Academic Programs. Non-fee-based supplemental programs or 5 activities are considered academic in nature when the program or activity 6 is directly in support of the goals of adopted School Improvement Plan; 7 directly related to assisting students enrolled in credit courses within or 8 outside of the school day; intended to demonstrate improvement towards 9 student mastery of those Sunshine State Standards measured on the Florida 10 Standards Assessment; or specifically required by individual education 11 plans or academic improvement plans.
Academic Programs. The Penn State baccalaureate programs included in the terms of the agreement are detailed in Appendix A and may be updated by the parties without renewing the memo of agreement. Programs stated in Addendum A will articulate 60 credits of associate degree courses to be applied to degree requirements in a specific Penn State Commonwealth Campus baccalaureate major. Any exception to articulate fewer than 60 credits toward PSU degree requirements must be approved by academic leadership of the Penn Highlands Community College and Penn State Altoona. Program-to-program transfer guides outlining the specific course equivalencies and approved substitutions for each academic program are included in the agreement. The guides were developed in consultation with Penn Highlands Community College and Penn State disciplinary faculty and are included as Addendum X. Xxxxxx not specified in Addendum A, including those offered at other Penn State college and campuses are not covered by the terms of this agreement. Therefore, students admitted under this agreement who seek to enter a major at another Penn State college/campus, would be evaluated based on the advanced standing admissions criteria of that college and campus. Specific course transferability and equivalency, presented in Addendum B were determined by disciplinary faculty and are communicated through transfer course tables maintained by Penn State’s Undergraduate Admissions Office in the student information system. Penn Highlands Community College courses evaluated as equivalent to Penn State courses or approved as general credit within a discipline, with grades of C (2.0) or higher, will be added to the student’s Penn State academic transcript by the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Transferability of courses not specified in the program-to-program guides will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Admissions Office on a case-by-case basis. Syllabi are required to support all course evaluations. Courses evaluated as general requirements were reviewed by the Penn State faculty in the discipline of the course and in some cases, were applied as substitutions for specific degree requirements. The curriculum transfer guides, in effect at the time a student first enrolls at Penn Highlands Community College, will be honored by Penn State if the student completes an AA or AS degree program named in the agreement and successfully transfers to Penn State Altoona within four years of their first enrollment at Penn Highlands Commu...
Academic Programs a. The APC reports directly to the Xxxx and has an administrative role with direct input and supervision of student learning and curriculum management.
b. The APC coordinates program staff and faculty participation in accreditation, certification and/or other external organizations.
c. The APC works with the program faculty teaching lab courses, to remain current and compliant with all applicable local, state and federal requirements for student, community, and faculty safety.
d. The APC provides leadership for curriculum development while working with teaching faculty to review and evaluate courses for industry relevance.
e. The APC keeps program faculty and Xxxx aware of program changes, activities, issues, and will meet with the Xxxx regularly and as needed to exchange pertinent information.
f. The APC initiates, plans, oversees implementation of, and reviews the preparation and offering of the academic program/curriculum, the evaluation of transfer credit, the review of course substitutions, and use of resources, with appropriate involvement and approval of the Xxxx.
g. The APC collaborates with teaching faculty to ensure courses are current with pedagogical and scholarly advances in the discipline, and taught with an appropriate level of rigor, in compliance with the official catalog descriptions, in a professional manner and as required by policies governing NSHE institutions and external accreditation requirements.
h. The APC develops and validates program publications including the class schedule, course catalog and program information pamphlets; and coordinates the updating of departmental web pages.
i. The APC works with the faculty, staff and the bookstore to establish and maintain a default book order list on a semester basis.
j. The APC acts as a liaison with the College community, appropriate organizations and industry representatives.
k. The APC coordinates at least two regular department meetings per semester. On the recommendation of or in consultation with the Xxxx, other meetings may be called to facilitate department business.
l. The APC conducts at least one advisory board meeting per semester.
m. The APC oversees the program advisory board in accordance with college policy, maintains current bylaws, membership information, and documentation of advisory board activities.
n. The APC coordinates staff, faculty, and committee participation in the program review process and assessment at the course and program level.
o. The APC, representi...
