ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. A Should a controversy, dispute, or disagreement arise during the pei iod of this agreement concerning the interpretation of the pioMsions of this agreement, except that liability for wage claims h i!! not he subject to arbitration unless involving a disputed in- teipietatinn of the provisions of the agreement, there shall be no . i ssulion or stoppage of work or lockout, because of such con- (■o mt sv , dispute, or disagreement, but the difference shall be ad- iU'tcd m the following manner: Ik Upon receipt of notice from either party, the representative ! the Employer and the representative of the Union shall, within tho-e ( 3) days, attempt to reach a settlement of the controversy. ‘ Ehe Union hereby recognizes the Food Employers Council, b" • iis the authorized representative of its members in matters 1” k in "": to the negotiation and administration of this Agreement. I tl i i u nt of a dispute, it shall be the duty of the Employer to -etti. mi nt shall not he used for any purpose whatsoever. ^ I ’ II the matter is not amicably settled under C above within ■I i>> days of submission, a written report shall be made by the (ontpl,lining party setting forth in detail the nature of the specific . n | s moment is not reached within five ( 5 ) days, the matter '■ ! e submitted to a Board of Adjustment appointed as follows: | I wo (2 ) members shall be appointed by the Employer in- aw. two (2 ) members shall be appointed fiy the ' appointment, they shall within three ( 3 ) days there- '' ' ,n'tlually select a neutral chairman who shall be disin- k ! and not a member of the Union nor engaged in the <.inclusive upon all parties concerned. I in" event the Board of Adjustment is unable to agree on a ", ' ’' ‘airman within the time limits herein prescribed, a . k " ■' hal! be made of the Federal Mediation and Concilia- ' , ,vice ' or *1 b'st of fifteen ( 15 ) arbitrators and the par ties shall select therefrom one arbitrator as follows: Each of the parties shall strike one name from the list until a last name remains, each of the parties drawing lots to determine who shall be entitled to the first strike. •
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. A. Sh ou ld a con trov ersy , d isp u te or d isag reem en t arise d u rin g th e p eriod of th is A g reem en t co n ce rn in g th e in xxxx xxxx tion of th e p rovision s of th is A g reem en t, exce p t th at lia b ility for w age claim s sh a ll not b e su b ject to arbitration u n less in x x xx in g a d isp u xxx in xxxx retation of th e p ro v ision s of th e A g reem en t, th ere sh a ll b e no cessation or stop p age of w ork or lockou t b eca u se of su ch con trov ersy , d isp u te or d isagreem en t, b u t th e d ifferen ce sh a ll b e ad ju sted in th e follow in g m an n er.
B. U p on receip t of n o xxxx from xxxx xx p arty, th e rep xxxxx xx tiv e of th e Xx x xxxxx and th e rep xxxxx xx tiv e of th e U n ion sh all w ith in th ree (3) d ays, attem p t to rea ch a settlem en t of th e con trov ersy.
C. If th x x xxxxx is not a m ica b ly settled u n d er (B) ab ov e, w ith in fiv e (5) d ays after attem p t to rea ch a settlem en t, th x x xxxxx sh all b e su bm itted to a Board of A d ju s t m en t ap p oin xxx as follow s:
1. O n e (1) m em b er sh a ll b e ap p oin xxx b y th e Xx x xxxxx in x x xx ed , and on e (1) m em b er sh a ll b e ap p oin xxx b y the U nion. Th ey sh all w ith in th ree (3) d ays th ereafter, m u tu ally select a n eu tral C h airm an w ho sh all b e d isin terested and not a m em ber of th e U nion , nor en g a g ed in th e xxx x xxx e of b u sin ess as th e Xx x xxxxx, and th ese th ree (3) sh a ll con stitu te a Board of A rbitra tion an d sh a ll ren d er a d ecision w ith in five (5) d ays or su ch fu r th er xxx e as th e Board of A rbitration m ay m u tu a lly ag ree u p on, and said d ecision sh a ll b e final, b in d in g and co n clu siv e u p on all p arties co n cern ed .
2. In th e e v e n t th e Board of A rbitration is u n a b le to agree on a m u tu al C h airm an w ith in th e xxx x xxx its h erein p rescribed , a req u est sh a ll b e m ad e of th e A m erican A rbitration A ssociation , for a list of fifteen
5.1 Labor disputes or differences arising between the City and the Union, including differences or disputes as to the meaning, application or operation of any provisions of this Agreement, or differences referred to in the previous section, shall be settled in the manner herein provided, and the Union agrees that there shall be no quitting or suspension of work by any dispute or difference.
5.2 Meetings between the Union and City for the presentation of grievances hereunder shall be held upon five (5) days written notice from either party to the other, provided, however, that grievances pertaining to discharges or other matters which cannot reasonably be delayed shall be held at the earliest practicable time which can be arranged.
5.3 Grievances with respect to matters of promotion, demotion, discipline, layoff or discharge shall be presented within ten (10) days from the date of such promotion, demotion, discipline, layoff or discharge.
