Employer’s Responsibilities Sample Clauses
Employer’s Responsibilities. The Employer and the Union recognize that all employees are entitled to work in an environment of dignity and respect. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that this respectful environment is maintained.
Employer’s Responsibilities. A) During the use of personal leave for family or medical reasons, the Employer agrees not to interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993.
B) The Employer will not discharge or discriminate against any person for opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA or for involvement in any proceeding under or relating to FMLA.
Employer’s Responsibilities. Employer makes the following claims as part of this Agreement and agrees to be responsible for the following:
Employer’s Responsibilities. Employer is the benefit program sponsor and administrator. As such, only Employer has the power to waive, alter, breach or modify any of the terms and conditions of the program (“Program”), and Employer exercises all discretion, control or authority with respect to the disposition of the available benefits. As such, Employer shall:
a. Ensure that the summary Program descriptions, Program documents and any other documentation relating to the Program are appropriately completed, are in compliance with all applicable laws, and are appropriately and timely adopted;
b. Provide HQY with a complete copy of all summary Program descriptions and Program documents for our reference in connection with the provision of Services, which shall, among other things: • Designate what expenses are eligible for reimbursement under the Program; • Specify what information must be included on a receipt and/or claim form submitted by a participant to verify whether an expense is eligible under the Program; and • Designate the frequency of reimbursements made to participants under the Program (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually).
c. Distribute summary Program descriptions, summaries of material modifications and any other Program documentation to participants on a timely basis;
d. Determine which individuals are eligible to participate in Employer’s Program and provide HQY with accurate eligibility data in the prescribed electronic data file format;
e. Provide accurate and timely changes to participant eligibility data, including, but not limited to, information that modifies a participant’s eligibility or status (e.g., leaves of absence, termination), in the prescribed electronic data file format;
f. Confirm the initial payroll claim reimbursement test file provided by HQY in a mutually agreed upon file format is compatible with Employer’s designated payroll system. If multiple payroll claim reimbursement files are required (e.g., one file per Program if you have multiple Programs), additional fees may apply;
g. Timely retrieve and process the data files made available by HQY from either the HQY website or a designated FTP site;
h. Correct all errors in any data, files or other materials provided to us by you or on your behalf by your third party service providers. HQY do not audit data, files or other information provided by Employer or its third party service providers;
i. Report any reimbursements made under the Program as taxable income for each participant;
j. Timely pay all ...
Employer’s Responsibilities. The employer is responsible for fostering a safe working environment, free of harassment. Management must set an example for appropriate workplace behaviour, and must deal with situations of harassment immediately on becoming aware of them, whether or not there has been a complaint.
Employer’s Responsibilities. The Employer shall be responsible for:
(a) Keeping records of employment and other matters containing all relevant data pertaining to any person affected hereby and his eligibility to participate, allocations to his Accounts, and his other rights under the Plan;
(b) Periodic, timely filing of all statements, reports and returns required to be filed by ERISA;
(c) Timely preparation and distribution of disclosure materials required by ERISA;
(d) Providing notice to interested parties as required by Section 7476 of the Code;
(e) Retention of records for periods required by law; and
(f) Seeing that all persons required to be bonded on account of handling assets of the Plan are bonded.
Employer’s Responsibilities. (a) It is the sole responsibility of the Employer to ensure that the carriers' policies accurately reflect all benefit coverage, entitlements, terms and provisions as amended in this collective agreement.
(b) No term of the carriers' policies may be changed without the mutual consent of the Union; such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(c) The Employer recognizes and agrees that the benefit plan provisions are subject to the terms of the collective agreement as negotiated from time to time.
(d) In the event that a term of the carriers' policies is changed without the consent of the Union, then the Employer agrees that it shall be liable to provide any negotiated benefit that the carrier refuses to provide.
(e) Within one (1) month of ratification of the agreement, the Employer shall provide, to the Union, up-to-date copies of all policies. Should the Employer not be able to obtain copies of the policies from the carriers, the Employer shall request the carrier to jointly notify the Union and the Employer, in writing, the reason the policies are not available and an estimate of when they will be available.
(f) Any member who does not receive the full benefit to which they would have been entitled to under a previous benefit policy (since privatization only), shall have that benefit supplied by the Employer, The Employer agrees to self-insure for any such occurrences.
Employer’s Responsibilities. 6.3.1 The Employer is responsible for providing a safe working environment, free of harassment. The Employer has the responsibility to treat all Employees with respect and shall not engage in any harassing behaviour. The Employer must deal with situations of harassment immediately, whether or not there has been a formal complaint.
Employer’s Responsibilities. Section 1. Employers signatory to this Agreement shall place a Surety Bond or cash equivalent with the Union to protect non-payment of wages and fringe benefits. This bond shall be equal to the Employer’s previous twelve (12) month average total fund remittance but a MINIMUM of $20,000.00. Also, the employer may, at the discretion of the Union, be required to pay fringe benefits as outlined in Article 30 on a weekly basis. IN SUPPORT OF THOSE EMPLOYERS MAKING FRINGE BENEFIT PAYMENTS ON A TIMELY SCHEDULE AS OUTLINED IN ARTICLE 30, OTHER EMPLOYERS WORKING IN THE DC#4 AREA AS OUTLINED IN ARTICLE 3, HAVING NO PREVIOUS HISTORY OF PAYING FRINGE BENEFITS AND/OR CAN NOT PRESENT A SURETY BOND, SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE FRINGE BENEFITS ON A WEEKLY BASIS. FAILURE TO MEET A WEEKLY PAYMENT SCHEDULE GIVES THE UNION THE RIGHT TO REMOVE ALL EMPLOYEES.
Section 2. The Employer agrees that regardless of the number of employees he employs, he will provide and cover such employees with Workmen’s Compensation, Social Security, New York State Unemployment and Disability Insurance.
Section 3. Members of the Union will not be permitted to work for any Employer, nor will the Union enter into a contract with any Employer who does not prove to the Union’s satisfaction that the above coverage is provided for the employee.
Section 4. All out-of-state Employers agree to sign a New York State application for voluntary DBL (Forms DB13S) and a voluntary application for coverage under Section 561 of the New York State Unemployment Insurance law before work commences.
Employer’s Responsibilities. 35.8.1 To ensure the establishment of individual Self Directing Work Teams in consultation with the employees.
35.8.2 To provide all necessary plant and equipment to the above mentioned Self Directing Work Teams so that they are self supporting within the resources of and as determined by Council.
35.8.3 To consult with employees in relation to the utilisation of flexible hours.
35.8.4 To advise the Self Directing work Teams at the earliest possible opportunity of Council's work program for the following year.
35.8.5 To discuss at the earliest possible opportunity, any new projects which are not