FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (1) The Employer will exercise compassion, flexibility and confidentiality in considering requests from Caregivers who are seeking support during a situation of family and/or domestic violence.
(a) In each 12 month period, an Employee experiencing family and domestic violence may have access to 10 paid days of family and domestic violence leave for medical appointments, attending legal proceedings, counselling, relocation or making other safety arrangements, and other activities related to family or domestic violence.
(b) Employees may also apply to access other paid leave entitlements if they are experiencing family and domestic violence.
(c) An Employee seeking to take family and domestic violence leave is required to notify St Xxxx of their absence as soon as reasonably practicable, including the period, or expected period, of the leave.
(d) The leave may be taken as a single continuous 10 day period, separate periods of one or more days each, or any separate period to which the Employee and St Xxxx agree, including periods of less than one day.
(e) The leave is available in full at the start of each 12 month period of the Employee’s employment.
(f) Family and domestic violence leave does not accumulate from year to year.
(g) Approval of family and domestic violence leave pursuant to this clause will be at the discretion of St Xxxx, taking into consideration the Employee’s particular circumstances with regard to family or domestic violence.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 4.28 Family and domestic violence
(1) The Department is committed to supporting employees affected by family and domestic violence. The Department will take a flexible and supportive approach to assisting affected employees, as appropriate, in the individual circumstances.
(2) Either personal/carer’s leave or paid or unpaid discretionary miscellaneous leave is available to employees who are affected by family and domestic violence.
(3) Managers are to keep all information concerning the leave application strictly confidential.
(4) Access to flexible working arrangements may also be granted.
(5) These entitlements are in addition to any entitlement applying under the National Employment Standards.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 44.1 The Employer recognises that Employees sometimes face situations of violence or abuse in their personal life that may affect their attendance or performance at work. Therefore, the Employer is committed to providing support to employees who experience family and domestic violence.
44.2 An Employee will not be discriminated against because of their disclosure of, experience of, or perceived experience of, family and domestic violence.
44.3 The Employer will not tolerate Employees perpetrating family and domestic violence in or from the workplace. Employees must not use work facilities to perpetrate family and domestic violence. Any such conduct may constitute a breach of discipline.
(a) The meaning of family and domestic violence is in accordance with the definition in the Restraining Orders Act 1997 (new Section 5A) as amended by the Restraining Orders and Related Legislation Amendment (Family Violence) Act 2016.
(b) To avoid doubt, this definition includes behaviour that:
(i) is physically or sexually abusive; or
(ii) is emotionally or psychologically abusive; or
(iii) is economically abusive; or
(iv) is threatening; or
(v) is coercive; or
(vi) in any other way controls or dominates the family or household member and causes that person to feel fear for their safety or wellbeing or that of another person; or
(vii) causes a child to hear or witness, or otherwise be exposed to the effects of, such behaviour.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. The University is committed to supporting an Employee who experiences family violence to continue to participate in the workforce and maintain their employment through a broad range of support in accordance with University policy which may include access to a safe workplace, and change of telephone numbers and email addresses.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 136.1 The ABS is committed to supporting employees affected by family and domestic violence. Employees are encouraged to discuss which avenues of support are available with their line manager or People Services.
136.2 Leave is available to employees affected by family and domestic violence, or to provide support to a member of their family who is affected by family and domestic violence. Employees (except non-ongoing employees engaged on an irregular or intermittent contracts) can apply for paid Miscellaneous Leave to cover absences for the purpose of, but not limited to:
a. illness or injury resulting from family and domestic violence;
b. providing care or support to a family or household member who is affected by family and domestic violence;
c. attending appropriate medical and/or counselling appointments relating to family and domestic violence;
d. obtaining legal advice relating to family and domestic violence;
e. attending court hearings relating to family and domestic violence;
f. attending police appointments relating to family and domestic violence;
g. attending to urgent issues arising through property damage that is a consequence of family and domestic violence;
h. accessing alternative accommodation as a consequence of family and domestic violence;
i. attending to personal affairs such as arranging new bank accounts as a consequence of family and domestic violence;
j. arranging alternative childcare or schooling for children as a consequence of family and domestic violence.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 61.1. The department will provide support to employees experiencing the impact of family and domestic violence (FDV). This includes personal counselling through the department’s Staff and Family Support Office (SFO), personal counselling through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), access to flexible working arrangements, and access to leave under this Agreement.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (a) The Employer recognises that employees sometimes face situations of violence or abuse in their personal life that may affect their attendance or performance at work. The Employer is committed to providing support to staff that experience family and domestic violence. An employee will not be treated any differently because of their disclosure of, experience of, or perceived experience of, family violence.