5.4 Should an employee have a complaint, the employee and xxxxxxx shall discuss the complaint with the immediate supervisor. If the complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, a written grievance may be filed, and adjusted as follows:
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. (a) An Adjustment Board consisting of two repre sentatives of the Union and two representatives of the Employer holding Union contracts shall be constituted for the purpose of passing on all disputes, claims and grievances pertaining to this Contract that arise between the parties regarding the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement which cannot be settled between the Union and the particular Employer or Employers involved. W age claims not involving the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section. Matters referred to the Adjustment Board shall be taken up by the Board within 48 hours. If the Board is unable to reach a majority decision within 10 days the matter then shall be submitted to arbitration. In the event the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within 48 hours the matter shall be referred to the State Mediation and Conciliation Service, who shall appoint an arbitrator for decision. The decision of the arbitrator within the scope of submission shall be final and binding. No arbitrator shall be chosen to serve in two consecutive arbitrations unless by mutual consent of the parties. Neither the Board of Adjustment nor the arbitrator shall have authority to negotiate a new agreement. The expense of any proceedings provided for herein shall be borne equally by the parties. The arbitrator shall not have the right to alter, amend, delete from or add to any of the terms of this Agreement.
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. Amend to conform to the 1967 c o lle c t iv e bargaining agree ments o f the San Francisco Bay Area R eta il Clerks Unions. SECTION 15, GROUP INSURANCE - HEALTH AND WELFARE. Amend to provide that e f fe c t iv e June 1, 1967, the Employer’ s contributions to the V alley Clerks Fund shall be increased in an amount equal to the increased costs o f the health and welfare plan o f ben efits provided fo r in the 1967 c o lle c t iv e bargaining agreements o f the San Francisco Bay Area R eta il Clerks Unions.
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. A. Should a controversy, dispute, or disagreement arise during the period of this agreement concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this agreement, except that liability for wage claims shall not be subject to arbitration unless involving a disputed interpretation of the provisions of the agreement, there shall be no cessation or stoppage of work or lockout, because of such controversy, dispute, or disagree ment, but the difference shall be adjusted in the following manner:
B. Upon receipt of notice from either party, the representative of the Employer and the representative of the Union shall, within three (3) days, attempt to reach a settle ment of the controversy.
C. The Union hereby recognizes the Food Employers Council, Inc. , as the authorized representative of its members in matters pertaining to the negotiation and adminis tration of this Agreement. In the event of a dispute, it shall be the duty of the Em ployer to notify the Food Employers Council, Inc. of the existing dispute if said Employer desire's said Food Employers Council to represent it in the dispute. In the event that the Food Employers Council, Inc, does not represent the Employer in such matter or otherwise participate in the settlement thereof, the act of settle ment and the interpretation or application of the agreement involved in the settle ment shalLnot be used for any purpose whatsoever.
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. (a) Upon request of either party hereto, a Board of Adjustment shall be created, to be composed of two (2) rep resentatives of each party to this agree ment, for the purpose of passing on all claims, disputes and grievances arising between the parties during the term of this agreement over the construction and application of this agreement or re lating to working conditions arising out of this agreement, when such cannot be settled directly between the Union and the particular Employer involved. Said Board shall meet for consideration of any such matter referred to it within ninety-six (96) hours subsequent to a request therefor by either party. If the Board cannot agree on any such question referred to it within forty-eight (48) hours, it shall then choose a disinter Thanksgiving Day or Labor Day. Fo: - authorized Clerk shall report the matter all work performed on other holiday: Li>ito the Employer or the Store Manager, ested person to act as impartial arbi trator. In the event the Board cannot employees shall be paid at double thei; regular rate of pay in addition to holida; pay. Temporary employees working o: holidays shall be paid in accordance with this Section in addition to the pay re ceived by a regular clerk for a holiday not worked. In a week during which one of the foregoing holidays occurs, four days, ex cluding the holiday, shall constitute a week’s work, for which a week’s wages shall be paid. Work on the fifth (5th) day worked (not counting holiday worked) in any holiday work week shall be paid for at time and one-half (1% ). It is further agreed that when such holi days shall fall upon a Sunday, they shall be observed upon the following day.
(b) Sundays— For all work performed on Sunday, except as provided for in Section 5 (h) and 5 (i) employees shall be paid at the following rates; Relief Manager or Clerk in Charge $6.55 per hr. Head Clerk 5.55 per hr. Journeyman C lerk 5.18 per hr. 4th Apprentice Clerk 4.66 per hr. 3rd Apprentice Clerk 4.14 per hr. 2nd Apprentice Clerk. 3.63 per hr. 1st Apprentice Clerk 3.11 per hr.
(c) Good Friday—No employee will be refused time off between the hours of twelve noon and three P.M. on Good Fri day for the purpose of attending reli gious services. An employee taking time off will receive straight time pay for scheduled working time during this peri od and shall not be required or per ^who shall then cause the salesman to 7 cease such work.
ADJUSTMENT AND ARBITRATION. A. The Union agrees that during the term of this agree ment there shall be no strike by the Union or its employees. The Employer agrees that there shall be no lockout during the term of this agreement.
B. When a grievance arises in a store, the employee shall attempt first to settle the matter with his immediate super visor. In the event that this is unsuccessful, the representative of the Union shall be called so that the matter may be settled without loss of time to either party.
C. If the grievance cannot be resolved on a local level, a representative of the Employer and a representative of the Union shall, within a calendar week, attempt to reach a set tlement of the controversy, dispute, or disagreement.
D. Any claimed grievance of any kind to be acted upon or accepted as valid for any reason must be filed in writing with the Employer and the Union within ten (10) days of each alleged act of violation. Any controversy arising over the interpretation of or the adherence to the terms and pro visions of this agreement, including all claims for wages, which cannot be settled by negotiation shall be submitted to arbitration by either party notifying the other involved in writing of its desire to do so.