DISPLACED TEACHERS. Teachers, either through layoff or involuntary transfer, who are no longer working in the most recent of the following: the position for which they were hired or (except under the conditions of Article 10.C.b) the position for which they voluntarily bid into not as a result of reduction or elimination of their current assignment.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. Unless the District takes specific action otherwise, a non- probationary teacher who is unable to continue teaching at a particular building due to a Displaced Teacher Event shall thereafter have the employment status described in C.R.S. § 22-63-202(2)(c.5)(ii)(A), including without limitation the following:
1. The teacher shall be given notice of displacement and a list of vacant positions for which the teacher is qualified.
2. If such teacher has been identified as a satisfactory or effective teacher, the teacher shall be a member of a priority hiring pool to the extent required by C.R.S.§ 22- 63-202(2)(c.5), and be given a first opportunity to interview for available positions for which he or she is qualified in the District.
3. During the period that ends on the later of one (1) year after the notice of displacement or the end of the second District hiring cycle after the notice of displacement, until such time as the teacher secures a mutual consent assignment (within the meaning of C.R.S. § 22-63-202(2) (c.5)) at another building in the District, such teacher shall continue to be paid the salary and compensation applicable to the teacher’s prior position and may be assigned by the District to any temporary work assignment for which such teacher is qualified. For this purpose, a hiring cycle of the District shall include without limitation the cycles of hiring that occur with respect to the beginning of the school year and the second half of the school year.
4. After the end of the period referred to in paragraph three (3) above, the teacher shall be placed on unpaid leave until such time as the teacher secures a mutual consent assignment. At such time as the teacher secures a mutual consent assignment, the teacher shall be entitled to salary and benefits at the level they would have been if the teacher had not been placed on unpaid leave.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. A teacher surplus to a particular school shall be given an opportunity to fill a vacancy which becomes available at that school no later than the first day of the second school year subsequent to the surplus declaration, provided that the teacher is qualified or can become qualified in time to assume the position.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. Unless the District takes specific action otherwise, a non- probationary teacher who is unable to continue teaching at a particular building due to a Displaced Teacher Event shall thereafter have the employment status described in C.R.S. § 22-63-202(2)(c.5)(ii)(A), including without limitation the following:
1. The teacher shall be given notice of displacement and a list of vacant positions for which the teacher is qualified.
2. If such teacher has been identified as a satisfactory or effective teacher, the teacher shall be a member of a priority hiring pool to the extent required by C.R.S.§ 22-63- 202(2)(c.5), and be given a first opportunity to interview for available positions for which he or she is qualified in the District.
3. During the period that ends on the later of one (1) year after the notice of displacement or the end of the second District hiring cycle after the notice of displacement, until such time as the teacher secures a mutual consent assignment (within the meaning of C.R.S. § 22-63-202(2) AUG 1, 2020 30
DISPLACED TEACHERS. Unless the District takes specific action otherwise, a non- probationary teacher who is unable to continue teaching at a particular building due to a Displaced Teacher Event shall AUG 1, 2023 33
DISPLACED TEACHERS. 12-6.1 Following consultation with the Union, fully certified teachers that remain displaced will be placed into an assignment by the Office of Human Resources for which they are certified no later than fifteen (15) days prior to orientation day.
12-6.2 Any displaced teacher who does not have a teaching assignment, shall be notified of their building assignment for the subsequent school year no later than fifteen (15) days prior to orientation day. Displaced teacher
DISPLACED TEACHERS. Senior teachers displaced from a school as a result of a reduced program and declining enrollments shall be reassigned to the position held by the teacher with the least number of years service in the School District for which the displaced teacher is certified and qualified. After all displaced teachers have been placed in a teaching position the opportunity will be offered all displaced teachers to voluntarily exchange positions within their area of certification and qualification. Transfer requests or requests to fill vacancies will not be accepted from other teachers until all displaced teachers have been placed.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. A. When there is a reduction in staff at a particular grade or building, or when a teacher is determined to be not Highly Qualified, as defined by the State of Michigan, for the position he/she is assigned resulting in reassignment rather than layoff of teachers, the teachers being reassigned are referred to as "Displaced Teachers".
B. The following procedure will be followed so long as unnecessary layoff (or continued layoff) of a teacher will not result and the District remains able to place/recall as many teachers as possible. The placement of Displaced Teachers and Laid Off Teachers will be considered as a group, with seniority a major factor. Consideration will also be given to academic needs and other criteria (including educational considerations) and qualifications (including certification) as provided in the Vacancies and Transfers Article.
C. Each year, by July 15, Transfers/Reassignments within buildings and Tentative Placement of Displaced/Laid Off Teachers will normally be completed. Teachers will be advised of such tentative assignments. Vacancies occurring after July 15 will be posted (following recall of Laid Off Teachers and transfers/reassignments within the building).
D. Transfers/reassignments (voluntary or involuntary) within a building while there are Displaced Teachers will be reviewed by the Superintendent, or Designee, before becoming effective. Transfer requests (other than transfers/reassignments within a building) will not normally be considered until after placement of Displaced and Laid Off Teachers.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. A displaced teacher is a bargaining unit member required to transfer from a building as a result of reduced staffing levels.
DISPLACED TEACHERS. 1. In the event that the number of teachers employed in a given school year is in excess of the number of teachers allocated to that particular school, and such excess is a result of decrease(s) in student enrollment, displaced teachers at the affected school will be identified by appropriate central office staff on the basis of his/her seniority as established by the procedure described in paragraph C.1, of this Article. Such displaced teachers will be reassigned in accordance with paragraph C of this Article.
2. In the event that the number of teachers in a given school(s) for a given year is in excess of the number of teachers allocated to that particular school, and such excess is a result of change(s) in district-wide program offerings at the grade-level of the affected school(s) displaced teachers at the affected grade- level will be identified by central office staff on the basis of his/her seniority as established by the procedure described in paragraph C,1, of this Article. Such displaced teachers will be assigned in accordance with paragraph C of this Article.