of the PSAC shall be permitted access to the Employer’s premises to assist in the resolution of a complaint or grievance and to attend meetings called by management or the Union Local.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. The Association, acting through the Nurse’s Local Unit, may use the available rooms at Employer's facilities for Association meetings. Requests for the use of meeting rooms shall be made in advance. The Association shall be allowed to post a bulletin board by the time cards for use by the Local Unit.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. A. The Employer agrees to provide space on the existing bulletin board, in the main hallway of the Sheriff's Department, for use by the FOP B. Bulletin boards may be used by the Lodge or Labor Council for posting notices of the following types: 1. Recreational and social. 2. FOP elections and election results. 3. General membership meetings and other related business meetings. 4. General Lodge business of interest to members. The FOP agrees not to display any political advertisements, obscene comments, lewd or lascivious comments! racial or religious attacks, personal attacks, on any person or any material that would be offensive to persons of ordinary sensibilities. C. No FOP related materials of any kind may be posted anywhere in the Employer's facilities or on the Employer's equipment except on the bulletin boards designated for use by the FOP D. BALLOT BOXES - The FOP shall be permitted, upon prior notification to the Sheriff or his designees, to place a ballot box at the Sheriff's Department up to two (2) times per calendar year for the purpose of collecting member's ballots on issues relating to ratification, modification, or maintenance of this agreement. Such boxes shall be the property of the FOP and neither the ballot boxes nor their contents shall be subject to the Department's review.
USE OF EMPLOYER'S FACILITIES. A Union office will be provided on an as needed basis and in compliance with General Services Administration (GSA) guidelines for space allotment. The Union will receive priority use of the office. The room currently known as the “equipment room” will be used as the Union’s office. Upon request, Management will provide the Union with the use of suitable space for membership meetings and other Union meetings during non-duty hours of employees involved. Such request shall normally be made at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. However, when such notice is not given and space is available, such space will be provided to the Union based on availability. When computer access is available, employees are expected to check their electronic mail on a daily or more frequent basis. Employees/Management will make an effort to respond to correspondence in a timely manner.