User Types. The User access levels are classified as follows:
(a) Users with administration access (Administrators) have full and complete access to the Software and can make any administrative changes they consider necessary.
(b) Users with editing access (Editors) have limited access to the Software, and may edit any information, processes or Customer Data through the Software. Any edits made by the Editors are to be approved by Approvers.
(c) Users with approval access (Approvers) have authority to approve any edits or changes made to any information, processes or Customer Data through the Software.
(d) Users with view access (Viewers) have authority to view, through the Software, any changes to any information, processes or Customer Data. SCHEDULE 3 - IMPLEMENTATION & SUPPORT
1. Implementation services and Implementation Plan 2. Support services
(a) Online chat
(b) Email –
(c) Telephone Every single request chat/ email is automatically pushed in to our Ticketing system – which then follows through a cycle starting with allocation of priorities all the way to closing these tickets.
(d) PRIME will address the functional product related queries with maximum 24 hours turnaround time
(e) PRIME will address any technical or data backup related queries with maximum 48 hours turnaround time PRIME endeavours to address any product maintenance related activities out of business hours. However, for any reason if the maintenance requires more time, PRIME will ensure that the maximum downtime will be 1 business day.
User Types. If applicable, User types will be established in an Order Form for the Conga Service with different User types. You are responsible for all activity occurring under Your User accounts and shall abide by all applicable local, state, national and foreign laws, treaties and regulations in connection with Your use of the Service, including those related to data privacy, international communications and the transmission of technical or personal data.
User Types. A. After you have created an Account, you become the Administrator of that Account and may determine access rights to the Service for your Users, who may be classified as Mobile Users or Reviewers (Administrator, Mobile User, and Reviewer collectively, “Users”). While there is no limit on the number of Mobile Users or Reviewers, you warrant that if you are using the Service on behalf of a company, all Users who use the Service are employees of said company.
User Types. The potential and most prominent end users and customers of the gaiasense smart farming solutions are farmers, agricultural cooperatives and agricultural advisors. However, different user types, such as researchers and developers of smart farming solutions are also considered. For farmers, gaiasense is a valuable tool that allows them to make the best possible decisions regarding the management of their crops at any given time. For example, gaiasense provides advice for the optimal irrigation, fertilization and crop protection of more than 30 crops, and provides a detailed weather forecast at parcel level, with improved accuracy thanks to the acquisition of agrometeorological data from the gaiasense telemetric stations and the use of advance weather forecasting models. These allow farmers to reduce their production costs, improve their competitiveness and reduce the impact of their agricultural activities on the environment - simply put, improve the financial and environmental sustainability of their farms. Agricultural cooperatives reap the same benefits from gaiasense as farmers, but at a higher level thanks to the economy of scale achieved through their high number of farmers-members. In addition, agricultural cooperatives have better organization and more resources compared to individual farmers; therefore, they have the capacity to adopt a smart farming system like gaiasense at its full extent, maximizing its benefits. 8 xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/IMG/pdf/ro-small_farms_and_commons.pdf In addition, agricultural cooperatives could play a pioneering role and strengthen their role in the area, as they will be capable of providing useful information for their partners/producers, allowing them to improve the quality of their products, safeguard the rural areas, and work towards a more viable financial environment at a regional level. In addition, the availability of at least one dedicated, full-time agricultural advisor as part of the agricoop staff is a major benefit for gaiasense, as they will probably be the ones to be trained in using the gaiasense suite of digital tools and provide the necessary data from the field (e.g. observations, measurements and sampling, among others). We should keep in mind that gaiasense is a 4-dimensional smart farming system that also relies a lot on the help and expertise of local cooperators such as agronomists and agricultural advisors. In this context, a cooperative that occupies well-trained personnel in Digital Agric...
User Types. From the above listing of functionalities, it is obvious that not all users will have the same rights. For the ColMOOC VCoP platform, the following types of users will be created: • Community members: they will represent the “regular” users. They will be able to create new groups, pages and events in the platform, but they are published and visible by others, they will have to be approved by a moderator • Community senior members: they will be able to create new groups, pages and events in the platform, without the need of approval by a moderator. A gamification strategy can be planned to promote from community to senior member, but in any case, this promotion will be granted by an administrator. • Moderators: they will be able to create groups, pages or events in the Community. They will also be in charge of moderating the creation of such artifacts made by community members, by approving or rejecting them. In addition, they will have the potential to delete comments made by others, when they are deemed inappropriate. Once again, gamification can be used to reach to this role, but the VCoP administrator will need to sanction that. • Administrators (or managers): they will configure issues of the VCoP platform such as the layout of the initial screen, but their main duty will be related to user management (activating user accounts, promoting users, blocking reported users…).
User Types. There are 2 different types of user accounts, with different characteristics.
User Types. 4.19.1. There are three user types with access to the following types of functionality (note this list is indicative): Access X X X Input/update X X Collaboration, feedback and response X X X Discovery X X X View and download Knowledgebase reports on assets and services X X X Configuration of Knowledgebase reports on assets and services and metrics/usage X View and download of reports on metrics/usage X Extension of underlying model and configuration fields for data collection X Data import and export in open standards X X Overall register management X CDS confirm that the specified user roles and rights will form part of the delivered solution. The fixed price for the provision of the Services is £99,073 excluding VAT, but inclusive of all expenses and extension options, to be paid in accordance with the following milestones, upon successful (in the reasonable opinion of the Client) completion of all Deliverables corresponding to both that milestone payment, and all preceding milestone payments: For the avoidance of doubt, payment shall never be owed earlier than the Estimated Date, regardless of Deliverable completion. There shall be no charge for the exercise of the (up to) six extension periods of one month each. Table PS.A: Payment Milestones The Client will hold periodic review meetings to check that milestones are met; and The Client will be responsible for approving the delivery of the final solution. The Contractor will be responsible for supplying reasonable formal evidence and plans to demonstrate how improvement will be generated, in the event that the Client has performance concerns. The Contractor shall submit to the Client, quarterly updates of Service Level Agreements (SLAs, see Annex B to the Specification Schedule) as per Reporting Period in Annex B to the Specification Schedule, with face-to-face meetings to take place every six months starting March 2012. The provisions of the [redacted] Service Level Agreement, as originally agreed between OGC and CDS (as updated from time to time) shall apply to the performance of the Services. The Contractor regards the following aspects of the Contract Documentation and the Tender Documentation supplied to the Cabinet Office commercially sensitive: Any information which if released would harm its commercial interests, including but not restricted to, information on: Intellectual Property Information Confidential Information Project Methodology Key Personnel Quality Security Specification of solution...
User Types a) Anonymous Users and Excite@Home Members with no personalization of the My Services module:
i) Excite@Home may display two to five links at its sole option. All e-centives categories will be supported, but each category may have at most one link.
b) Excite@Home Members with personalization of the My Services module and/or provision of an e-centives account:
i) Excite@Home may display two to five links at its sole option. All e-centives categories will be supported, but each category may have at most one link per page view.
ii) Category surfacing will be based upon users' submitted preferences.
User Types. Read-Only. Limited Capabilities = Review, Search, Export Results to Excel, and View Awards. • Submitter. Full Capabilities = Review, Search, Export, Edit, Create NEW, Modify and Delete (assigned offices only).