(b) For the purpose of this clause, family and domestic violence includes acts or threats of violence, not including acts of self-defence, committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim, by a person who is or has been in a continuing social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, or a person who is or has continually or at regular intervals lived in the same household as the victim. To avoid doubt, this definition includes physical, sexual, financial, verbal or emotional abuse by a family member.
(c) To access the provisions of this clause, an employee must provide evidence that would demonstrate their eligibility. Such evidence may include a document issued by the police service, a court, a medical practitioner, a family violence support service, a lawyer, a counselling professional or a statutory declaration.
(d) Upon receipt of a reasonable request from an employee who has satisfied the criteria of this clause, the Employer, will, subject to operational requirements facilitate flexible working arrangements, which may include: · changes to rostered shifts and/or work location; · changes to telephone numbers and/or email addresses; and · any other appropriate measure including those available under existing provisions for family friendly and flexible work arrangements. An employee experiencing family and domestic violence may be referred to the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and/or other local resources that include professionals trained specifically in family and domestic violence.
(e) A full time or part time employee who has established evidence of being the victim of family or domestic violence is entitled to 10 days per year of paid family and domestic violence leave. Casual employees will be entitled to unpaid family and domestic violence leave. An eligible employee, experiencing family and domestic violence is entitled to access family and domestic violence leave for the purpose o...
36.1 In recognition that Employees sometimes face situations of violence or abuse in their personal life that may affect their attendance or performance at work Main Roads has agreed to the leave which is the subject of this clause. Main Roads is committed to providing support to Employees that experience family and domestic violence.
36.2 An Employee will not be discriminated against or have adverse action taken against them because of their disclosure of, experience of, or perceived experience of, family and domestic violence.
36.3 Main Roads does not tolerate Employees perpetrating family and domestic violence in or from the workplace. Employees must not use work facilities to perpetrate family and domestic violence. Any such conduct is a breach of employment obligations and any Employees who do so will face disciplinary action.
FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. 76.1. The ABS is committed to supporting Interviewers affected by family and domestic violence. Interviewers are encouraged to discuss which avenues of support are available with their line management or People Services.
76.2. Leave is available to Interviewers affected by family and domestic violence, or to provide support to a member of their family who is affected by family and domestic violence. Interviewers (except non-ongoing Interviewers engaged on an irregular or intermittent contracts) can apply for paid Miscellaneous Leave to cover absences for the purpose of, but not limited to:
(a) illness or injury resulting from family and domestic violence;
(b) providing care or support to a family or household member who is affected by family and domestic violence;
(c) attending appropriate medical and/or counselling appointments relating to family and domestic violence;
(d) obtaining legal advice relating to family and domestic violence;
(e) attending court hearings relating to family and domestic violence;
(f) attending police appointments relating to family and domestic violence;
(g) attending to urgent issues arising through property damage that is a consequence of family and domestic violence;
(h) accessing alternative accommodation as a consequence of family and domestic violence;
(i) attending to personal affairs such as arranging new bank accounts as a consequence of family and domestic violence;
(j) arranging alternative childcare or schooling for children as a consequence of family and domestic violence.
76.3. Non-ongoing Interviewers engaged on an irregular or intermittent contract are entitled to access leave without pay for family and domestic violence purposes.
76.4. These provisions apply in addition to any entitlements available under the National Employment Standards.
76.5. Where documentary evidence is required for absences related to family and domestic violence, the Interviewer’s line management, or People Services officer, and Interviewer will discuss and agree on options. This may include statements from the police, courts or a legal representative, or statutory declarations.
76.6. Where an Interviewer affected by family and domestic violence does not feel comfortable discussing their absence with their line management, they may contact People Services who can authorise the absence. A person acting on behalf of an Interviewer may also contact the Interviewer’s line management or People Services to advise them of an absence under this c...