Academic Programs a. The Department Chair along with the department teaching faculty reviews and evaluates courses taught in the area, overseeing curriculum to ensure it is current with pedagogical and scholarly advances in the discipline.
b. The Department Chair initiates, plans, oversees implementation of, and reviews the preparation and offering of the academic program/curriculum, the evaluation of transfer credit, the review of course substitutions, and the use of resources in the department, with appropriate involvement of members of the department and approval of the Xxxx.
c. The Department Chair, in conjunction with appropriate teaching faculty, works to ensure courses are taught in keeping with the official catalog descriptions, in a professional manner, and at an appropriate level of rigor to ensure academic quality.
d. The Department Chair develops and validates departmental publications including the class schedule, course catalog, program information pamphlets; and coordinates the updating of departmental web pages.
e. The Department Chair with faculty, divisional staff and the bookstore, establishes and maintains a default book order list on a semester basis.
f. The Department Chair meets with the Xxxx regularly and as needed to exchange pertinent information, plan, and address concerns related to the department.
g. The Department Chair meets with other Department Chairs regularly and as needed to exchange pertinent information, plan, and address concerns related to the department, the Divisions, and/or the College.
h. The Department Chair acts as a liaison with the College community and appropriate organizations within and/or outside the College.
i. The Department Chair coordinates faculty participation in the development and review of learning outcomes and assessment at the course and program level.
j. The Department Chair coordinates faculty participation in accreditation, certification and with other external organizations.
k. The Department Chair conducts at least two regular department meetings per semester. On the recommendation of or in consultation with the Xxxx, other meetings may be called to facilitate department business.
l. The Department Chair facilitates the discussion and creation of departmental policies such as travel, overloads, or textbooks by the members of the department. Departmental policies are accepted or rejected by a simple majority of all full time teaching faculty members of the department. “Departmental Policy” as used in this su...
Academic Programs. The Parties agree that they shall work collaboratively in developing academic materials relating to informational technology and artificial intelligence, including the possible development of Certificate Programs to spur workforce development in the region. The Parties shall determine if there are means for funding positions necessary for the design and delivery of such materials.
Academic Programs. 1. Academic teachers will not have more than three (3) different preparations per day. If it is necessary for the district to require an Academic teacher to have more than three (3) preparations, the Academic teacher will receive either an additional preparation period or will be compensated for one eighth (1/8) of his/her per diem rate of pay for each additional preparation assigned.
2. The parties agree to form a committee, comprised of at least one Association negotiating team member and the Superintendent and additional members as selected by the negotiating team member and Superintendent, to study the implementation of one (1) professional development/collaboration period, in addition to the preparation period established in Article 14(Q)(1).
a. The Committee will submit a Memorandum of Understanding addressing the possible implementation of a professional development/collaboration period by December 15, 2009 to the Board and Association for approval.
3. The pursuit of collaboration and professional development will continue in the following manner:
a. Continue to expand hybrid delivery, including North Campus courses.[A2]
b. Offer the opportunity to integrate online hybrid delivery model.
c. If lab teachers are reduced and can no longer provide in-school daily coverage, academic instructors may alternate covering the periods with collaboration/professional development opportunities.
4. On or after October 1st academic teachers will not have more than twenty-seven
Academic Programs. Within amounts for Academic Programs, the agreement provides
Academic Programs a. The APC reports directly to the Xxxx and has an administrative role with direct input and supervision of student learning and curriculum management.
b. The APC coordinates program staff and faculty participation in accreditation, certification and/or other external organizations.
c. The APC works with the program faculty teaching lab courses, to remain current and compliant with all applicable local, state and federal requirements for student, community, and faculty safety.
d. The APC provides leadership for curriculum development while working with teaching faculty to review and evaluate courses for industry relevance.
e. The APC keeps program faculty and the Xxxx aware of program changes, activities, issues, and will meet with the Xxxx regularly and as needed to exchange pertinent information.
f. The APC initiates, plans, oversees implementation of, and reviews the preparation and offering of the academic program/curriculum, the evaluation of transfer credit, the review of course substitutions, and use of resources, with appropriate involvement and approval of the Xxxx.
Academic Programs a. The APD, reports directly to the Xxxx and has an administrative role with direct input and supervision of student learning and curriculum management.
b. The APD coordinates program staff and faculty participation in accreditation, certification and other external organizations.
c. The APD works with the program faculty teaching lab and clinic courses, to remain current and compliant with all applicable local, state and federal requirements for student, patient, community, and faculty safety.
d. The APD provides leadership for curriculum development while working with teaching faculty to review and evaluate courses for industry relevance.
e. The APD keeps program faculty and the Xxxx aware of program changes, activities, issues, and will meet with the Xxxx regularly and as needed to exchange pertinent information.
Academic Programs a. The Department Chair along with the department teaching faculty reviews and evaluates courses taught in the area, overseeing curriculum to ensure it is current with pedagogical and scholarly advances in the discipline.
b. The Department Chair initiates, plans, oversees implementation of, and reviews the preparation and offering of the academic program/curriculum, the evaluation of transfer credit, the review of course substitutions, and the use of resources in the department, with appropriate involvement of members of the department and approval of the Xxxx.
c. The Department Chair, in conjunction with appropriate teaching faculty, works to ensure courses are taught in keeping with the official catalog descriptions, in a professional manner, and at an appropriate level of rigor to ensure academic quality.
d. The Department Chair develops and validates departmental publications including the class schedule, course catalog, program information pamphlets; and coordinates the updating of departmental web pages.