– Work Opportunities. When a vacancy in a position other than Traffic Control Person occurs, the Employer shall notify all employees who have completed their probationary period of the vacancy. The most senior qualified person will be offered the position.
– Work Opportunities. The parties agree that any chance of reacquiring the work of stuffing and stripping containers requires a dedicated work force of trained, productive workers hired at compensation commensurate with the local competition and without any restrictive rules. The parties should examine into this subject and all of its conditions.
– Work Opportunities. All anticipated (confirmed and tentative) work opportunities in the bargaining unit in each academic year will be posted. These anticipated work opportunities will be updated and posted as changes occur. Where possible employees will have ten (10) working days to indicate their interest in posted work opportunities. In the event a new work opportunity is posted after employees have indicated their interest as above, employees can indicate their interest in the new work opportunity within ten (10) working days of the posting, where possible. Such interest will only be considered where their original chosen opportunity has not commenced. If a chosen work opportunity (a program or an opportunity within a program) does not materialize for an employee, then in the following order:
(a) work in a program of equivalent length with approximately the same dates will be sought provided the program has not started;
(b) if such work is not available, then work in a program of a different length and/or different dates will be sought provided the program has not started;
(c) if such work is not available, then the employee and the Department Head or designate may reach mutual agreement upon a project of equivalent length;
(d) if a mutually agreed project of equivalent length is not available, then the employee will take leave of absence without pay.
– Work Opportunities. Upon the request of a laid off seniority Security Officer, Management will review possible employment opportunities within the Canadian operations. Management will advise the Security Officer of potential openings upon the completion of the review.
– Work Opportunities. All anticipated (confirmed and tentative) work opportunities in the bargaining unit in each calendar year will be posted. These anticipated work opportunities will be updated and posted as changes occur. Where possible employees will have ten (10) working days to indicate their interest in posted work opportunities. In the event a new work opportunity is posted after employees have indicated their interest as above, employees can indicate their interest in the new work opportunity within ten (10) working days of the posting, where possible. Such interest will only be considered where their original chosen opportunity has not commenced. If a chosen work opportunity (a program or an opportunity within a program) does not materialize for an employee, then in the following order:
– Work Opportunities. Over-the-road and CDL-qualified local cartage employees who have been on letter of layoff, for more than thirty (30) days shall be given an opportunity to relocate to permanent employment (prior to the employment of new hires) occurring at other domiciles of the Employer provided they notify the Employer and Local Union in writing of their interest in a relocation opportunity. The offer of relocation will be made in the order of applicable seniority of the laid-off employees domiciled within the Regional area. The Em- ployer shall be required to make additional offers of relocation to an employee who has previously rejected a relocation opportunity provided the employee again notifies the Employer in writing of his/her continued interest in additional relocation opportunities. However, the Employer will only be required to make one reloca- tion offer in any six (6) calendar month period. Any employee ac- cepting such offer shall be paid at the employee’s applicable rate of pay and shall be placed at the bottom of the seniority board for bidding and layoff purposes, but shall retain company seniority for fringe benefits only. Moving expenses shall be paid in accordance with Article 8, Section 6. Additionally, rights under this section shall apply across the three Employers covered by this Agreement regardless of the Employer at which the employee previously worked. Upon reporting to such new domicile, a relocating em- ployee shall be deemed to have relinquished his/her right to return with seniority to the domicile from which he/she relocated. The provisions of this Section shall not supersede an established order of call/hiring in the Supplemental Agreement.
– Work Opportunities. A. The basic contract period for employees in the District shall be one hundred eighty (180) days as directed and funded by the legislature.
– Work Opportunities. A. The basic contract period for employees in the District shall be one hundred eighty (180) days as directed and funded by the legislature. The District will offer all employees a specified number of days, listed below for additional compensation related to in-service and professional development. These shall be paid at the rate of the employee’s true per diem.
1. All association members will be offered four (4) additional days for in-service and professional development. These shall be paid at the rate of the employee’s true per diem. These days will be District directed from the schoolwide improvement team. These days will be paid through state/federal grants and must be in compliance with rules and regulations required by the funding source.
– Work Opportunities. The Parties to this Agreement support the development of increased numbers of skilled construction workers from among residents of the District to meet the labor needs of covered projects specifically and the requirements of the local construction industry generally. Towards that end, the Parties agree to cooperate respecting the establishment of a work opportunities program for District residents, the primary goals of which shall be to maximize construction work opportunities for District residents. In furtherance of the foregoing, the Unions specifically agree to:
(a) Encourage the referral and utilization, to the extent permitted by law and hiring hall practices, of qualified District residents as journeymen, and apprentices on Project Work and entrance into such qualified apprenticeship and training programs as may be operated by Unions; and
(b) Work cooperatively with the District, the Project Labor Coordinator, and other District consultants to identify, or establish and maintain, effective programs, events and procedures for persons interested in entering the construction industry; and
(c) Assist District residents in contacting the Apprenticeship Training Committee for the crafts and trades they are interested in. The Unions shall assist District residents who are seeking Union jobs on the Project and Union membership in assessing their work experience and giving them credit for provable past experience in their relevant craft or trade, including experience gained working for non-union Contractors. The Unions shall put on their rolls qualified bona fide District residents for work on this Project; and
(d) Allow tours of their training facilities as requested; and
(e) Provide a contact information list for all Union representatives and Joint Apprenticeship Committee representatives; and
(f) Support local events and programs designed to recruit and develop adequate numbers of competent workers in the construction industry; and
(g) Assist First Tier Area Residents, as described in Section 3.5(a), in contacting pre- apprenticeship programs that utilize the Building Trades multi-craft core curriculum (MC3) and the Apprenticeship Training Committees for the crafts and trades they are interested in. The Unions shall assist such Area Residents who are seeking Union jobs on the Project and Union membership in assessing their work experience and giving them credit for provable past experience in their relevant craft or trade, including experience gained work...
– Work Opportunities. A. The basic contract period for employees in the District shall be one hundred eighty-two (182) days: one hundred eighty (180) student days and two (2) non-student days as directed and funded by the legislature. These two (2) days will be designed around meeting the District’s strategic plan for student achievement. Building plans will be focused on curriculum and instruction as funded by the state.